Taylor D. The theory of critical distances: a new perspective in fracture mechanics (Amsterdam, 2007 (2008)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTaylor D. The theory of critical distances: a new perspective in fracture mechanics. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007 (2008). - xi, 284 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.277-280. - Sub. ind.: p.281-284. - ISBN 978-0-08-044478-9

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Nomenclature ................................................. xvii

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Stress-Strain Curves .................................... 2
   1.2  Failure Mechanisms ...................................... 3
        1.2.1  Failure at the atomic level ...................... 3
        1.2.2  Failure modes in engineering components .......... 3
   1.3  Stress Concentrations ................................... 6
   1.4  Elastic Stress Fields for Notches and Cracks ............ 8
        1.4.1  Stress fields at the microstructural level ...... 10
   1.5  Fracture Mechanics ..................................... 11
        1.5.1  The effect of constraint on fracture
               toughness ....................................... 13
        1.5.2  Non-linear behaviour: Plasticity and damage
               zones ........................................... 14
        1.5.3  Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics .............. 16
   1.6  The Failure of Notched Specimens ....................... 16
   1.7  Finite Element Analysis ................................ 17
   1.8  Concluding Remarks: Limitations and Challenges in
        Failure Prediction ..................................... 18
2  The Theory of Critical Distances: Basics .................... 21
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 21
   2.2  Example 1: Brittle Fracture in a Notched Specimen ...... 21
        2.2.1  Necessary information: The stress-distance
               curve and material parameters ................... 23
        2.2.2  The point method ................................ 24
   2.3  Example 2: Fatigue Failure in an Engineering
        Component .............................................. 25
   2.4  Relating the TCD to LEFM ............................... 26
   2.5  Finding Values for the Material Constants .............. 27
   2.6  Some Other TCD Methods: The LM, AM and VM .............. 28
        2.6.1  The line method ................................. 28
        2.6.2  The area and volume methods ..................... 29
   2.7  Example 3: Predicting Size Effects ..................... 30
   2.8  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 31
3  The Theory of Critical Distances in Detail .................. 33
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 34
   3.2  History ................................................ 34
        3.2.1  Early work ...................................... 34
        3.2.2  Parallel developments ........................... 36
   3.3  Related Theories ....................................... 38
        3.3.1  The imaginary radius ............................ 38
        3.3.2  Introduced crack and imaginary crack models ..... 39
        3.3.3  Linking the imaginary crack method to  the PM
               and LM .......................................... 41
        3.3.4  The  finite  crack extension  method: 'Finite
               fracture mechanics' ............................. 43
        3.3.5  Linking FFM to the other methods ................ 45
        3.3.6  Combined stress and energy methods .............. 45
   3.4  What is the TCD? Towards a General Definition .......... 47
4  Other Theories of Fracture .................................. 51
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 52
   4.2  Some Classifications ................................... 52
   4.3  Mechanistic Models ..................................... 54
   4.4  Statistical Models ..................................... 55
   4.5  Mrxlified Fracture Mechanics ........................... 55
   4.6  Plastic-Zone and Process-Zone Theories ................. 57
   4.7  Damage Mechanics ....................................... 59
   4.8  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 60
5  Ceramics .................................................... 63
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 63
   5.2  Engineering Ceramics ................................... 64
        5.2.1  The effect of small defects ..................... 66
        5.2.2  Notches ......................................... 74
        5.2.3  Large blunt notches ............................. 80
        5.2.4  Discussion: other theories and observations ..... 81
   5.3  Building materials ..................................... 84
   5.4  Geological Materials ................................... 86
   5.5  Nanomaterials .......................................... 87
   5.6  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 89
6  Polymers .................................................... 93
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 93
   6.2  Notches ................................................ 95
        6.2.1  Sharp notches ................................... 95
        6.2.2  A wider range of notches ........................ 99
        6.2.3  V-Shaped notches ............................... 106
   6.3  Size Effects .......................................... 107
   6.4  Constraint and the Ductile-Brittle Transition ......... 109
   6.5  Strain Rate and Temperature Effects ................... 113
   6.6  Discussion ............................................ 114
7  Metals ..................................................... 119
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 119
   7.2  Predicting Brittle Fracture Using the TCD ............. 121
        7.2.1  The effect of notch root radius ................ 121
        7.2.2  The effect of constraint ....................... 124
        7.2.3  The role of microstructure ..................... 129
        7.2.4  Blunt notches and non-damaging notches ......... 131
   7.3  Discussion ............................................ 133
        7.3.1  Applicability of the TCD ....................... 133
        7.3.2  Other theoretical models ....................... 135
8  Composites ................................................. 141
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 142
   8.2  Early Work on the TCD: Whitney and Nuismer ............ 143
   8.3  Does L Vary with Notch Size? .......................... 146
   8.4  Non-damaging Notches .................................. 151
   8.5  Practical Applications ................................ 154
   8.6  Other Theoretical Models .............................. 155
   8.7  Fracture of Bone ...................................... 156
   8.8  Values of L for Composite Materials ................... 158
   8.9  Concluding Remarks .................................... 158
9  Fatigue .................................................... 163
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 163
        9.1.1  Current methods for the fatigue design of
               components ..................................... 164
        9.1.2  Crack closure .................................. 165
   9.2  Fatigue Limit Predictions ............................. 167
        9.2.1  Notches ........................................ 168
        9.2.2  Size effects in notches ........................ 172
        9.2.3  Short cracks ................................... 175
        9.2.4  The effect of R ratio .......................... 180
        9.2.5  Discussion on fatigue limit prediction ......... 182
   9.3  Finite Life Predictions ............................... 185
   9.4  Multiaxial and Variable Amplitude Loading ............. 187
   9.5  Fatigue in Non-Metallic Materials ..................... 189
   9.6  Other Recent Theories ................................. 191
   9.7  Concluding Remarks .................................... 192
10 Contact Problems ........................................... 197
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 197
   10.2 Contact Situations .................................... 198
   10.3 Contact Stress Fields ................................. 198
   10.4 Fretting Fatigue ...................................... 201
        10.4.1 The use of the TCD in fretting fatigue ......... 205
   10.5 Other Contact-Related Failure Modes: Opportunities
        for the TCD ........................................... 206
        10.5.1 Static indentation fracture .................... 206
        10.5.2 Contact fatigue ................................ 208
        10.5.3 Mechanical joints .............................. 209
        10.5.4 Wear ........................................... 209
        10.5.5 Machining ...................................... 209
11 Multiaxial Loading ......................................... 213
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 213
   11.2 A Simplified View ..................................... 214
   11.3 Material Response: The Factor ƒp ...................... 215
        11.3.1 Multiaxial fatigue criteria .................... 217
        11.3.2 Scalar invariants .............................. 217
        11.3.3 Critical plane theories ........................ 218
   11.4 Cracked Bodies: The Factor ƒc ......................... 219
   11.5 Applying the TCD to Multiaxial Failure ................ 220
   11.6 Multiaxial Brittle Fracture ........................... 220
   11.7 Multiaxial Fatigue .................................... 222
   11.8 Size Effects in Multiaxial Failure .................... 224
        11.8.1 Fatigue ........................................ 224
        11.8.2 Fracture of bone ............................... 229
   11.9 Out-of-Plane Shear .................................... 230
   11.10 Contact Problems ..................................... 232
   11.11 Concluding Remarks ................................... 232
12 Case Studies and Practical Aspects ......................... 235
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 235
   12.2 An Automotive Crankshaft .............................. 236
   12.3 A Vehicle Suspension Arm .............................. 238
   12.4 Failure Analysis of a Marine Component ................ 240
   12.5 A Component Feature: Angled Holes ..................... 243
   12.6 Welded Joints ......................................... 244
        12.6.1 Application of the TCD to fatigue in welded
               joints ......................................... 245
   12.7 Other Joints .......................................... 247
   12.8 Three-Dimensional Stress Concentrations ............... 250
   12.9 Size Effects and Microscopic Components ............... 253
   12.10 Simplified Models .................................... 256
         12.10.1 Mesh density ................................. 256
         12.10.2 Defeaturing .................................. 256
   12.11 Concluding Remarks ................................... 257
13 Theoretical Aspects ........................................ 261
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 261
   13.2 What Is the TCD? ...................................... 262
   13.3 Why Does the TCD Work? ................................ 263
   13.4 The TCD and Other Fracture Theories ................... 265
        13.4.1 Continuum mechanics theories ................... 265
        13.4.2 Process zone models ............................ 266
        13.4.3 Mechanistic models ............................. 267
        13.4.4 Weibull models of cleavage fracture ............ 268
        13.4.5 Models of fatigue crack initiation and
               growth ......................................... 269
   13.5 Values of L ........................................... 270
   13.6 The Value of σ0u ..................................... 271
   13.7 The Range and Limitations of the TCD .................. 272
   13.8 Concluding Remarks .................................... 274

Author Index .................................................. 277
Subject Index ................................................. 281

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