Economic research series; 41 (Tokyo, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTopics in economics of intellectual property and innovation / ed. by Aoki. - Tokyo: Maruzen, 2010. - x, 168 p. - (Economic research series; N 41). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-4-621-08225-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii

Chapter 1  Introduction ......................................... 1

Chapter 2  Innovation before Intellectual Property .............. 7

2.1  Weapon production in ancient and middle ages ............... 8
2.2  Industrial technology of Edo period and Yoshimune's 
     "Shinki Gohatto" .......................................... 10
2.3  Agricultural technology of Edo period ..................... 12
2.4  Hiraga Gen-nai ............................................ 13
2.5  Introduction of Patents ................................... 15
2.6  Takamine Jokichi and Riken Institute ...................... 16
Endnotes ....................................................... 18
References ..................................................... 18

Chapter 3 Basic Research and Patents ........................... 21

3.1  Academic Science and Innovation [R. Aoki and L.
     Branstetter] .............................................. 22
3.2  Econometric Analysis at the Firm Level .................... 37
3.3  Utility Requirement [R. Aoki and S. Nagaoka] .............. 45
3.4  The Model ................................................. 49
3.5  Welfare ................................................... 55
3.6  Research Exemption [R. Aoki and S. Nagaoka] ............... 60
Endnotes ....................................................... 76
References ..................................................... 80

Chapter 4 Multiple Patents ..................................... 93

4.1  Standards, Patent Pools and Coalition Formation Theory
     and Evidence from MPEG2, DVD and 3G [R. Aoki and 
     S. Nagaoka] ............................................... 94
4.2  Equilibrium Coalition Structures ......................... 101
4.3  Heterogenous firms: Fand R firms ......................... 103
4.4  Some Evidence from MPEG, DVD and 3G Standard ............. 111
4.5  Concluding Remarks ....................................... 115
4.6  Clearinghouses [R. Aoki and A. Schiff] ................... 118
4.7  Patent Pools and Incentive to Innovate [R. Aoki and
     A. Schiff] ............................................... 132
Endnotes ...................................................... 164
References .................................................... 165

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