Hemmer M.C. Expert systems in chemistry research (Boca Raton: CRC; London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаHemmer M.C. Expert systems in chemistry research. - Boca Raton: CRC; London: Taylor & Francis, 2008. - xxii, 393 p.: ill. - Inc. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.367-393. - ISBN 1-4200-5323-X; ISBN-13 978-1-4200-5323-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xvii
Acknowledgments ............................................... xix
Trademark Information ......................................... xxi

Chapter 1  Introduction ......................................... 1
1.1  Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2  What We Are Talking About .................................. 1
1.3  The Concise Summary ........................................ 3
1.4  Some Initial Thoughts ...................................... 3
References ...................................................... 8

Chapter 2  Basic Concepts of Expert Systems ..................... 9
2.1  What Are Expert Systems? ................................... 9
2.2  The Conceptual Design of an Expert System ................. 10
2.3  Knowledge and Knowledge Representation .................... 12
     2.3.1  Rules .............................................. 12
     2.3.2  Semantic Networks .................................. 14
     2.3.3  Frames ............................................. 16
     2.3.4  Advantages of Rules ................................ 18
   Declarative Language ....................... 18
   Separation of Business Logic and Data ...... 18
   Centralized Knowledge Base ................. 18
   Performance and Scalability ................ 19
     2.3.5  When to Use Rules .................................. 19
2.4  Reasoning ................................................. 20
     2.4.1  The Inference Engine ............................... 20
     2.4.2  Forward and Backward Chaining ...................... 22
     2.4.3  Case-Based Reasoning ............................... 22
2.5  The Fuzzy World ........................................... 24
     2.5.1  Certainty Factors .................................. 24
     2.5.2  Fuzzy Logic ........................................ 25
     2.5.3  Hidden Markov Models ............................... 26
     2.5.4  Working with Probabilities - Bayesian Networks ..... 27
     2.5.5  Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence ................. 28
2.6  Gathering Knowledge - Knowledge Engineering ............... 29
2.7  Concise Summary ........................................... 31
References ..................................................... 32

Chapter 3  Development Tools for Expert Systems ................ 35
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 35
3.2  The Technical Design of Expert Systems .................... 35
     3.2.1  Knowledge Base ..................................... 35
     3.2.2  Working Memory ..................................... 35
     3.2.3  Inference Engine ................................... 36
     3.2.4  User Interface ..................................... 36
3.3  Imperative versus Declarative Programming ................. 37
3.4  List Processing (LISP) .................................... 40
3.5  Programming Logic (PROLOG) ................................ 41
     3.5.1  PROLOG Facts ....................................... 41
     3.5.2  PROLOG Rules ....................................... 42
3.6  National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's)
     Alternative - C Language Integrated Production System
     (CLIPS) ................................................... 43
     3.6.1  CLIPS Facts ........................................ 44
     3.6.2  CLIPS Rules ........................................ 45
3.7  Java-Based Expert Systems - JESS .......................... 47
3.8  Rule Engines - JBoss Rules ................................ 48
3.9  Languages for Knowledge Representation .................... 49
     3.9.1  Classification of Individuals and Concepts
            (CLASSIC) .......................................... 50
     3.9.2  Knowledge Machine .................................. 51
3.10 Advanced Development Tools ................................ 53
     3.10.1 XpertRule .......................................... 55
     3.10.2 Rule Interpreter (RI) .............................. 56
3.11 Concise Summary ........................................... 57
References ..................................................... 58

Chapter 4  Dealing with Chemical Information ................... 61
4.1  Introduction .............................................. 61
4.2  Structure Representation .................................. 61
     4.2.1  Connection Tables (CTs) ............................ 61
     4.2.2  Connectivity Matrices .............................. 62
     4.2.3  Linear Notations ................................... 63
     4.2.4  Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry
            Specification (SMILES) ............................. 63
     4.2.5  SMILES Arbitrary Target Specification (SMARTS) ..... 64
4.3  Searching for Chemical Structures ......................... 64
     4.3.1  Identity Search versus Substructure Search ......... 64
     4.3.2  Isomorphism Algorithms ............................. 65
     4.3.3  Prescreening ....................................... 66
     4.3.4  Hash Coding ........................................ 66
     4.3.5  Stereospecific Search .............................. 67
     4.3.6  Tautomer Search .................................... 67
     4.3.7  Specifying a Query Structure ....................... 68
4.4  Describing Molecules ...................................... 69
     4.4.1  Basic Requirements for Molecular Descriptors ....... 70
   Independency of Atom Labeling .............. 71
   Rotational/Translational Invariance ........ 71
   Unambiguous Algorithmically Computable
                    Definition ................................. 71
   Range of Values ............................ 71
     4.4.2  Desired Properties of Molecular Descriptors ........ 72
   Reversible Encoding ........................ 73
     4.4.3  Approaches for Molecular Descriptors ............... 73
     4.4.4  Constitutional Descriptors ......................... 73
     4.4.5  Topological Descriptors ............................ 74
     4.4.6  Topological Autocorrelation Vectors ................ 74
     4.4.7  Fragment-Based Coding .............................. 75
     4.4.8  3D Molecular Descriptors ........................... 76
     4.4.9  3D Molecular Representation Based on Electron
            Diffraction ........................................ 77
     4.4.10 Radial Distribution Functions ...................... 77
     4.4.11 Finding the Appropriate Descriptor ................. 78
4.5  Descriptive Statistics .................................... 79
     4.5.1  Basic Terms ........................................ 79
   Standard Deviation (SD) .................... 79
   Variance ................................... 79
   Covariance ................................. 80
   Covariance Matrix .......................... 80
   Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors ............... 80
     4.5.2 Measures of Similarity .............................. 81
     4.5.3 Skewness and Kurtosis ............................... 83
     4.5.4 Limitations of Regression ........................... 85
     4.5.5 Conclusions for Investigations of Descriptors ....... 86
4.6  Capturing Relationships - Principal Components ............ 87
     4.6.1  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ................. 87
   Centering the Data ......................... 89
   Calculating the Covariance Matrix .......... 89
     4.6.2  Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) ................. 91
     4.6.3  Factor Analysis .................................... 94
4.7  Transforming Descriptors .................................. 95
     4.7.1  Fourier Transform .................................. 95
     4.7.2  Hadamard Transform ................................. 96
     4.7.3  Wavelet Transform .................................. 96
     4.7.4  Discrete Wavelet Transform ......................... 97
     4.7.5  Daubechies Wavelets ................................ 98
     4.7.6  The Fast Wavelet Transform ......................... 99
4.8  Learning from Nature - Artificial Neural Networks ........ 102
     4.8.1  Artificial Neural Networks in a Nutshell .......... 103
     4.8.2  Kohonen Neural Networks - The Classifiers ......... 105
     4.8.3  Counterpropagation (CPG) Neural Networks -
            The Predictors .................................... 107
     4.8.4  The Tasks: Classification and Modeling ............ 109
4.9  Genetic Algorithms (GAs) ................................. 110
4.10 Concise Summary .......................................... 112
References .................................................... 115

Chapter 5  Applying Molecular Descriptors ..................... 119
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 119
5.2  Radial Distribution Functions (RDFs) ..................... 119
     5.2.1  Radial Distribution Function ...................... 119
     5.2.2  Smoothing and Resolution .......................... 120
     5.2.3  Resolution and Probability ........................ 122
5.3  Making Things Comparable - Postprocessing of RDF
     Descriptors .............................................. 123
     5.3.1  Weighting ......................................... 123
     5.3.2  Normalization ..................................... 124
     5.3.3  Remark on Linear Scaling .......................... 124
5.4  Adding Properties - Property-Weighted Functions .......... 125
     5.4.1  Static Atomic Properties .......................... 125
     5.4.2  Dynamic Atomic Properties ......................... 126
     5.4.3  Property Products versus Averaged Properties ...... 126
5.5  Describing Patterns ...................................... 128
     5.5.1  Distance Patterns ................................. 129
     5.5.2  Frequency Patterns ................................ 129
     5.5.3  Binary Patterns ................................... 130
     5.5.4  Aromatic Patterns ................................. 130
     5.5.5  Pattern Repetition ................................ 130
     5.5.6  Symmetry Effects .................................. 130
     5.5.7  Pattern Matching with Binary Patterns ............. 131
5.6  From the View of an Atom - Local and Restricted RDF
     Descriptors .............................................. 131
     5.6.1  Local RDF Descriptors ............................. 132
     5.6.2  Atom-Specific RDF Descriptors ..................... 132
5.7  Straight or Detour — Distance Function Types ............. 133
     5.7.1  Cartesian RDF ..................................... 133
     5.7.2  Bond-Path RDF ..................................... 133
     5.7.3  Topological Path RDF .............................. 134
5.8  Constitution and Conformation ............................ 135
5.9  Constitution and Molecular Descriptors ................... 136
5.10 Constitution and Local Descriptors ....................... 139
5.11 Constitution and Conformation in Statistical
     Evaluations .............................................. 140
5.12 Extending the Dimension - Multidimensional Function
     Types .................................................... 145
5.13 Emphasizing the Essential - Wavelet Transforms ........... 147
     5.13.1 Single-Level Transforms ........................... 150
     5.13.2 Wavelet-Compressed Descriptors .................... 151
5.14 A Tool for Generation and Evaluation of RDF
     Descriptors - ARC ........................................ 151
     5.14.1 Loading Structure Information ..................... 153
     5.14.2 The Default Code Settings ......................... 153
     5.14.3 Calculation and Investigation of a Single
            Descriptor ........................................ 154
     5.14.4 Calculation and Investigation of Multiple
            Descriptor Sets ................................... 155
     5.14.5 Binary Comparison ................................. 155
     5.14.6 Correlation Matrices .............................. 155
     5.14.7 Training a Neural Network ......................... 155
     5.14.8 Investigation of Trained Network .................. 157
     5.14.9 Prediction and Classification for a Test Set ...... 157
5.15 Synopsis ................................................. 157
     5.15.1 Similarity and Diversity of Molecules ............. 162
     5.15.2 Structure and Substructure Search ................. 162
     5.15.3 Structure-Property Relationships .................. 162
     5.15.4 Structure-Activity Relationships .................. 162
     5.15.5 Structure-Spectrum Relationships .................. 162
5.16 Concise Summary .......................................... 163
References .................................................... 165

Chapter 6  Expert Systems in Fundamental Chemistry ............ 167
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 167
6.2  How It Began - The DENDRAL Project ....................... 167
     6.2.1  The Generator - CONGEN ............................ 168
     6.2.2  The Constructor - PLANNER ......................... 168
     6.2.3  The Testing - PREDICTOR ........................... 169
     6.2.4  Other DENDRAL Programs ............................ 171
6.3  A Forerunner in Medical Diagnostics ...................... 171
6.4  Early Approaches in Spectroscopy ......................... 175
     6.4.1  Early Approaches in Vibrational Spectroscopy ...... 176
     6.4.2  Artificial Neural Networks for Spectrum
            Interpretation .................................... 177
6.5  Creating Missing Information - Infrared Spectrum
     Simulation ............................................... 178
     6.5.1  Spectrum Representation ........................... 178
     6.5.2  Compression with Fast Fourier Transform ........... 179
     6.5.3  Compression with Fast Hadamard Transform .......... 179
6.6  From the Spectrum to the Structure - Structure
     Prediction ............................................... 179
     6.6.1  The Database Approach ............................. 181
     6.6.2  Selection of Training Data ........................ 181
     6.6.3  Outline of the Method ............................. 182
   Preprocessing of Spectrum Information ..... 182
   Preprocessing of Structure Information .... 182
   Generation of a Descriptor Database ....... 182
   Training .................................. 182
   Prediction of the Radial Distribution
                    Function (RDF) Descriptor ................. 183
   Conversion of the RDF Descriptor .......... 184
     6.6.4  Examples for Structure Derivation ................. 184
     6.6.5  The Modeling Approach ............................. 187
     6.6.6  Improvement of the Descriptor ..................... 188
     6.6.7  Database Approach versus Modeling Approach ........ 189
6.7  From Structures to Properties ............................ 190
     6.7.1  Searching for Similar Molecules in a Data Set ..... 191
     6.7.2  Molecular Diversity of Data Sets .................. 193
   Average Descriptor Approach ............... 194
   Correlation Approach ...................... 194
     6.7.3  Prediction of Molecular Polarizability ............ 199
6.8  Dealing with Localized Information - Nuclear Magnetic
     Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy ............................. 201
     6.8.1  Commercially Available Products ................... 201
     6.8.2  Local Descriptors for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
            Spectroscopy ...................................... 202
     6.8.3  Selecting Descriptors by Evolution ................ 205
     6.8.4  Learning Chemical Shifts .......................... 206
     6.8.5  Predicting Chemical Shifts ........................ 207
6.9  Applications in Analytical Chemistry ..................... 208
     6.9.1  Gamma Spectrum Analysis ........................... 208
     6.9.2  Developing Analytical Methods - Thermal
            Dissociation of Compounds ......................... 209
     6.9.3  Eliminating the Unnecessary - Supporting
            Calibration ....................................... 215
6.10 Simulating Biology ....................................... 217
     6.10.1 Estimation of Biological Activity ................. 217
     6.10.2 Radioligand Binding Experiments ................... 218
     6.10.3 Effective and Inhibitory Concentrations ........... 219
     6.10.4 Prediction of Effective Concentrations ............ 221
     6.10.5 Progestagen Derivatives ........................... 221
     6.10.6 Calcium Agonists .................................. 223
     6.10.7 Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin (CBG) Steroids .... 224
     6.10.8 Mapping a Molecular Surface ....................... 226
6.11 Supporting Organic Synthesis ............................. 229
     6.11.1 Overview of Existing Systems ...................... 230
     6.11.2 Elaboration of Reactions for Organic Synthesis .... 232
     6.11.3 Kinetic Modeling in EROS .......................... 233
     6.11.4 Rules in EROS ..................................... 233
     6.11.5 Synthesis Planning - Workbench for
            the Organization of Data for Chemical
            Applications (WODCA) .............................. 234
6.12 Concise Summary .......................................... 236
References .................................................... 239

Chapter 7  Expert Systems in Other Areas of Chemistry ......... 247
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 247
7.2  Bioinformatics ........................................... 247
     7.2.1  Molecular Genetics (MOLGEN) ....................... 248
     7.2.2  Predicting Toxicology - Deductive Estimation of
            Risk from Existing Knowledge (DEREK) for
            Windows ........................................... 249
     7.2.3  Predicting Metabolism - Meteor .................... 251
     7.2.4  Estimating Biological Activity - APEX-3D .......... 251
     7.2.5  Identifying Protein Structures .................... 254
7.3  Environmental Chemistry .................................. 257
     7.3.1  Environmental Assessment - Green Chemistry
            Expert System (GCES) .............................. 257
     7.3.2  Synthetic Methodology Assessment for Reduction
            Techniques ........................................ 258
     7.3.3  Green Synthetic Reactions ......................... 259
     7.3.4  Designing Safer Chemicals ......................... 260
     7.3.5  Green Solvents/Reaction Conditions ................ 261
     7.3.6  Green Chemistry References ........................ 261
     7.3.7  Dynamic Emergency Management - Real-Time Expert
            System (RTXPS) .................................... 262
     7.3.8  Representing Facts - Descriptors .................. 262
     7.3.9  Changing Facts - Backward-Chaining Rules .......... 263
     7.3.10 Triggering Actions - Forward-Chaining Rules ....... 263
     7.3.11 Reasoning - The Inference Engine .................. 264
     7.3.12 A Combined Approach for Environmental
            Management ........................................ 265
     7.3.13 Assessing Environmental Impact - EIAxpert ......... 266
7.4  Geochemistry and Exploration ............................. 267
     7.4.1  Exploration ....................................... 267
     7.4.2  Geochemistry ...................................... 268
     7.4.3  X-Ray Phase Analysis .............................. 268
7.5  Engineering .............................................. 269
     7.5.1  Monitoring of Space-Based Systems - Thermal
            Expert System (TEXSYS) ............................ 269
     7.5.2  Chemical Equilibrium of Complex Mixtures - CEA .... 270
7.6  Concise Summary .......................................... 271
References .................................................... 274

Chapter 8  Expert Systems in the Laboratory Environment ....... 277
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 277
8.2  Regulations .............................................. 277
     8.2.1  Good Laboratory Practices ......................... 278
   Resources, Organization, and Personnel .... 278
   Rules, Protocols, and Written
                    Procedures ................................ 278
   Characterization .......................... 278
   Documentation ............................. 278
   Quality Assurance ......................... 279
     8.2.2  Good Automated Laboratory Practice (GALP) ......... 279
     8.2.3  Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures
            (21 CFR Part 11) .................................. 280
8.3  The Software Development Process ......................... 281
     8.3.1  From the Requirements to the Implementation ....... 282
   Analyzing the Requirements ................ 282
   Specifying What Has to Be Done ............ 282
   Defining the Software Architecture ........ 282
   Programming ............................... 282
   Testing the Outcome ....................... 283
   Documenting the Software .................. 283
   Supporting the User ....................... 283
   Maintaining the Software .................. 283
     8.3.2  The Life Cycle of Software ........................ 283
8.4  Knowledge Management ..................................... 287
     8.4.1  General Considerations ............................ 287
     8.4.2  The Role of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) ... 288
     8.4.3  Architecture ...................................... 289
     8.4.4  The Knowledge Quality Management Team ............. 290
8.5  Data Warehousing ......................................... 290
8.6  The Basis - Scientific Data Management Systems ........... 293
8.7  Managing Samples - Laboratory Information Management
     Systems (LIMS) ........................................... 295
     8.7.1  LIMS Characteristics .............................. 296
     8.7.2  Why Use a LIMS? ................................... 297
     8.7.3  Compliance and Quality Assurance (QA) ............. 297
     8.7.4  The Basic LIMS .................................... 298
     8.7.5  A Functional Model ................................ 298
   Sample Tracking ........................... 298
   Sample Analysis ........................... 299
   Sample Organization ....................... 299
     8.7.6  Planning System ................................... 299
     8.7.7  The Controlling System ............................ 300
     8.7.8  The Assurance System .............................. 300
     8.7.9  What Else Can We Find in a LIMS? .................. 301
   Automatic Test Programs ................... 301
   Off-Line Client ........................... 301
   Stability Management ...................... 301
   Reference Substance Module ................ 302
   Recipe Administration ..................... 302
8.8  Tracking Workflows - Workflow Management Systems ......... 302
     8.8.1  Requirements ...................................... 303
     8.8.2  The Lord of the Runs .............................. 303
     8.8.3  Links and Logistics ............................... 304
     8.8.4  Supervisor and Auditor ............................ 304
     8.8.5  Interfacing ....................................... 305
8.9  Scientific Documentation - Electronic Laboratory
     Notebooks (ELNs) ......................................... 305
     8.9.1  The Electronic Scientific Document ................ 307
     8.9.2  Scientific Document Templates ..................... 309
     8.9.3  Reporting with ELNs ............................... 310
     8.9.4  Optional Tools in ELNs ............................ 310
8.10 Scientific Workspaces .................................... 312
     8.10.1 Scientific Workspace Managers ..................... 313
     8.10.2 Navigation and Organization in a Scientific
            Workspace ......................................... 315
     8.10.3 Using Metadata Effectively ........................ 315
     8.10.4 Working in Personal Mode .......................... 319
     8.10.5 Differences of Electronic Scientific Documents .... 319
8.11 Interoperability and Interfacing ......................... 320
     8.11.1 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) - Based
            Technologies ...................................... 320
   Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) ..... 321
   Universal Description, Discovery, and
                     Integration (UDDI) ....................... 321
   Web Services Description Language
                     (WSDL) ................................... 321
     8.11.2 Component Object Model (COM) Technologies ......... 321
     8.11.3 Connecting Instruments - Interface Port
            Solutions ......................................... 322
     8.11.4 Connecting Serial Devices ......................... 322
     8.11.5 Developing Your Own Connectivity - Software
            Development Kits (SDKs) ........................... 324
     8.11.6 Capturing Data — Intelligent Agents ............... 325
     8.11.7 The Inbox Concept ................................. 327
8.12 Access Rights and Administration ......................... 328
8.13 Electronic Signatures, Audit Trails, and IP Protection ... 329
     8.13.1 Signature Workflow ................................ 329
     8.13.2 Event Messaging ................................... 331
     8.13.3 Audit Trails and IP Protection .................... 331
     8.13.4 Hashing Data ...................................... 331
     8.13.5 Public Key Cryptography ........................... 332
   Secret Key Cryptography .................. 333
   Public Key Cryptography .................. 333
8.14 Approaches for Search and Reuse of Data and
     Information .............................................. 333
     8.14.1 Searching for Standard Data ....................... 334
     8.14.2 Searching with Data Cartridges .................... 334
     8.14.3 Mining for Data ................................... 335
     8.14.4 The Outline of a Data Mining Service for
            Chemistry ......................................... 336
   Search and Processing of Raw Data ........ 336
   Calculation of Descriptors ............... 337
   Analysis by Statistical Methods .......... 337
   Analysis by Artificial Neural Networks ... 337
   Optimization by Genetic Algorithms ....... 338
   Data Storage ............................. 338
   Expert Systems ........................... 338
8.15 A Bioinformatics LIMS Approach ........................... 338
     8.15.1 Managing Biotransformation Data ................... 339
     8.15.2 Describing Pathways ............................... 340
     8.15.3 Comparing Pathways ................................ 342
     8.15.4 Visualizing Biotransformation Studies ............. 343
     8.15.5 Storage of Biotransformation Data ................. 344
8.16 Handling Process Deviations .............................. 344
     8.16.1 Covered Business Processes ........................ 345
     8.16.2 Exception Recording ............................... 346
   Basic Information Entry .................. 346
   Risk Assessment .......................... 346
   Cause Analysis ........................... 347
   Corrective Actions ....................... 347
   Efficiency Checks ........................ 348
     8.16.3 Complaints Management ............................. 348
     8.16.4 Approaches for Expert Systems ..................... 349
8.17 Rule-Based Verification of User Input .................... 350
     8.17.1 Creating User Dialogues ........................... 350
     8.17.2 User Interface Designer (UID) ..................... 351
     8.17.3 The Final Step - Rule Generation .................. 354
8.18 Concise Summary .......................................... 354
References .................................................... 358

Chapter 9  Outlook ............................................ 361
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 361
9.2  Attempting a Definition .................................. 361
9.3  Some Critical Considerations ............................. 362
     9.3.1  The Comprehension Factor .......................... 363
     9.3.2  The Resistance Factor ............................. 363
     9.3.3  The Educational Factor ............................ 363
     9.3.4  The Usability Factor .............................. 364
     9.3.5  The Commercial Factor ............................. 365
9.4  Looking Forward .......................................... 365
Reference ..................................................... 366

Index ......................................................... 367

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