Inorganic experiments (Weinheim, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInorganic experiments / ed. by Woollins J.D. - 3rd rev. ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010. - xxvi, 456 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-3-527-32472-9

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
        J. Derek Woollins
   1.2  General Spectroscopic Techniques and Report Writing ..... 5
        Petr Kilian
2  Introductory Experiments .................................... 23
   2.1  Preparation and Investigation of Some Coordination
        Compounds .............................................. 25
        Manfred Bochmann
   2.2  Gravimetric Analysis of Hexaamminenickel(ll)
        Tetrafluoroborate [Ni(NH3)6](BF4)2 ...................... 28
        Manfred Bochmann
   2.3  Analysis of an Iron(lll) Oxalate Complex ............... 33
        Manfred Bochmann
   2.4  Characterisation of a Copper Oxalate Complex KaCub
        (C2O4)c · dH2O .......................................... 38
        Andrew W.G. Platt
   2.5  Synthesis of [NH4][BF4] and Synthesis and Titrimetric
        Analysis of[Zn(NH3)4][BF4]2 ............................. 40
        Michael A. Beckett
   2.6  Iron(ll) and Lead(ll) Formates ......................... 43
        Francisco J. Arnáiz, Maria R. Pedrosa, and Rafael
   2.7  Ammonium Dichromate, Chromium(lll) Oxide, Potassium
        Chromate and Potassium Tetraperoxochromate(V) .......... 47
        Antonin Ružička and Zdirad Žák
   2.8  Vanadium Alum: An Experiment in Electrosynthesis ....... 51
        David T. Richens
   2.9  Linkage Isomerism: An Infra-Red Study .................. 54
        David T. Richens and Christopher Clidewell
   2.10 Preparation of Copper(l) Iodide ........................ 56
        F.J. Arnáiz, M.R. Pedrosa, and S. Arnáiz
   2.11 Deduction of the Coordination Mode of BH4 in
        Bis(triphenylphosphine) Copper(l) Borohydride
        (Ph3P)2CuBH4 ............................................ 58
        Andrew W.G. Platt 
   2.12 Preparation and Identification of a Copper(l)
        Complex ................................................ 61
        Andrew W.G. Platt 
   2.13 Synthesis and Characterisation of a Metal Hydride
        Complex ................................................ 63
        Andrew W.G. Platt 
   2.14 Reactivity of Triphenylphosphine and Its Oxide
        Towards CuCl2 .......................................... 65
        Paul F. Kelly and Martin B. Smith
   2.15 Synthesis of a Thermochromic Copper Complex ............ 68
        lain A. Smellie
   2.16 Preparation and Complexation of Tris(3,5-
        imethylpyrazoyl)hydroborate ............................ 70
        Manfred Bochmann
   2.17 Tetraiodotin(IV) and its Triphenylphosphine Complex .... 73
        lain A. Smellie and J. Derek Woollins
   2.18 Silicon Oxygen Compounds and Siloxane Polymers ......... 75
        Paul D. Lickiss
   2.19 Preparation and N MR Identification of Two Phosphorus
        Esters ................................................. 79
        Christopher Clidewell
   2.20 Synthesis of Triphenylphosphine Oxide and
        Triphenylphosphine Sulfide ............................. 81
        Iain Smellie
   2.21 Preparation of Sodium Trithionate, Na2S3O6 and
        Potassium Trithionate, K2S3O6 ........................... 86
        Andrew C. Platt
   2.22 The Preparation of Potassium Peroxodisulfate,
        K2S2O8 .................................................. 89
        Zdirad Žák and Antonin Ružička
   2.23 Polyiodides, Me4NIX .................................... 92
        Andrew W.G. Platt 
   2.24 Interhalogen Compounds ................................. 94
        Ivan P. Parkin
   2.25 Preparation of K[ICl4] ................................. 99
        lain Smellie
   2.26 Synthesis and Infrared Spectroscopic Characterisation
        of Boranes and Cermanes ............................... 101
        Ivan P. Parkin
3  Intermediate Experiments
   3.1  Metal Acetylacetonate Complexes: Preparation and
        Characterisation ...................................... 109
        Christopher Glidewell
   3.2  Nickel Dihalide Phosphine Complexes ................... 120
        Ivan P. Parkin
   3.3  Nickel(II) Complexes of Some Schiff Base Ligands ...... 124
        Christopher J. Jones
   3.4  The Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry of
        Macrocyclic Complexes ................................. 131
        Martin Schröder
   3.5  [Co(dinosar)]Cl3: An Encapsulation Complex Prepared
        by a Template Reaction ................................ 136
        David J. Otway
   3.6  Identification of Stereochemical (Geometrical)
        Isomers of [Mo(CO)4(L)2] by Infrared Spectroscopy ..... 139
        Michael A. Beckett
   3.7  Five Coordinate Complexes: [VO(acac)2] and
        [Cr(NH3)6][CuCl5] ...................................... 142
        Christopher P. Morley
   3.8  Preparation of trans-PtHCl(PPh3)2 and Measurement
        ofits 1H, 31P and 195Pt NMR Spectra ..................... 145
        William P. Griffith
   3.9  [MoO2Br2(H2O)2] · (diglyme) and [MoO2Br2(DMF)2] ......... 149
        Francisco J. Arnáiz, Maria R. Pedrosa, and Rafael
   3.10 Preparation of an Iron Dinitrogen Complex ............. 153
        Andrew W.G. Platt
   3.11 Preparation of Nitrosyl Complexes of Iron and
        Nickel ................................................ 155
        Andrew W.G. Platt
   3.12 Synthesis and Characterisation of Two Metal-Metal
        Bonded Dimolybdenum Complexes ......................... 158
        William Levason, Thomas A. Logothetis, and Gill Reid
   3.13 Cobalt Complexes of Dioxygen .......................... 167
        David T. Richens and Christopher Glidewell
   3.14 Ferrocene, (η5-C5H5)2Fe, and its Derivatives ........... 170
        J. Derek Woollins
   3.15 The Use of Organolithium Reagents in the Preparation
        of Ferrocene Derivatives .............................. 173
        Ian R. Butler
   3.16 Complexes of я-Bonding Arene Ligands .................. 180
        Andrew W.G. Platt
   3.17 Organotin Chemistry ................................... 183
        Kieran С. Molloy and Timothy T. Paget
   3.18 Transition Metal-Carbon Bonds in Chemistry and
        Biology ............................................... 190
        Christopher J. Jones
   3.19 Nickel-Catalysed Cross-Coupling of Alkylmagnesium
        with Haloarene ........................................ 201
        С. Brent Young
   3.20 Transition Metal Catalysis ............................ 205
        Neil M. Boag
   3.21 Nitration of Cobalt(lll) Acetylacetonate .............. 209
        David J. Otway
   3.22 Phenyllithium and Tetraphenylsilane ................... 211
        Petr Kilian
   3.23 Synthesis and Reactivity of Tertiary Phosphines ....... 218
        Neil M. Boag
   3.24 Two-stage Synthesis of Ph2P(O)(CH2)4P(O)Ph2 ............ 222
        Andrew G. Platt
   3.25 Inorganic Heterocycles: Cyclophosphazenes ............. 226
        Josef Novosad and Milan Alberti
   3.26 Inorganic (Carbon-Free) Chelate Rings:
        A Dithioimidodiphosphinato Ligand and Some of its
        Metal Complexes ....................................... 229
        lonel Haiduc
   3.27 Inorganic (Carbon-Free) Chelate Rings II: Asymmetric
        Mixed-Donor P-N-P Ligand and its Palladium Complex .... 234
        David J. Birdsall and Josef Novosad
   3.28 Amidosulfuric Acid, Trisilveramidosulfate
        Monohydrate and SO3 · N (CH3)3 Complexes .............. 239
        Antonin Ružička and Zdirad Žák
   3.29 Anomalous Paramagnetism in Some Iron(lll) Chelates
        Studied by the Evans NMR Method ....................... 243
        David J. Otway
   3.30 Cubic Molecular Aluminophosphonates ................... 246
        Jiri Pinkas
   3.31 Preparation and Optical Properties of Zinc Sulfide
        Quantum Dots .......................................... 249
        Andrew L. Hector
   3.32 Four Methods for Analysing First Order Kinetics ....... 255
        Véronique Pimienta, Dominique Lavabre, Jean-Claude
        Micheau, and Gaston Levy
   3.33 Molecular Orbital Calculations of Inorganic
        Compounds ............................................. 261
        Carole A. Morrison, Neil Robertson, Andrew Turner,
        Jano van Hemert, and Jos Koetsier
4  Advanced Experiments
   4.1  2,2':6',2" - Terpyridine Complexes and Metal
        Directed Reactivity ................................... 271
        Edwin С. Constable
   4.2  4'-(4-Pyridyl)-2,2':6',2 "-terpyridine: Coordination
        to Iron(ll) and Protonation Studies ................... 274
        Catherine E. Housecroft, Edwin С. Constable, and
        Emma L. Dunphy
   4.3  Heteronuclear d-f Complexes Containing Binucleating
        Ligands ............................................... 283
        Francisco J. Arnáiz, Jean-Pierre Costes, and Javier
   4.4  Electronic Characterisation of a Transition Metal
        Complex Using Electrochemical UV/Vis and EPR
        Techniques ............................................ 287
        Lesley J. Yellowlees
   4.5  Chlorotris(tert-butylimido)manganese(VII) ............. 290
        Andreas A. Danopoulos and Geoffrey Wilkinson
   4.6  Tetrakisphosphorane Iminato Complexes of Transition
        Metals ................................................ 293
        Kurt Dehnicke
   4.7  Magnetochemistry Experiments: Exchange Coupling in
        Copper(II)-Nickel(II) Bimetallic Complexes and Spin
        Transition in Iron Complexes .......................... 297
        Eugenio Coronado and J.J. Borrás-Almenar
   4.8  Metal-Containing Liquid Crystals. The Synthesis of
        trans-bis(4-Alkyl-4'-cyano-1,1 -biphenyl)
        dichloroplatinum(ll) and Related Species - The Use
        of Melt Syntheses ..................................... 301
        Duncan W. Bruce
   4.9  Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of
        Perovskite Ceramics ................................... 309
        Colin Greaves
   4.10 Polyoxomolybdate Clusters: Nanoscopic Wheels and
        Balls ................................................. 315
        Leroy Cronin, Ekkehard Diemann, and Achim Müller
   4.11 Reaction of Alkali Metal Polyselenides and
        Polytellurides with Croup 6 Metal Carbonyls ........... 322
        Joseph W. Kolis
   4.12 Chlorothionitrene and Cydothiazeno Complexes of
        Tungsten .............................................. 327
        Kurt Dehnicke
   4.13 Sulfur-Rich Homocycles and Heterocydes: Titanocene
        Pentasulfide, cyclo-Heptasulfur and 1,2,3,4,5,6,7-
        Heptathionane ......................................... 330
        Jörg Albertsen and Ralf Steudel
   4.14 N-Ferrocenyl Amine and Some Reactive Derivatives ...... 334
        Max Herberhold, Heidi E. Maisel, and Bernd
   4.15 l,l'-Bis(trimethylsilylamino)ferrocene - A Useful
        Precursor to l,n-Diaza-[n]ferrocenophanes ............. 341
        Max Herberhold, Elena V. Klimkina, and Bernd
   4.16 Organometallic Molybdenum Compounds ................... 353
        Manfred Bochmann and Petr Klian
   4.17 Migratory Insertion Reactions in Organo Transition-
        Metal Chemistry ....................................... 364
        Mark J. Winter
   4.18 A Transition-Metal Alkylidyne Complex ................. 369
        Stephen Anderson, Darren Cook, and Anthony F. Hill
   4.19 The Synthesis of η6-Arenetricarbonyl Chromium(0)
        Complexes ............................................. 372
        David A. Widdowson
   4.20 Preparation of the Iron Tricarbonyl Complex of
        Methyl-2-Acetamidoacrylate ............................ 375
        M. Elena Lasterra-Sanchez and Susan E. Gibson
   4.21 Halfsandwich Carbonyl Vanadium Complexes .............. 377
        Max Herberhold and Matthias Schrepfermann
   4.22 Covalent and Ionic Metallocene Hexafluoroarsenate
        Complexes ............................................. 383
        Inis C. Tornieporth-Oetting and Thomas M. Klapötke
   4.23 The Preparation of rac-Ethylene-1,
        2-bis(1-indenyl)zirconium Dichloride and Dibenzyl
        Complexes ............................................. 386
        Manfred Bochmann and Simon J. Lancaster
   4.24 One-Pot Preparation of Ru3(CO)12 from
        RuCl3 · 3H20 .................... 391
        Guy Lavigne, Catherine Saccavini, and Remi Chauvin
   4.25 Synthesis of Well-defined Organometallic
        Hydroxides: [LCaOH]2, LAI(Me)OH and LCeOH ............. 396
        Herbert W. Roesky
   4.26 Alumazene-Inorganic Benzene Analogue .................. 402
        Jiri Pinkas
   4.27 Preparation of [Bu4N][B3H8] and the Formation of
        RuH[B3H8](CO)(PPh3)2 ................................... 405
        Anthony F. Hill and J. Derek Woollins
   4.28 Vacuum Line Techniques: Preparation of SiF4 and
        SiF4(C5H5N)2 ........................................... 409
        J. Derek Woollins
   4.29 Amino- and Nitrotetrazoles: Nitrogen-rich
        Heterocycles .......................................... 413
        Davin С. Piercey and Thomas M. Klapötke
   4.30 Ammonium 5-Nitro-1H-Tetrazolate-Hemihydrate ........... 417
        Franz Xaver Steemann and Thomas M. Klapötke
   4.31 Arsenium Cations: Carbene Analogues ................... 420
        Neil Burford and Trenton M. Parks
   4.32 Preparation and Structure of the Acetyl Chloride-
        Antimony Pentachloride Complex ........................ 425
        Peter N. Gates
   4.33 Preparation and Some Reactions of the Folded P2N4S2
        Ring .................................................. 428
        Tristram Chivers, Daniel D. Doxsee, and Robert
        W. Hilts
   4.34 Sulfur-Nitrogen Heterocycles and [SNBr0.4]x Polymer .... 432
        J. Derek Woollins
   4.35 Selenium-Nitrogen and Tellurium-Nitrogen Compounds .... 436
        Herbert W. Roesky and Judith Gindl
   4.36 Nitride Chlorides of Selenium(lll) and Selenium(IV):
        Se2NCl3 and Se2NCl5 .................................... 440
        Kurt Dehnicke
   4.37 The Synthesis and Ring-Opening Polymerisation
        Behaviour of a [l]Silaferrocenophane .................. 444
        Ian Manners

Index ......................................................... 447

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