Petsko G.A. Protein structure and function (Oxford; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаPetsko G.A. Protein structure and function. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. - xxii, 195 p.: ill. - (Pimers in biology). - Ref.: p.181-188. - Ind.: 189-195. - ISBN 978-0-19-955684-7

Оглавление / Contents
CHAPTER 1  From Sequence to Structure

1-0  Overview: Protein Function and Architecture ................ 2
1-1  Amino Acids ................................................ 4
1-2  Genes and Proteins ......................................... 6
1-3  The Peptide Bond ........................................... 8
1-4  Bonds that Stabilize Folded Proteins ...................... 10
1-5  Importance and Determinants of Secondary Structure ........ 12
1-6  Properties of the Alpha Helix ............................. 14
1-7  Properties of the Beta Sheet .............................. 16
1-8  Prediction of Secondary Structure ......................... 18
1-9  Folding ................................................... 20
1-10 Tertiary Structure ........................................ 22
1-11 Membrane Protein Structure ................................ 24
1-12 Protein Stability: Weak Interactions and Flexibility ...... 26
1-13 Protein Stability: Post-Translational Modifications ....... 28
1-14 The Protein Domain ........................................ 30
1-15 The Universe of Protein Structures ........................ 32
1-16 Protein Motifs ............................................ 34
1-17 Alpha Domains and Beta Domains ............................ 36
1-18 Alpha/Beta, Alpha+Beta and Cross-Linked Domains ........... 38
1-19 Quaternary Structure: General Principles .................. 40
1-20 Quaternary Structure: Intermolecular Interfaces ........... 42
1-21 Quaternary Structure: Geometry ............................ 44
1-22 Protein Flexibility ....................................... 46

CHAPTER 2  From Structure to Function

2-0  Overview: The Structural Basis of Protein Function ........ 50
2-1  Recognition, Complementarity and Active Sites ............. 52
2-2  Flexibility and Protein Function .......................... 54
2-3  Location of Binding Sites ................................. 56
2-4  Nature of Binding Sites ................................... 58
2-5  Functional Properties of Structural Proteins .............. 60
2-6  Catalysis: Overview ....................................... 62
2-7  Active-Site Geometry ...................................... 64
2-8  Proximity and Ground-State Destabilization ................ 66
2-9  Stabilization of Transition States and Exclusion of
     Water ..................................................... 68
2-10 Redox Reactions ........................................... 70
2-11 Addition/Elimination, Hydrolysis and Decarboxylation ...... 72
2-12 Active-Site Chemistry ..................................... 74
2-13 Cofactors ................................................. 76
2-14 Multi-Step Reactions ...................................... 78
2-15 Multifunctional Enzymes ................................... 80
2-16 Multifunctional Enzymes with Tunnels ...................... 82

CHAPTER 3  Control of Protein Function

3-0  Overview: Mechanisms of Regulation ........................ 86
3-1  Protein Interaction Domains ............................... 88
3-2  Regulation by Location .................................... 90
3-3  Control by pH and Redox Environment ....................... 92
3-4  Effector Ligands: Competitive Binding and Cooperativity ... 94
3-5  Effector Ligands: Conformational Change and Allostery ..... 96
3-6  Protein Switches Based on Nucleotide Hydrolysis ........... 98
3-7  GTPase Switches: Small Signaling G proteins .............. 100
3-8  GTPase Switches: Signal Relay by Heterotrimeric
     GTPases .................................................. 102
3-9  GTPase Switches: Protein Synthesis ....................... 104
3-10 Motor Protein Switches ................................... 106
3-11 Regulation by Degradation ................................ 108
3-12 Control of Protein Function by Phosphorylation ........... 110
3-13 Regulation of Signaling Protein Kinases: Activation
     Mechanism ................................................ 112
3-14 Regulation of Signaling Protein Kinases: Cdk 
     Activation ............................................... 114
3-15 Two-Component Signaling Systems in Bacteria .............. 116
3-16 Control by Proteolysis: Activation of Precursors ......... 118
3-17 Protein Splicing: Autoproteolysis by Inteins ............. 120
3-18 Glycosylation ............................................ 122
3-19 Protein Targeting by Lipid Modifications ................. 124
3-20 Methylation, N-acetylation, Sumoylation and 
     Nitrosylation ............................................ 126

CHAPTER 4  From Sequence to Function: Case Studies in 
           Structural and Functional Genomics

4-0  Overview: From Sequence to Function in the Age of
     Genomics ................................................. 130
4-1  Sequence Alignment and Comparison ........................ 132
4-2  Protein Profiling ........................................ 134
4-3  Deriving Function from Sequence .......................... 136
4-4  Experimental Tools for Probing Protein Function .......... 138
4-5  Divergent and Convergent Evolution ....................... 140
4-6  Structure from Sequence: Homology Modeling ............... 142
4-7  Structure From Sequence: Profile-Based Threading and
     "Rosetta" ................................................ 144
4-8  Deducing Function from Structure: Protein 
     Superfamilies ............................................ 146
4-9  Strategies for Identifying Binding Sites ................. 148
4-10 Strategies for Identifying Catalytic Residues ............ 150
4-11 TIM Barrels: One Structure with Diverse Functions ........ 152
4-12 PLP Enzymes: Diverse Structures with One Function ........ 154
4-13 Moonlighting: Proteins With More Than One Function ....... 156
4-14 Chameleon Sequences: One Sequence with More than One
     Fold ..................................................... 158
4-15 Prions, Amyloids and Serpins: Metastable Protein Folds ... 160
4-16 Functions for Uncharacterized Genes: Galactonate
     Dehydratase .............................................. 162
4-17 Starting From Scratch: A Gene Product of Unknown
     Function ................................................. 164

CHAPTER 5  Structure Determination

5-1  The Interpretation of Structural Information ............. 168
5-2  Structure Determination by X-Ray Crystallography
     and NMR .................................................. 170
5-3  Quality and Representation of Crystal and NMR 
     Structures ............................................... 172

Glossary ...................................................... 175

References .................................................... 181

Index ......................................................... 189

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