Annual review of biochemistry; 79 (Palo Alto, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of biochemistry. Vol.79 / ed. by R.D.Kornberg et al. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2010. - xii, 851 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-0-8243-0879-7; ISSN 0066-4154

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Оглавление / Contents
The Power of One
   James E. Rothman ............................................. v

Prefatory Article

   Aaron Klug ................................................. xiv
From Virus Structure to Chromatin: X-ray Diffraction
to Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
   Aaron Klug ................................................... 1

Recent Advances in Biochemistry

Genomic Screening with RNAi: Results and Challenges
   Stephanie Mohr, Chris Bakal, and Norbert Perrimon ........... 37
Nanomaterials Based on DNA
   Nadrian С. Seeman ........................................... 65
Eukaryotic Chromosome DNA Replication: Where, When, and How?
   Hisao Masai, Seiji Matsumoto, Zhiying You, Naoko 
   Yoshizawa-Sugata, and Masako Oda ............................ 89
Regulators of the Cohesin Network
   Bo Xiong and Jennifer L. Gerton ............................ 131
Reversal of Histone Methylation: Biochemical and Molecular
Mechanisms of Histone Demethylases
   Nima Mosammaparast and Yang Shi ............................ 155
The Mechanism of Double-Strand DNA Break Repair by the
Nonhomologous DNA End-Joining Pathway
   Michael R. Lieber .......................................... 181
The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and Their Applications in Gene
Regulation and Genome Manipulation
   Aaron Klug ................................................. 213
Origins of Specificity in Protein-DNA Recognition
   Remo Rohs, Xiangshu Jin, Sean M. West, Rohit Joshi, Barry 
   Honig, and Richard S. Mann ................................. 233
Transcript Elongation by RNA Polymerase II
   Luke A. Selth, Stefan Sigurdsson, and Jesper 
   Q. Svejstrup ............................................... 271
Biochemical Principles of Small RNA Pathways
   Qinghua Liu and Zain Paroo ................................. 295
Functions and Regulation of UNA Editing by AD AR Deaminases
   Kazuko Nishikura ........................................... 321
Regulation of mRNA Translation and Stability by microRNAs
   Marc Robert Fabian, Nahum Sonenberg, and Witold 
   Filipowicz ................................................. 351
Structure and Dynamics of a Processive Brownian Motor:
The Translating Ribosome
   Joachim Frank and Ruben L. Gonzalez, Jr. ................... 381
Adding New Chemistries to the Genetic Code
   Chang C. Liu and Peter G. Schultz .......................... 413
Bacterial Nitric Oxide Synthases
   Brian R. Crane, Jawahar Sudhamsu, and Bhumit A. Patel ...... 445
Enzyme Promiscuity: A Mechanistic and Evolutionary 
   Olga Khersonsky and Dan S. Tawfik .......................... 471
Hydrogenases from Methanogenic Archaea, Nickel, a Novel 
Cofactor, and H2 Storage
   Rudolf K. Thauer, Anne-Kristin Kaster, Meike Goenrich,
   Michael Schick, Takeshi Hiromoto, and Seigo Shima .......... 507
Copper Metallochaperones
   Nigel J. Robinson and Dennis R. Winge ...................... 537
High-Throughput Metabolic Engineering: Advances in Small-
Molecule Screening and Selection
   Jeffrey A. Dietrich, Adrienne E. McKee, and Jay D. 
   Keasling ................................................... 563
Botulinum Neurotoxin: A Marvel of Protein Design
   Mauricio Montal ............................................ 591
Chemical Approaches to Glycobiology
   Laura L. Kiessling and Rebecca A. Splain ................... 619
Cellulosomes: Highly Efficient Nanomachines Designed to
Deconstruct Plant Cell Wall Complex Carbohydrates
   Carlos M.G.A. Fontes and Harry J. Gilbert .................. 655
Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Mammalian Aging
   Nils-Göran Larsson ......................................... 683
Physical Mechanisms of Signal Integration by WASP Family 
   Shae B. Padrick and Michael K. Rosen ....................... 707
Amphipols, Nanodiscs, and Fluorinated Surfactants: Three
Nonconventional Approaches to Studying Membrane Proteins in
Aqueous Solutions
   Jean-Luc Popot ............................................. 737
Protein Sorting Receptors in the Early Secretory Pathway
   Julia Dancourt and Charles Barlowe ......................... 777
Virus Entry by Endocytosis
   Jason Mercer, Mario Schelhaas, and Ari Helenius ............ 803


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 75-79 ....... 835
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 75-79 ............. 839


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Biochemistry
articles may be found at

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