Population dynamics and supply systems: a transdisciplinary approach (Frankfurt / Main; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPopulation dynamics and supply systems: a transdisciplinary approach / ed. by Hummel D. - Frankfurt / Main; New York: Campus-Verlag, 2008. - x, 294 p. - Ref.: p.255-289. - ISBN 978-3-593-38545-7

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Introduction: Supplying the population as societal and
scientific challenge ............................................ 1
   Diana Hummel

Part A: The analytical framework
Diana Hummel, Christine Hertler, Steffen Niemann, Alexandra
Lux, Cedric Janowicz

1  The demographic background .................................. 11
   Changes in the discursive scenery ........................... 11
   The growing asynchronal development of global demographic
   changes ..................................................... 13
   Demographic transitions ..................................... 19
   Impacts of demographic changes on society and environment ... 21
   Population dynamics as subject of scientific disciplines .... 25
   Demography and the population-environment-nexus ............. 28
2  The central analytical concept: Supply systems .............. 37
   The basis of sustainable development ........................ 38
   The dynamics of societal relations to nature ................ 40
   Social-ecological systems ................................... 43
   Conceptual model of supply systems .......................... 47
   Social-ecological problem complexes within supply systems ... 51
   Peculiarities of and linkages between, water and food
   supply systems 55 — Social-ecological transformations ....... 57
3  Research object: Interactions between demographic
   processes and transformations of supply systems ............. 59
   Demographic factors relevant to supply systems .............. 59
   Modeling related problems ................................... 62
   Problems related to the dynamics of demographic processes ... 63
   Regulation related problems ................................. 66
   Case studies ................................................ 68

Part В: Case studies

Christine Hertler
1  Modeling food supply and demography in prehistoric human
   populations ................................................. 73
   A challenge: Reconstructing prehistoric populations ......... 74
   Hominins as users in supply systems ......................... 76
   Habitats and resource dynamics .............................. 83
   Early hominins in their habitats ............................ 87
   Hominin migrations .......................................... 92
   Conclusions ................................................. 98

Steffen Niemann
2  Spatial aspects of supply: Migration, water transfer, and
   IWRM ........................................................ 99
   The densely populated north of Namibia ..................... 103
   Migration and resource-distant population concentration .... 105
   IWRM and its specific spatial conception ................... 113
   Area of alimentation* and 'area of consumption ............. 118
   Conclusion ................................................. 124

Cedric Janowicz
3  The world goes urban: Food supply systems and
   urbanization processes in Africa ........................... 129
   Global hunger and the Malthusian legacy .................... 131
   The world goes urban: Urbanisation processes in the 21st
   century .................................................... 136
   Feeding African cities: Accra as case study ................ 140
   Conclusions ................................................ 158

Alexandra Lux
4  Shrinking cities and water supply .......................... 161
   Facets of demographic shrinkage ............................ 162
   Effects of demographic trends on water consumption ......... 164
   Consequences for water supply—learning from eastern
   Germany .................................................... 171
   Impulses for future decision-making. Uncertainty and
   adaptability ............................................... 174
   Conclusions: Designing infrastructure using the concept
   of supply systems .......................................... 178

Diana Hummel
5  Population changes, water conflicts, and governance in
   the Middle East ............................................ 181
   Resource scarcity, population dynamics and conflict  ....... 183
   Population dynamics the Jordan River Basin ................. 185
   Water supply systems in the Jordan River Basin ............. 194
   Potentials and risks of a virtual water strategy ........... 202
   Conclusion 209

Part C: Synthesis
Diana Hummel, Christine Hertler, Cedric Janowicz, Alexandra
Lux, Steffen Niemann

1  Synopsis of case study results ............................. 213
   Summary and discussion of case study results ............... 213
   Demographic changes examined in the case studies and
   their relevance for supply systems ......................... 221
   Interactions among population dynamics and supply
   systems .................................................... 226

2  Building sustainable supply systems: Requirements and
   prerequisites .............................................. 233
   Social-ecological transformation and regulation of supply
   systems .................................................... 234
   Challenges for the future regulation of supply systems ..... 236
   Adaptivity and regulation capabilities of supply systems ... 242

3  Conclusions and perspectives ............................... 249
   References ................................................. 255

List of figures and tables .................................... 291

About the authors ............................................. 293

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