Janna W.S. Engineering heat transfer (Boca Raton, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJanna W.S. Engineering heat transfer. - 3rd ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009. - (various pagings): ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-1-4200-7202-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv
Acknowledgments .............................................. xvii
Author ........................................................ xix
1  Fundamental Concepts
   1.1  Introduction .......................................... 1-1
   1.2  Mechanisms of Heat Transfer ........................... 1-1
   1.3  Dimensions and Units .................................. 1-3
   1.4  Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction ...................... 1-5
   1.5  Thermal Conductivity .................................. 1-8
   1.6  Convection Heat Transfer ............................. 1-13
   1.7  Convection Heat-Transfer Coefficient ................. 1-16
   1.8  Radiation Heat Transfer .............................. 1-18
   1.9  Emissivity and Other Radiative Properties ............ 1-20
   1.10 Combined Heat-Transfer Mechanisms .................... 1-21
   1.11 Summary .............................................. 1-23
   1.12 Problems ............................................. 1-24
        1.12.1 Introduction to Conduction .................... 1-24
        1.12.2 Introduction to Convection .................... 1-26
        1.12.3 Introduction to Radiation ..................... 1-27
        1.12.4 Combined Mechanism Problems ................... 1-29
2  Steady-State Conduction in One Dimension
   2.1  Introduction .......................................... 2-1
   2.2  One-Dimensional Conduction Equation ................... 2-2
   2.3  Plane Geometry Systems ................................ 2-5
        2.3.1  Thermal Circuit ................................ 2-7
        2.3.2  Materials in Series ........................... 2-10
        2.3.3  Materials in Parallel ......................... 2-13
        2.3.4  Plane Wall with Heat Generation ............... 2-16
        2.3.5  Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient ............. 2-18
   2.4  Polar Cylindrical Geometry Systems ................... 2-21
        2.4.1  Pipe and Tube Specifications .................. 2-24
        2.4.2  Materials in Series ........................... 2-26
        2.4.3  Cylinder with Heat Generation ................. 2-29
        2.4.4  Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficient ............. 2-31
        2.4.5  Critical Thickness of Insulation .............. 2-34
   2.5  Spherical Geometry Systems ........................... 2-37
   2.6  Thermal Contact Resistance ........................... 2-39
   2.7  Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces ................. 2-44
        2.7.1  General Differential Equation for Extended
               Surfaces ...................................... 2-45
        2.7.2  Analysis of Pin Fin ........................... 2-48
        2.7.3  Analysis of Straight Fin of Rectangular
               Profile ....................................... 2-58
        2.7.4  Straight Fins of Triangular and Parabolic
               Profile ....................................... 2-61
        2.7.5  Circular Fin of Rectangular Profile ........... 2-65
   2.8  Summary .............................................. 2-70
   2.9  Problems ............................................. 2-71
        2.9.1  One-Dimensional Planar Conduction ............. 2-71
        2.9.2  One-Dimensional Conduction in Polar
               Coordinates ................................... 2-75
        2.9.3  Internal Heat Generation ...................... 2-76
        2.9.4  One-Dimensional Conduction in Spherical
               Coordinates ................................... 2-77
        2.9.5  Contact Resistance ............................ 2-77
        2.9.6  Pin Fins ...................................... 2-79
        2.9.7  Straight Fins ................................. 2-81
        2.9.8  Circular Fins ................................. 2-84
3  Steady-State Conduction in Multiple Dimensions
   3.1  Introduction .......................................... 3-1
   3.2  General Conduction Equation ........................... 3-1
        3.2.1  Cartesian Coordinates .......................... 3-1
   3.3  Analytical Method of Solution ......................... 3-3
   3.4  Graphical Method of Solution ......................... 3-10
   3.5  Conduction Shape Factor .............................. 3-15
   3.6  Solution by Numerical Methods (Finite
        Differences) ......................................... 3-24
        3.6.1  Normalization of Equations .................... 3-25
        3.6.2  Numerical Method of Solution for One-
               Dimensional Problems .......................... 3-26
   3.7  Numerical Method of Solution for Two-Dimensional
        Problems ............................................. 3-37
   3.8  Methods of Solving Simultaneous Equations ............ 3-47
   3.9  Summary .............................................. 3-52
   3.10 Problems ............................................. 3-53
        3.10.1  Analytical Methods ........................... 3-53
        3.10.2  Field Plotting: Graphical Method ............. 3-54
        3.10.3  Shape Factor Method: Charts .................. 3-58
        3.10.4  Normalization/Transformation of Equations .... 3-61
        3.10.5  Numerical Methods for One-Dimensional
                Problems ..................................... 3-63
        3.10.6  Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional
                Problems ..................................... 3-64
4  Unsteady-State Heat Conduction
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 4-1
   4.2  Systems with Negligible Internal Resistance ........... 4-2
   4.3  Systems with Finite Internal and Surface
        Resistances ........................................... 4-8
   4.4  Solutions to Multidimensional Geometry Systems ....... 4-26
   4.5  Approximate Methods of Solution to Transient-
        Conduction Problems .................................. 4-35
        4.5.1  Numerical Methods ............................. 4-35
        4.5.2  Graphical Method .............................. 4-46
   4.6  Summary .............................................. 4-50
   4.7  Problems ............................................. 4-50
        4.7.1  Lumped Capacitance Method ..................... 4-50
        4.7.2  Chart Solutions: Slabs, Cylinders, Spheres .... 4-51
        4.7.3  Semi-Infinite Slabs ........................... 4-53
        4.7.4  Multidimensional Problems ..................... 4-53
        4.7.5  Numerical Methods ............................. 4-54
        4.7.6  Graphical Methods ............................. 4-54
        4.7.7  Project Problems .............................. 4-55
5  Introduction to Convection
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 5-1
   5.2  Fluid Properties ...................................... 5-1
        5.2.1  Absolute Viscosity ............................. 5-2
        5.2.2  Pressure ....................................... 5-3
        5.2.3  Density ........................................ 5-3
        5.2.4  Kinematic Viscosity ............................ 5-4
        5.2.5  Surface Tension ................................ 5-5
        5.2.6  Internal Energy ................................ 5-5
        5.2.7  Enthalpy ....................................... 5-5
        5.2.8  Specific Heat .................................. 5-6
        5.2.9  Compressibility Factor ......................... 5-7
        5.2.10 Volumetric Thermal-Expansion Coefficient ....... 5-8
   5.3  Characteristics of Fluid Flow ......................... 5-9
   5.4  Equations of Fluid Mechanics ......................... 5-10
        5.4.1  Continuity Equation ........................... 5-10
        5.4.2  Momentum Equation (or Equation of Motion) ..... 5-11
   5.5  Thermal-Energy Equation .............................. 5-17
   5.6  Applications to Laminar Flows ........................ 5-20
   5.7  Applications to Turbulent Flows ...................... 5-23
   5.8  Natural-Convection Problem ........................... 5-24
   5.9  Dimensional Analysis ................................. 5-28
        5.9.1  Internal Flows ................................ 5-31
        5.9.2  External Flows ................................ 5-32
        5.9.3  Natural Convection ............................ 5-33
   5.10 Summary .............................................. 5-34
   5.11 Problems ............................................. 5-36
        5.11.1 Fluid Properties .............................. 5-36
        5.11.2 Momentum Equation ............................. 5-36
        5.11.3 Thermal-Energy Equation ....................... 5-37
        5.11.4 Dimensional Analysis .......................... 5-39
        5.11.5 Miscellaneous Problems ........................ 5-40
6  Convection Heat Transfer in a Closed Conduit
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 6-1
   6.2  Heat Transfer to and from Laminar Flow in Circular
        Conduit ............................................... 6-1
        6.2.1  Constant Heat Flux at Wall ..................... 6-3
        6.2.2  Constant Wall Temperature ..................... 6-11
        6.2.3  Thermal Entry Length .......................... 6-17
        6.2.4  Combined-Entry-Length Problem for Laminar
               Flow in Circular Duct ......................... 6-26
   6.3  Heat Transfer to and from Turbulent Flow in
        Circular Conduit ..................................... 6-31
        6.3.1  Constant Heat Flux at Wall and Constant
               Wall Temperature .............................. 6-32
   6.4  Heat-Transfer Correlations for Flow in Noncircular
        Ducts ................................................ 6-37
        6.4.1  Concentric Annular Duct ....................... 6-38
        6.4.2  Rectangular Cross Sections .................... 6-41
   6.5  Summary .............................................. 6-43
   6.6  Problems ............................................. 6-43
        6.6.1  Entrance Length ............................... 6-43
        6.6.2  Constant Wall Flux ............................ 6-45
        6.6.3  Constant Wall Temperature ..................... 6-46
        6.6.4  Empirical Correlations ........................ 6-48
        6.5.1  Noncircular Cross Sections .................... 6-52
        6.6.1  Derivations and Theoretical Problems .......... 6-53
7  Convection Heat Transfer in Flows Past Immersed Bodies
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 7-1
   7.2  Boundary-Layer Flow ................................... 7-1
        7.2.1  Laminar-Boundary-Layer Flow over Flat
               Plate ......................................... 7-4
        7.2.2  Constant Wall Temperature ..................... 7-10
        7.2.3  Constant Wall Flux ............................ 7-17
        7.2.4  General Relationship .......................... 7-21
        7.2.5  Reynolds Analogy .............................. 7-21
   7.3  Turbulent Flow over Flat Plate ....................... 7-23
        7.3.1  Laminar and Turbulent Flow over Flat
               Plate ......................................... 7-24
   7.4  Flow Past Various Two-Dimensional Bodies ............. 7-31
   7.5  Flow Past a Bank of Tubes ............................ 7-42
   7.6  Flow Past a Sphere ................................... 7-49
   7.7  Summary .............................................. 7-50
   7.8  Problems ............................................. 7-52
        7.8.1  Flow Past a Flat Plate ........................ 7-52
        7.8.2  Reynolds-Colburn Analogy ...................... 7-53
        7.8.3  Flow Past Two-Dimensional Bodies .............. 7-53
        7.8.4  Flow Past a Tube Bank ......................... 7-55
        7.8.5  Derivations ................................... 7-56
8  Natural-Convection Systems
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 8-1
   8.2  Natural Convection on a Vertical Surface: Laminar
        Flow .................................................. 8-2
   8.3  Natural Convection on a Vertical Surface:
        Transition and Turbulence ............................ 8-14
   8.4  Natural Convection on an Inclined Flat Plate ......... 8-16
   8.5  Natural Convection on a Horizontal Flat Surface ...... 8-19
   8.6  Natural Convection on Cylinders ...................... 8-22
        8.6.1  Vertical Cylinders ............................ 8-22
        8.6.2  Horizontal Cylinders .......................... 8-23
        8.6.3  Inclined Cylinders ............................ 8-25
   8.7  Natural Convection around Spheres and Blocks ......... 8-25
   8.8  Natural Convection about an Array of Fins ............ 8-28
   8.9  Combined Forced- and Natural-Convection Systems ...... 8-31
   8.10 Summary .............................................. 8-32
   8.11 Problems ............................................. 8-32
        8.11.1 Natural Convection: Vertical Plane
               Surfaces ...................................... 8-32
        8.11.2 Natural Convection: Inclined Surfaces ......... 8-35
        8.11.3 Natural Convection: Horizontal Plane
               Surfaces ...................................... 8-35
        8.11.4 Natural Convection: Cylinders ................. 8-36
        8.11.5 Natural Convection: Miscellaneous
               Geometries and Problems ....................... 8-38
        8.11.6 Natural Convection: Fins ...................... 8-39
        8.11.7 Derivations ................................... 8-40
   8.12 Project Problems ..................................... 8-43
9  Heat Exchangers
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 9-1
   9.2  Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers ........................... 9-2
        9.2.1  Circular Duct .................................. 9-9
        9.2.2  Annular Duct .................................. 9-10
        9.2.3  Fouling Factors ............................... 9-14
   9.3  Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ....................... 9-19
        9.3.1  Shells ........................................ 9-20
        9.3.2  Tubes ......................................... 9-20
        9.3.3  Baffles ....................................... 9-23
        9.3.4  Modifications ................................. 9-23
        9.3.5  Tube Side ..................................... 9-25
        9.3.6  Shell Side .................................... 9-27
        9.3.7  True Temperature Difference ................... 9-29
   9.4  Effectiveness-Number of Transfer Units Method of
        Analysis ............................................. 9-36
        9.4.1  Effectiveness-Number of Transfer Units
               Equations ..................................... 9-38
   9.5  Crossflow Heat Exchangers ............................ 9-42
   9.6  Efficiency of a Heat Exchanger ....................... 9-50
   9.7  Summary .............................................. 9-51
        9.7.1  Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers Suggested Order
               of Calculations ............................... 9-51
        9.7.2  Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Suggested
               Order of Calculations ......................... 9-54
        9.7.3  Crossflow Heat Exchangers Suggested Order
               of Calculations ............................... 9-56
   9.8  Problems ............................................. 9-58
        9.8.1  Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers ................... 9-58
        9.8.2  Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ................ 9-61
        9.8.3  Crossflow Heat Exchangers ..................... 9-63
        9.8.4  Miscellaneous Problems and Equations .......... 9-65
10 Condensation and Vaporization Heat Transfer
   10.1 Introduction ......................................... 10-1
   10.2 Condensation Heat Transfer ........................... 10-1
        10.2.1 Laminar Film Condensation on a Vertical
               Flat Surface .................................. 10-2
        10.2.2 Turbulent Film Condensation on Vertical
               Flat Surface ................................. 10-10
        10.2.3 Laminar Film Condensation on an Inclined
               Flat Surface ................................. 10-10
        10.2.4 Film Condensation on a Vertical Tube ......... 10-11
        10.2.5 Film Condensation on a Horizontal Tube and
               on a Horizontal Tube Bank .................... 10-12
        10.2.6 Film Condensation within Horizontal Tubes .... 10-14
   10.3 Boiling Heat Transfer ............................... 10-15
        10.3.1 Nucleate Pool Boiling ........................ 10-19
        10.3.2 Nucleate Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux ..... 10-19
   10.4 Summary ............................................. 10-23
   10.5 Problems ............................................ 10-23
        10.5.1 Filmwise Condensation-Flat Plates ............ 10-23
        10.5.2 Condensation on Tubes ........................ 10-25
        10.5.3 Boiling ...................................... 10-26
11 Introduction to Radiation Heat Transfer
   11.1 Introduction ......................................... 11-1
   11.2 Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum ................... 11-2
   11.3 Emission and Absorption at the Surface of an
        Opaque Solid ......................................... 11-3
   11.4 Radiation Intensity .................................. 11-5
   11.5 Irradiation andRadiosity ............................. 11-9
   11.6 Radiation Laws ...................................... 11-14
        11.6.1 Kirchhoffs Law ............................... 11-14
        11.6.2 Stefan-Boltzmann Law ......................... 11-15
        11.6.3 Planck's Distribution Law .................... 11-18
        11.6.4 Wien's Displacement Law ...................... 11-23
   11.7 Characteristics of Real Surfaces .................... 11-24
        11.7.1 Absorptivity and Reflectivity ................ 11-27
        11.7.2 Transmissivity ............................... 11-28
   11.8 Summary ............................................. 11-31
   11.9 Problems ............................................ 11-31
        11.9.1 Radiation Spectrum ........................... 11-31
        11.9.2 Radiation Intensity .......................... 11-33
        11.9.3 Radiation andRadiosity ....................... 11-35
        11.9.4 Radiation Laws ............................... 11-35
        11.9.5 Characteristics of Real Surfaces ............. 11-36
12 Radiation Heat Transfer between Surfaces
   12.1 Introduction ......................................... 12-1
   12.2 View Factor .......................................... 12-1
        12.2.1 View Factor between Two Differential
               Elements ...................................... 12-2
        12.2.2 View Factor between Differential Element
               and Finite Area ............................... 12-4
        12.2.3 View Factors for Two Finite Areas ............. 12-6
   12.3 Methods for Evaluating View Factors .................. 12-6
        12.3.1 View-Factor Algebra for Pairs of Surfaces ..... 12-7
        12.3.2 View-Factor Algebra for Enclosures ........... 12-15
        12.3.3 Crossed-String Method ........................ 12-17
   12.4 Radiation Heat Transfer within Enclosure of Black
        Surfaces ............................................ 12-20
   12.5 Radiation Heat Transfer within an Enclosure of
        Diffuse-Gray Surfaces ............................... 12-24
        12.5.1 Surface Heating and Surface Temperature ...... 12-26
        12.5.2 Radiosity and Surface Temperature ............ 12-30
        12.5.3 Electrical Analogy ........................... 12-31
   12.6 Summary ............................................. 12-36
   12.7 Problems ............................................ 12-37
        12.7.1 View Factor and Heat Transfer Radiation ...... 12-37
        12.7.2 Radiation in Enclosure of Black Surfaces ..... 12-41
        12.7.3 Radiation in Enclosure of Diffuse-Gray
               Surfaces ..................................... 12-42
   12.8 Project Problems .................................... 12-45

Bibliography and Selected References .......................... B-l

Appendixes .................................................... A-l
   A.l  Prefixes .............................................. A-l
   A.2  Conversion Factors Listed by Physical Quantity ........ A-l
   A.3  Temperature Conversions ............................... A-3
   A.4  Hyperbolic Functions .................................. A-3
   A.5  Error Function or Probability Integral ................ A-6
   A.6  Symbols and Units ..................................... A-8
   B.l  Thermal Properties of Selected Metallic Elements
        at 293 К (20°C) or 528°R (65°F) ....................... A-9
   B.2  Thermal Properties of Selected Alloys at 293 К
        (20°C) or 528°R (65°F) ............................... A-10
   B.3  Thermal Properties of Selected Building Materials
        and Insulations at 293 К (20°C) or 528°R (65°F) ...... A-ll
   C.l  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Ammonia NH3 ......... A-13
   C.2  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Carbon Dioxide
        CO2 .................................................. A-14
   C.3  Properties of Saturated Liquids:
        Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12) CC12F2 ............ A-15
   C.4  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Engine Oil
        (Unused) ............................................. A-16
   C.5  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Ethylene Glycol
        C2H4(OH2) ............................................ A-16
   C.6  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Eutectic Calcium
        Chloride Solution (29.9% CaCl2) ...................... A-17
   C.7  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Glycerin
        C3H5(OH)3 ............................................ A-17
   C.8  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Mercury Hg .......... A-18
   C.9  Properties of Saturated Liquids: Methyl Cloride
        Ch3Cl ................................................ A-18
   C.10 Properties of Saturated Liquids: Sulfur dioxide
        SO2 .................................................. A-19
   C.ll Properties of Saturated Liquids: Water H2O ........... A-20
   D.l  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure
        (101.3 kPa = 14.7 psia): Air [Gas constant =
        286.8 J/(kg · K) = 53.3 ft · lbf/lbm · °R; γ =
        cp/cv = 1.4] ......................................... A-21
   D.2  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure (101.3
        kPa = 14.7 psia): Carbon Dioxide [Gas constant =
        188.9 J/(kg · K) = 35.11 ft-lbf/lbm · °R; γ =
        cp/cv = 1.30] ........................................ A-22
   D.3  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure (101.3
        kPa = 14.7 psia): Helium [Gas constant = 2 077
        J/(kg · K) = 386 ft · lbf/lbm · °R; γ = cp/cv =
        1.66] ................................................ A-22
   D.4  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure
        (101.3 kPa = 14.7 psia): Hydrogen [Gas constant =
        4 126 J/(kg · K) = 767 ft ¦ lbf/lbm · °R; γ =
        cp/cv = 1.405] ....................................... A-23
   D.5  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure (101.3
        kPa = 14.7 psia): Nitrogen [Gas constant = 296.8
        J/(kg · K) = 55.16 ft · lbf/lbm · °R; γ = cp/cv =
        1.40] ................................................ A-24
   D.6  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure (101.3
        kPa =14.7 psia): Oxygen [Gas constant = 260
        J/(kg · K) = 48.3 ft · lbf/lbm · °R; γ = cp/cv =
        1.40] ................................................ A-24
   D.7  Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure (101.3
        kPa = 14.7 psia): Water Vapor or Steam [Gas
        constant = 461.5 J/(kg · K) = 85.78 ft · lbf/lbm
        · °R; γ = cp/cv = 1.33] .............................. A-25
   E.l  Normal Emissivity of Various Metals .................. A-26
   E.2  Normal or Total (Hemispherical) Emissivity of
        Various Nonmetallic Solids ........................... A-26
   F.l   Dimensions of Wrought-Steel and Wrought-Iron
         Pipe ................................................ A-27

   F.2   Dimensions of Seamless Copper Tubing ................ A-29
   G.l  The Greek Alphabet ................................... A-30

Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems .................... A-31

Index ......................................................... 1-1

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