Allegre C.J. Isotope geology (Cambridge, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAllègre C.J. Isotope geology. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - x, 512 p.: col. ill. - Ref.: p.473-489. - Ind.: p.508-512. - ISBN 978-0-521-86228-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi

1  Isotopes and radioactivity ................................... 1
   1.1  Reminders about the atomic nucleus ...................... 1
   1.2  The mass spectrometer ................................... 2
   1.3  Isotopy ................................................ 77
   1.4  Radioactivity .......................................... 18
2  The principles of radioactive dating ........................ 29
   2.1  Dating by parent isotopes .............................. 29
   2.2  Dating by parent-daughter isotopes ..................... 30
   2.3  Radioactive chains ..................................... 36
   2.4  Dating by extinct radioactivity ........................ 49
   2.5  Determining geologically useful radioactive decay
        constants .............................................. 54
3  Radiometric dating methods .................................. 58
   3.1  General questions ...................................... 58
   3.2  Rich systems and solutions to the problem of the open
        system ................................................. 64
   3.3  Poor systems and the radiometric isotopic correlation
        diagram ................................................ 78
   3.4  Mixing and alternative interpretations ................. 94
   3.5  Towards the geochronology of the future: in situ 
        analysis ............................................... 99
4  Cosmogenic isotopes ........................................ 105
   4.1  Nuclear reactions ..................................... 105
   4.2  Carbon-14 dating ...................................... 112
   4.3  Exposure ages ......................................... 126
   4.4  Cosmic irradiation: from nucleosynthesis to stellar
        and galactic radiation ................................ 138
5  Uncertainties and results of radiometric dating ............ 153
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 153
   5.2  Some statistical reminders relative to the 
        calculation of uncertainties .......................... 755
   5.3  Sources of uncertainty in radiometric dating .......... 166
   5.4  Geological interpretations ............................ 180
   5.5  The geological timescale .............................. 188
   5.6  The age of the Earth .................................. 193
   5.7  The cosmic timescale .................................. 200
   5.8  General remarks on geological and cosmic timescales ... 209
   5.9  Conclusion ............................................ 215
6  Radiogenic isotope geochemistry ............................ 220
   6.1  Strontium isotope geochemistry ........................ 220
   6.2  Strontium-neodymium isotopic coupling ................. 234
   6.3  The continental crust-mantle system ................... 248
   6.4  Isotope geochemistry of rare gases .................... 277
   6.5  Isotope geology of lead ............................... 294
   6.6  Chemical geodynamics .................................. 313
   6.7  The early history of the Earth ........................ 341
   6.8  Conclusion ............................................ 353
7  Stable isotope geochemistry ................................ 358
   7.1  Identifying natural isotopic fractionation of light
        elements .............................................. 358
   7.2  Modes of isotope fractionation ........................ 364
   7.3  The modalities of isotope fractionation ............... 373
   7.4  The paleothermometer .................................. 382
   7.5  The isotope cycle of water ............................ 393
   7.6  Oxygen isotopes in igneous processes .................. 400
   7.7  Paleothermometry and the water cycle: 
        paleoclimatology ...................................... 406
   7.8  The combined use of stable isotopes and radiogenic
        isotopes and the construction of a global geodynamic
        system ................................................ 421
   7.9  Sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen isotopes and biological
        fractionation ......................................... 428
   7.10 The current state of stable isotope geochemistry and
        its future prospects .................................. 432
8  Isotope geology and dynamic systems analysis ............... 436
   8.1  Basic reservoir analysis: steady states, residence
        time, and mean ages ................................... 439
   8.2  Assemblages of reservoirs having reached the steady
        state ................................................. 443
   8.3  Non-steady states ..................................... 445
   8.4  The laws of evolution of isotope systems .............. 459

References .................................................... 473
Appendix ...................................................... 490
Further reading ............................................... 496
Solutions to problems ......................................... 497
Index of names ................................................ 508
Subject index ................................................. 510

The color plates are situated between pages 220 and 221.   

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