Bohren C.F. Absorption and scattering of light by small particles (Weinheim, 1998 (2004)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBohren C.F. Absorption and scattering of light by small particles / C.F.Bohren, D.R.Huffman. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 1998 (2004). - xiv, 530 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.499-519. - Ind.: p.521-530. - ISBN-10 0-471-29340-7; ISBN-13 978-0-471-29340-8

Оглавление / Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction ......................................... 3
1.1 Physical Basis for Scattering and Absorption ................ 3
1.2 Scattering by Fluctuations and by Particles ................. 4
1.3 Physics of Scattering by a Single Particle .................. 7
1.4 Collections of Particles .................................... 9
1.5 The Direct and Inverse Problem .............................. 9
    Notes and Comments ......................................... 11

Chapter 2. Electromagnetic Theory .............................. 12
2.1  Field Vectors and the Maxwell Equations ................... 12
2.2  Time-Harmonic Fields ...................................... 14
2.3  Frequency-Dependent Phenomenological Coefficients ......... 15
2.4  Spatial Dispersion ........................................ 22
2.5  Poynting Vector ........................................... 23
2.6  Plane-Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media ................. 25
2.7  Reflection and Transmission at a Plane Boundary ........... 30
2.8  Reflection and Transmission by a Slab ..................... 36
2.9  Experimental Determination of Optical Constants ........... 41
2.10 The Analogy Between a Slab and a Particle ................. 42
2.11 Polarization .............................................. 44
     Notes and Comments ........................................ 56

Chapter 3. Absorption and Scattering by an Arbitrary
           Particle ............................................ 57
3.1 General Formulation of the Problem ......................... 57
3.2 The Amplitude Scattering Matrix ............................ 61
3.3 Scattering Matrix .......................................... 63
3.4 Extinction, Scattering, and Absorption ..................... 69
    Notes and Comments ......................................... 81

Chapter 4. Absorption and Scattering by a Sphere ............... 82
4.1 Solutions to the Vector Wave Equations ..................... 83
4.2 Expansion of a Plane Wave in Vector Spherical Harmonics .... 89
4.3 The Internal and Scattered Fields .......................... 93
4.4 Cross Sections and Matrix Elements ........................ 101
4.5 Asymmetry Parameter and Radiation Pressure ................ 119
4.6 Radar Backscattering Cross Section ........................ 120
4.7 Thermal Emission .......................................... 123
4.8 Computation of Scattering Coefficients and Cross
    Sections .................................................. 126
    Notes and Comments ........................................ 129

Chapter 5. Particles Small Compared with the Wavelength ....... 130
5.1 Sphere Small Compared with the Wavelength ................. 130
5.2 The Electrostatics Approximation .......................... 136
5.3 Ellipsoid in the Electrostatics Approximation ............. 141
5.4 Coated Ellipsoid .......................................... 148
5.5 The Polarizability Tensor ................................. 150
5.6 Anisotropic Sphere ........................................ 152
5.7 Scattering Matrix ......................................... 154

Chapter 6. Rayleigh-Gans Theory ............................... 158
6.1 Amplitude Scattering Matrix Elements ...................... 158
6.2 Homogeneous Sphere ........................................ 162
6.3 Finite Cylinder ........................................... 163
    Notes and Comments ........................................ 165

Chapter 7. Geometrical Optics ................................. 166
7.1 Absorption and Scattering Cross Sections .................. 166
7.2 Angular Distribution of the Scattered Light: Rainbow
    Angles .................................................... 174
7.3 Scattering by Prisms: Ice Crystal Haloes .................. 178
    Notes and Comments ........................................ 180

Chapter 8. A Potpourri of Particles ........................... 181
8.1 Coated Sphere ............................................. 181
8.2 Anisotropic Sphere ........................................ 184
8.3 Optically Active Particles ................................ 185
8.4 Infinite Right Circular Cylinder .......................... 194
8.5 Inhomogeneous Particles: Average Dielectric Function ...... 213
8.6 A Survey of Nonspherical Particles, Regular and
    Irregular ................................................. 219
    Notes and Comments ........................................ 222


Chapter 9. Classical Theories of Optical Constants ............ 227
9.1 The Lorentz Model ......................................... 228
9.2 The Multiple-Oscillator Model ............................. 244
9.3 The Anisotropic Oscillator Model .......................... 247
9.4 The Drude Model ........................................... 251
9.5 The Debye Relaxation Model ................................ 259
9.6 General Relationship Between є' and є" .................... 265
    Notes and Comments ........................................ 267

Chapter 10. Measured Optical Properties ....................... 268
10.1 Optical Properties of an Insulating Solid: MgO ........... 268
10.2 Optical Properties of a Metal: Aluminum .................. 271
10.3 Optical Properties of a Liquid: Water .................... 273
10.4 A Comment on the Magnitude of k .......................... 279
10.5 Validity of Bulk Optical Constants in Small-Particle
     Calculations ............................................. 280
10.6 Summary of Absorption Mechanisms and Temperature
     Effects .................................................. 281
     Notes and Comments ....................................... 283


Chapter 11. Extinction ........................................ 287
11.1 Extinction = Absorption + Scattering ..................... 287
11.2 Extinction Survey ........................................ 289
11.3 Some Extinction Effects in Insulating Spheres ............ 295
11.4 Ripple Structure ......................................... 300
11.5 Absorption Effects in Extinction ......................... 305
11.6 Extinction Calculations for Nonspherical Particles ....... 310
11.7 Extinction Measurements .................................. 316
11.8 Extinction: A Synopsis ................................... 323
     Notes and Comments ....................................... 324

Chapter 12. Surface Modes in Small Particles .................. 325
12.1 Surface Modes in Small Spheres ........................... 326
12.2 Surface Modes in Nonspherical Particles .................. 342
12.3 Vibrational Modes in Insulators .......................... 357
12.4 Electronic Modes in Metals ............................... 369
     Notes and Comments ....................................... 380

Chapter 13. Angular Dependence of Scattering .................. 381
13.1 Scattering of Unpolarized and Linearly Polarized Light ... 381
13.2 Techniques of Measurement and Particle Production ........ 389
13.3 Measurements on Single Particles ......................... 394
13.4 Some Theoretical and Experimental Results ................ 397
13.5 Particle Sizing .......................................... 403
13.6 Scattering Matrix Symmetry ............................... 406
13.7 Measurement Techniques for the Scattering Matrix ......... 414
13.8 Some Results for the Scattering Matrix ................... 419
13.9 Summary: Applicability of Mie Theory ..................... 427
     Notes and Comments ....................................... 428

Chapter 14. A Miscellany of Applications ...................... 429
14.1 The Problem of Optical Constants ......................... 430
14.2 Atmospheric Aerosols ..................................... 434
14.3 Noctilucent Clouds ....................................... 448
14.4 Rainfall Measurements with Radar ......................... 454
14.5 Interstellar Dust ........................................ 457
14.6 Pressure Dependence of Intrinsic Optical Spectra Using
     Small Particles .......................................... 468
14.7 Giaever Immunological Slide .............................. 469
14.8 Microwave Absorption by Macromolecules ................... 472

Appendix A. Homogeneous Sphere ................................ 477
Appendix B. Coated Sphere ..................................... 483
Appendix C. Normally Illuminated Infinite Cylinder ............ 491
References .................................................... 499
Index ......................................................... 521

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