Biodiversity in relation to vegetation zones in Europe (Lodz, 2005). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBiodiversity in relation to vegetation zones in Europe / ed. by K.Czyżewska, J.Hereźniak; Polish Botanical Sosiety. - Łódź: University of Łódź Publishing House, 2005. - 204 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 83-86292-33-4; ISBN 83-7171-916-6

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 7
Vegetation monitoring system in Lithuania (Ilona Jukonienė, 
   Dalyte Matulevičiūtė, Valerijus Rašomavičus, Zofija 
   Sinkevičienė, Jolanta Stankevičiutė) ......................... 9
Vascular flora of Central Poland - biodiversity, changes, 
   threats (Janina Jakubowska-Gabara) .......................... 19
The chorology and distribution of Oenothera L. in Lithuania 
   (Krzysztof Rostański, Zigmantas Gudžinskas) ................. 31
Populations of Cephalantera longifolia (L.) Fritsch in 
   Lithuania (Mindaugas Ryla, Raimondas Čiuplys) ............... 41
Diversity of Allium species in Lithuania (Birutė 
   Karpavičienė) ............................................... 57
Ecological amplitudes of selected species of weeds (Maciej
   Korczyński) ................................................. 65
Distribution of rare plant species and communities in the 
   Lithuanian coastal area and their protection problems
   (Jolanta Stankevičiutė) ..................................... 75
Unique nature values of projected Jurassic National Park near
   Częstochowa (Janusz Hereźniak) .............................. 81
Biodiversity of Molinia meadows in Folusz near Szubin (Ewa 
   Krasicka-Korczyńska, Lucjan Rutkowski) ...................... 97
Syntaxonomic structure of the communities of Lithuanian 
   seacoast sand (Jolanta Stankevičiutė) ...................... 109
The educational value of collections of rare and endangered
   plants based on the example of the Botanical Garden of
   Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań (Wanda Wójtowicz) ..... 119
Rare, endangered and legally protected plants in the 
   collections of the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz 
   University of Poznań (Maria Górska-Zajączkowska, Wanda
   Wójtowicz) ................................................. 123
Intergeneric hybrids between Melandrium album L. and Lychnis
   coronaria L. obtained by in vitro pollination (Maciej 
   Zenkteler, Elżbieta Zenkteler, Andrzej Pacak, Zofia
   Szweykowska-Kulińska) ...................................... 129
Mycology in Lithuania: history and present times (Ernestas
   Kutorga) ................................................... 133
Vilnian roots of mycology at the University of Łódź (Maria 
   Ławrynowicz) ............................................... 141
Present trends of mycological research in the University of
   Łódź (Izabela Kałucka) ..................................... 151
Distribution and conservation status of threatened wood-
   inhabiting fungi of broadleaved forests in Lithuania 
   (Reda Iršėnaitė, Darius Stončius) .......................... 167
General notes on macrofungi in forest reserves of
   Częstochowa Upland (Jolanta Adamczyk) ...................... 177
Contribution to the knowledge of the phytopathogenic
   micromycetes of the Częstochowa Upland (Ewa Połeć) ......... 187
Noteworthy lichenized Ascomycota collected in the 
   Wzniesienia Łódźkie Landscape Park (Mariusz Hachulka) ...... 195

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