Casazza J. Understanding electric power systems: an overview of the technology, the marketplace, and government regulation (Piscataway, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCasazza J. Understanding electric power systems: an overview of the technology, the marketplace, and government regulation / J.Casazza, F.Delea. - 2nd ed. - Piscataway: IEEE Press; Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. - xix, 320 p.: ill., maps. - (IEEE Press understanding science & technology series). - Ind.: p.313-320. - ISBN 978-0-470-48418-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Second Edition .................................. xv
Acknowledgments ............................................... xix

Chapter 1. Benefits of Electric Power and a History of 
           the Electric Power Industry .......................... 1
1.1  Societal Benefits of Electricity ........................... 1
1.2  Origin of the Industry ..................................... 2
1.3  The Development of the National Electric Power Grid ........ 5
1.4  "The Golden Age" ........................................... 8
     Blackouts and the Reliability Crisis ....................... 9
     The Environmental Crises—The Shift to Low-Sulfur Oil ...... 10
     The Fuel Crisis—The Shift from Oil ........................ 10
     The Financial Crisis ...................................... 11
     The Legislative and Regulatory Crisis ..................... 12
1.5  Global Warming Crisis and Concerns about Carbon
     Emissions ................................................. 13
1.6  Restructuring, Competition, and the Industry Ownership
     Structure ................................................. 13

Chapter 2. The Electric Power System ........................... 15
2.1  The Customers ............................................. 16
2.2  Sources of the Electric Energy—Generation ................. 17
2.3  The Delivery System ....................................... 20
     Interconnections .......................................... 24
     The Grid .................................................. 24

Chapter 3. Basic Electric Power Concepts ....................... 27
3.1  Electric Energy ........................................... 28
3.2  Concepts Relating to the Flow of Electricity .............. 30
     Direct Current (DC) ....................................... 31
     Alternating Current (AC) .................................. 31
     Three Phases .............................................. 33
     Synchronism ............................................... 34
3.3  Characteristics of AC Systems ............................. 34
     Resistance ................................................ 34
     Induction and Inductive Reactance ......................... 35
     Capacitance and Capacitive Reactance ...................... 36
     Impedance ................................................. 38
3.4  Ohm's Law for Alternating Current ......................... 38
3.5  Power in Alternating Current Circuits ..................... 39
     Real Power ................................................ 40
     Reactive Power ............................................ 40
     Transformers .............................................. 42
3.6  Power Flow ................................................ 43
     Division of Power Flow .................................... 43
     Voltage Drop and Reactive Power Flow ...................... 44
3.7  Stability ................................................. 44
Automatic Generation Controls (AGC) ............................ 46
Results of Instability ......................................... 47

Chapter 4. Electric Energy Consumption ......................... 49
4.1  End Uses for Electricity .................................. 49
4.2  Customer Classes .......................................... 50
4.3  Rate Classes .............................................. 51
4.4  Demand and Energy ......................................... 51

Energy 52. Effects of Load Diversity ........................... 53
4.5  System Load ............................................... 55
     Load Management ........................................... 57
4.6  Reactive Load ............................................. 59
4.7  Losses and Unaccounted-For Energy in the Delivery
     System .................................................... 59
4.8  Forecasts ................................................. 61

Chapter 5. Electric Power Generation and Concerns About
           Greenhouse Gases .................................... 65
5.1  Generation's Role ......................................... 65
5.2  Types of Generation ....................................... 66
5.3  Thermal Conversion: Using Fuel as the Energy Resource ..... 69
     Steam Cycle—Steam Turbines ................................ 69
     Combustion (Gas) Turbines ................................. 70
     Combined Cycle ............................................ 71
     Nuclear ................................................... 72
     Reciprocating Engines ..................................... 73
     Microturbines ............................................. 74
     Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Cogeneration ............. 74
5.4  Thermal Conversion: Nonfuel Heat Sources .................. 74
     Geothermal ................................................ 74
     Solar Thermal Generation .................................. 75
5.5  Mechanical Energy Conversion .............................. 75
     Hydroturbines and Hydropumped Storage ..................... 75
     Wind Turbines ............................................. 77
     Distributed Generation and Other Sources .................. 78
5.6  Renewable Technologies and Greenhouse Gas Emissions ....... 79
     Supply-Side Options to Reduce Greenhouse .................. 79
     Gas Emissions Financial Options to Reduce Carbon
     Emissions ................................................. 83
5.7  Characteristics of Generating Plants ...................... 84
     Size ...................................................... 85
     Efficiency ................................................ 87
     Availability .............................................. 88
     Schedulable and Unschedulable Units ....................... 90
5.8  Capital Cost of Generation ................................ 90
5.9  Generator Life Extension .................................. 91
5.10 The Technology of Generation .............................. 91
     Synchronous Generators .................................... 91
     Variable Frequency and Direct Current Generation .......... 92
5.11 System Needs and Evaluation of Intermittent Resources ..... 93

chapter 6. The Technology of the Electric Transmission
           System .............................................. 97
6.1  Components ................................................ 97
6.2  HVAC ...................................................... 98
     Overhead Lines ............................................ 98
     Overhead Line Capability—Ratings .......................... 99
     Transmission Cable ....................................... 101
     Cable Capacity ........................................... 101
     Submarine Cables ......................................... 102
     Superconducting Cables ................................... 102
6.3  Substations .............................................. 102
     Substation Equipment ..................................... 103
     Substation Circuit Breaker Arrangements .................. 108
     Transmission System Aging ................................ 108
6.4  HVDC ..................................................... 108
6.5  Advantages of AC over DC Operation ....................... 110
     Advantages of HVDC ....................................... 111
     Disadvantages of HVDC .................................... 112
6.5  Knowledge Required of Transmission Systems ............... 113

Chapter 7. Distribution ....................................... 115
7.1  Function of Distribution ................................. 115
7.2  Primary Distribution Feeders ............................. 116
     Radial Systems ........................................... 116
     Loop Systems ............................................. 117
     Primary Network Systems .................................. 117
     Secondary Systems ........................................ 117
7.3  Distribution Capacity .................................... 118
7.4  Losses ................................................... 119
7.5  Distribution Facility Ratings ............................ 119
7.6  Metering ................................................. 120
7.7  Control of Distribution Voltages ......................... 120
     Distribution Transformers ................................ 121
     Voltage Regulators ....................................... 122
     Capacitors ............................................... 123
7.8  Distribution System Reliability .......................... 123
7.10 Quality of Service ....................................... 124
7.11 Design of Distribution Systems ........................... 125
7.12 Distributed Generation ................................... 125
7.13 Operation of Distribution Systems ........................ 126
7.14 Smart Grids and Microgrids ............................... 127

Chapter 8. Energy Storage and Other New Technologies .......... 129
8.1  Energy Storage ........................................... 131
     Benefits of Energy Storage to Generation ................. 131
     Benefits of Energy Storage to Transmission and
     Distribution ............................................. 132
8.2  Energy Storage Concepts and Technologies ................. 133
     Mechanical Systems ....................................... 133
     Thermal Energy Storage ................................... 136
     Chemical Energy Storage .................................. 138
     Batteries ................................................ 138
     Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems .......................... 139
     Electrical Storage ....................................... 140
     Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage .................. 141
     Power Conversion Equipment ............................... 141
     The Future for Energy Storage ............................ 142
8.3  Smart Grid ............................................... 142
     Microgrids ............................................... 146
8.4  New Nuclear Plant Designs ................................ 146
8.5  Carbon Sequestration and Clean Coal Technologies ......... 150
8.6  Superconductors .......................................... 153

Chapter 9. Reliability ........................................ 155
9.1  Causes of Outages ........................................ 155
9.2  Costs of Power Outages ................................... 157
9.3  Ways to Measure Reliability .............................. 158
9.4  Planning and Operating a Reliable and Adequate Power
     System ................................................... 159
     Generation ............................................... 164
     Transmission ............................................. 165
     Distribution ............................................. 166
9.5  Summary .................................................. 166

Chapter 10. The Physical Network: The North American
            Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Its
            Standards ......................................... 167
10.1  NERC as Electric Reliability Organization ............... 169
10.2  NERC Standards .......................................... 171
      Functional Model ........................................ 171
10.3  Development of Standards ................................ 176
      Reliability Principles .................................. 177
      Market Interface Principles ............................. 177
      Compliance with NERC Standards .......................... 179
      Other NERC Responsibilities ............................. 179
      The Future .............................................. 180

Chapter 11. The Physical Network: Operation of the Electric
            Bulk Power ........................................ 181
11.1  Balancing Authorities ................................... 181
      Area Control ............................................ 182
      Operating Reserves ...................................... 184
11.2  Reliability Coordinators ................................ 184
11.3  Transmission Operators .................................. 186
      Power Transfer Limits ................................... 186
      Determination of Total Transfer Capability .............. 187
      Parallel Path Flow and Loop Flow ........................ 188
      Reduction of Power Transfers—Congestion Management ...... 189
      Ancillary Services ...................................... 189
11.4  Voltage and Reactive Control ............................ 191
11.5  Emergencies ............................................. 192
      Operating Emergencies ................................... 193
11.6  Information Exchange .................................... 194

Chapter 12 The Physical Network: Planning of the Electric
           Bulk Power System .................................. 197
12.1  Planning Standards ...................................... 198
12.2  Generation Planning ..................................... 198
12.3  Transmission Planning ................................... 200
      Transmission System Planning Studies .................... 203
12.4  Least Cost Planning ..................................... 205
12.5  The New Planning Environment ............................ 205
      Recent Transmission Projects ............................ 211

Chapter 13. The Regulatory Network: Legislation ............... 213
13.1  Pricing and Regulation .................................. 213
13.2  Federal Legislation ..................................... 214
13.3  Federal Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA) ............. 214
13.4  Federal Power Act ....................................... 216
13.5  Other 1930 Federal Laws ................................. 219
13.6  Department of Energy Organization Act ................... 219
13.7  Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) .......... 220
13.8  Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct02) ..................... 222
13.9  The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct05) ................. 224
13.10 The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 ........ 227
13.11 Environmental Laws ...................................... 227
13.12 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ............. 230

Chapter 14. The Regulatory Network: The Regulators ............ 231
14.1 The Regulators ........................................... 231
     Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) .............. 231
     Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .................... 233
     Department of Energy (DOE) ............................... 234
     Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ...................... 236
     Recent Federal Regulations ............................... 237
     FERC Actions after EPAct92................................ 237
     FERC Actions Implementing EPAct05 ........................ 242
     Market Manipulation ...................................... 242
     Electricity Reliability and Infrastructure ............... 242
     Expansion and Modernization of the Nation's
     Electricity Grid ......................................... 245
     Siting Major New Transmission Facilities ................. 245
     PURPA Reforms ............................................ 246
     Repeal of PUHCA—Mergers and Acquisitions ................. 246
     Market-Based Rates ....................................... 247
     Recent EPA Actions ....................................... 248
     State Regulatory Authority ............................... 249
     State Utility Restructuring .............................. 250
     Overall Regulatory Problems .............................. 251

Chapter 15. The Information, Communication, and Control
            Network and Security .............................. 253
15.1 Smart Grid ............................................... 253
15.2 Financial and Business Operations ........................ 254
15.3 System Operations ........................................ 255
15.4 Distribution Operations .................................. 255
15.5 Cyber Security ........................................... 256
15.6 Nuclear Plant Security ................................... 259

Chapter 16. The Fuel and Energy Network ....................... 261
16.1 Resource Procurement ..................................... 264
     Fuel Measurements ........................................ 265
16.2 Fuel Transportation ...................................... 265
16.3 Fuel Diversity ........................................... 266
16.4 Fossil Fuels Used ........................................ 267
16.5 Renewable Energy ......................................... 269
16.6 Fuel Purchasing .......................................... 271
16.7 Emission Rights .......................................... 271

Chapter 17. The Business Network: Market Participants ......... 273
17.1 Investment and Cost Recovery ............................. 273
17.2 The Changing Industry Structure .......................... 274
     Functional Unbundling .................................... 274
     Additional Utility Responses ............................. 275
     ISO/RTO Formation ........................................ 275
     Holding Company Formation ................................ 275
     Power Plant Divestitures ................................. 277
17.3 New Structures ........................................... 279
     Power Producers .......................................... 279
     Independent Transmission Companies and Operators ......... 279
     Impact of Restructuring on the Transmission System ....... 280
     Distributors ............................................. 280
     Power Marketers .......................................... 281
17.4 New Corporate Ownership .................................. 281
     Utility Mergers and Acquisitions ......................... 282
     Acquisitions by Foreign Companies ........................ 282
     Financial Institutions ................................... 283

Chapter 18. The Money Network: Wholesale Markets .............. 285
18.1 The Energy Markets ....................................... 286
     Standard Market Design (SMD) ............................. 288
     Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) ........................ 289
18.2 Transmission ............................................. 291
     Transmission Rights ...................................... 291
     Physical Transmission Rights (PTRs) ...................... 292
     Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) ..................... 293
     Wheeling and Customer Choice ............................. 294
     Contracts and Agreements ................................. 294
     Average System versus Incremental Costs .................. 295
18.3 Customer Late Issues ..................................... 294
     Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) ..................... 295
     Setting of Rates ......................................... 296
     Rate Freezes ............................................. 296
     Allocation of Costs and Economic Benefits ................ 296
     Average Costs versus Incremental Costs ................... 297
18.4 Market versus Operational Control ........................ 298
18.5 Market Power Issues ...................................... 298
     Price Caps ............................................... 299
18.6 The Future ............................................... 299

Chapter 19. The Professional and Industry Organizations ....... 301
19.1 The Professional Organizations ........................... 301
     The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
     (IEEE) ................................................... 301
     The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ........... 303
     American Society of Mechanical Engineers ................. 304
     (ASME) and the American Institute of Chemical
     Engineers (AIChE) CIGRE .................................. 304
19.2 Industry Associations .................................... 304
     NEMA ..................................................... 304
     The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
     (AEIC) ................................................... 305
     The American Public Power Association (APPA) ............. 305
     The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) ...................... 306
     The Electricity Consumer Resource Council (ELCON) ........ 306
     The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
     (NRECA) .................................................. 307
     Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) ................. 307
     The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) ....................... 308
19.3 Public Interest Groups ................................... 308
     The National Association of Regulatory Utility
     Commissioners (NARUC) .................................... 308
     Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) ......................... 308
     Public Citizen ........................................... 309
     Public Interest Law Project .............................. 309
19.4 Research Organizations ................................... 309
     The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) ............. 310
     Other Research ........................................... 310
     The National Regulatory Research Institute (NRRI) ........ 311
     The Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) .... 311

Index ......................................................... 313

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