PhD Dissertation; 02 (Leipzig, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKuppardt A. Improvement of bioreporter bacteria based test systems for the analysis of arsenic in drinking water and the rhizosphere: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. / Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2010. - 87 p.: ill. - (PhD Dissertation; N 02). - Ref.: p.83-84. - - ISSN 1860-0387

Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1
1  General Introduction ......................................... 1
   1.1  Bioreporter bacteria .................................... 4
        1.1.1  The genetic principle ............................ 4
        1.1.2  The application in environmental research ........ 6
        1.1.3  Comparison with analytical chemistry ............. 8
   1.2  Arsenic ................................................ 10
        1.2.1  Occurrence in the environment ................... 10
        1.2.2  Arsenic metabolism in bacteria and plants ....... 12
        1.2.3  Arsenic as target for bioreporter bacteria ...... 14
   1.3  Outline of the thesis .................................. 15
   References .................................................. 17

Chapter 2
2  Internal arsenite bioassay calibration using multiple 
   bioreporter cell lines ...................................... 24

Chapter 3
3  Optimization of preservation conditions of As (III)
   bioreporter bacteria ........................................ 34

Chapter 4
4  Visualisation of gradients in arsenic concentrations 
   around individual roots of Zea mays L. using agar-
   immobilized bioreporter bacteria ............................ 43

Chapter 5
5  Summary and concluding remarks .............................. 75
   5.1  Bioreporter bacteria in drinking water analysis ........ 76
   5.2  Bioreporter bacteria for arsenic in situ detection in
        the rhizosphere ........................................ 78
   5.3  Concluding remarks about bioreporter bacteria, their 
        limits and perspectives ................................ 79

References ..................................................... 83
Acknowledgements ............................................... 85
Publications ................................................... 86
Curriculum Vitae ............................................... 87

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