1st National crystallographic symposium (София, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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Обложка1st National crystallographic symposium = Първи Национален кристолографски симпозиум: proceedings, Earth and Man National Museum, Sofia, october 22-23, 2009 / ed. by Nikolova R.P. - София: Проф. Марин Дринов, 2009. - 129 p.: ill. - ISSN 1313-9991

Оглавление / Contents
Two-dimensional pyrite crystals and aggregates from Elatsite
deposit ......................................................... 7
   Radostina Atanassova
Ccrystal structures of 6-O-acetylcodeine and
N-methylcodeinium iodide ....................................... 11
   R. Bakalska, T. Kolev, В.В. Koleva
Crystal structures of codeinone and new adducts of codeinone
with barbituric acids .......................................... 14
   R. Bakalska, T. Kolev, В.В. Koleva
Functional formulae of the crystal class symmetry .............. 18
   Pentcho К. Bonev
Growth of first ever macrocrystals of MgSO3.6H2O-
representative of rare crystallographic C3 class ............... 21
   Zhelyu Bunzarov, Tzanyo Kovachev, Todor Dimov, Ilia Ilev,
   Petya Petkova, Lyudmil Lyutov, Yuri Tzoukrovsky
Crystal structures investigation by transmission electron
microscopy: Modeling of structural changes process in
crystals (invited) ............................................. 23
   Virgil Dimov
Rietveld structure refinement of Zh-exchanged clinoptilolite ... 27
   Luiza Dimova, Georgi N. Kirov, Ognyan Petrov, Yana
   Tzvetanova, Nadejda Lihareva
The new digital (image foil) Guinier camera in the Geological
Institute, ВAS: an introduction (invited) ...................... 33
   Thomas Kerestedjian
Синтез и структурно охарактеризиране на уреати на магнезиеви
соли за фитофармацефтични препарати ............................ 36
   Красимир Косев, Росица Петрова
From symmetry statistics of minerals to their distribution in
a Colour Table of the 32 classes of symmetry ................... 39
   Ruslan L. Kostov
Structural information on Ca1-xSrxF2 single crystals obtained
by X-Ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy ...... 44
   Bilyana Kostova, Ognyan Petrov, Virgil Dimov, Ludmil
Нова цирконосиликатна фаза Na2ZrSi2O7H2O с малък размер на
порите. Синтез, характеристика, структурни особености и
термично поведение ............................................. 48
   Владислав Костов-Китин, Росица Николова
Technologies for the obtaining of optical waveguides in
LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 .............................................. 52
   Mariana Kuneva, Svetlen Tonchev
Онтогения на ахатите - подходи и решения (поканен) ............. 56
   Михаил Малеев
The influence of crystal structure on the position of cobalt
and the color of cobalt containing silicates ................... 64
   Irena К. Mihailova, Dobrinka A. Stavrakeva, Lachezar N.
Transparent ceramics for laser active elements (invited) ....... 68
   Velin Nikolov, Iovka Koseva
Investigation of Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of
Nano-sized Natural Apatites .................................... 74
   Vilma Petkova, Yuri Kalvachev, Ognyan Petrov
The crystal chemistry, systematics and problem of mineral
species formation in the eudialyte group (invited) ............. 79
   Ramiza K. Rastsvetaeva, Nikita V. Chukanov
Structural features of Mn-analogue of raslakite
(Na,H3O)15[Ca3Mn3]Na3Zr3(Si,Ti)[Si25O72OH](OH)2.2H20 -
a new member of the eudialyte group from Lovozero, Kola
Peninsula, Russia .............................................. 83
   Ramiza К. Rastsvetaeva, Nikita V. Chukanov, Sergei M.
Testing the potentialities of CaRIne Crystallography software
to solve the contradictions in the information about cuprit
crystal structure .............................................. 86
   Dobrinka A. Stavrakeva, Irena K. Mihailova

Current state and application of SEM and EPMA in mineralogy,
petrology and materials science research (invited) ............. 90
   Mihail Tarassov

Qualifying the precision and accuracy of XRJD apparatus with
accounting for secondary extinction of a single reflection
of textured sample ............................................. 96
   Ivan Tomov, Sasho Vassilev
Criteria for verifying the precision and accuracy of XRD
apparatus with technique accounting for secondary extinction
in the intensities of a reflection pair of textured samples ... 102
   I. Tomov, S. Vassilev, Peter Tzvetkov, J. Bonarski,
   L. Trakowski
Variable counting time approach for powder diffraction data
collection: influence on the accuracy of the structural
parameters .................................................... 107
   Peter Tzvetkov, Daniela Kovacheva
Pyroxene-amphibole transition: a case study from Madan base
metal deposits ................................................ 1ll
   Rossitsa D. Vassileva


The synthesis of LaMoBO6 phase from glass ..................... 117
   L. Aleksandrov, R. Iordanova, Y. Dimitriev, E. Halwax
Enhancing access and services to East European users towards
an efficient and coordinated Pan-European pool of NMR
capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost
technological advancements .................................... 118
   P. Denkova, N. Vassilev, P. Tzvetkova, S. Simova
Crystal structure of novel ruthenium complexes with
3-amino-2-chloropyridine designed as potential cytostatics .... 119
   G. Georgieva, R. Petrova, B. Shivachev, G. Gencheva
Nickel(II) and zinc(II)dimonensinates: Crystal structure and
spectral properties ........................................... 120
   Ju. Ivanova, I.N. Pantcheva, M. Mitewa, S. Simova,
   H. Mayer-Figge, W.S. Scheldrick
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the structure
and nucleophilic properties of 4-aminocoumarine ............... 121
   V. Janevska, B. Shivachev, R. Petrova, G. Stojkovic,
   B. Stamboliyska, E. Popovski, B. Mikhova
Crystal and molecular structures of some beryllium double
salt hydrates. Hydrogen bond strength ......................... 122
   V. Karadjova, M. Georgiev, D. Stoilova
Molecular structures of coumarins and their metal complexes
predicted from DFT study ...................................... 123
   Tz. Mihaylov, I. Georgieva, N. Trendafilova
X-ray single crystal diffraction: the useful tool for
structure determination of monensinates ....................... 124
   I.N. Pantcheva, M. Mitewa, W.S. Sheldrick
Crystal structures of chromates containing kröhnkite-type
chains, K2Me(CrO4)2-2H20 {Me = Co, Ni, Zn, Cd).
X-ray diffraction study ....................................... 125
   D. Stoilova, D. Marinova, M. Georgiev, M. Wildner
Cation distribution in MgxZn1-x(HCOO)2·2H2O and
MgxMn1-x(HCOO)2·2H2O mixed crystals. Single crystal X-ray
diffraction and double matrix infrared spectroscopy ............126
   D. Stoilova, D. Marinova, R. Baggio
Variation of the unit cell parameters of the ErBa2Cu3Oz
ceramic in function of the oxygen content ..................... 127
   Angelina Stoyanova-lvanova, Stela Georgieva, Louiza
   Dimova, Boris Shivachev, Tsvetanka Nedeltcheva
Synthesis and crystal structure of aminophosphonic acids ...... 128
   Pet or Todorov, Emilia Naydenova, Boris Shivachev, Rosica
Transition metal complexes with dimethyl(methylenoxyaryl)
phosphine oxides-based ligands. Crystal and molecular
structure of 1,4-bis(dimethylphosphiny lmethyleneoxy)benzene
and Copper(II) complex of l,3-
bis(dimethylphosphinylmethyleneoxy)benzene .................... 129
   D. Tsekova, R. Petrova, B. Shivachev, P. Gorolomova,
   V. Ilieva, S. Varbanov, G. Gencheva

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