Reflecting mirrors: perspectives on Huayan Buddhism (Wiesbaden, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаReflecting mirrors: perspectives on Huayan Buddhism / ed. by Hamar I. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007. - xxi, 410 p.: ill. - (Asiatische Forschungen; Bd.151). - Ref.: p.358-360. - Ind.: p.387-410. - ISBN 978-3-447-05509-3; ISSN 0571-320X

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................... IX
Introduction ................................................... XI
Abbreviations ................................................ XXII

                          CHAPTER ONE:
                         State of Field

Joerg Plassen:
Huayan Studies in the West: Some Remarks Focusing on Works
Concerning the Early History of the Tradition ................... 1

Kimura Kiyotaka:
Huayan / Kegon Studies in Japan ................................ 19
Bibliography of Japanese Studies on Huayan Buddhism in
the Past Ten Years ............................................. 24

Zhu Qingzhi:
Brief Introduction to the Past 25 Years of Huayan Studies
in Mainland China .............................................. 47

Choe Yeonshik:
Huayan Studies in Korea ........................................ 69

                          CHAPTER TWO:
                    The Buddhāvatamsaka-sūtra

Ōtake Susumu:
On the Origin and Early Development of the Buddhāvatamsaka-
sūtra .......................................................... 87

Jan Nattier:
Indian Antecedents of Huayan Thought: New Light from
Chinese Sources ............................................... 109

Imre Hamar:
The history of the Buddhāvatamsaka-sūtra: Shorter and Larger
Texts ......................................................... 139

                          CHAPTER THREE:
                          Huayan in China

Aramaki Noritoshi:
The Huayan Tradition in Its Earliest Period ................... 169

Wei Daoru:
A Fundamental Feature of the Huayan Philosophy ................ 189

Imre Hamar:
A Huayan Paradigm for the Classification of Mahāyāna
Teachings: The Origin and Meaning of Faxingzong and
Faxiangzong ................................................... 195

Kimura Kiyotaka:
Huayan and Chan ............................................... 221

Jana Benicka:
(Huayan-like) Notions of Inseparability (or Unity) of
Essence and its Function (or Principle and Phenomena) in
some Commentaries on "Five Positions" of Chan Master
Dongshan Liangjie ............................................. 221

Huang Yi-hsun:
Huayan Thought in Yanshou's Guanxin Xuanshu. Six
Characteristics and Ten Profound Gates ........................ 241

                          CHAPTER FOUR:
                 Hwaom / Kegon in Korea and Japan

Joerg Plassen:
Some Remarks on the Authorship of the Ilsŭng pŏpkyedo ........ 261

Charles Muller:
Wŏnhyo's Reliance on Huiyuan in his Exposition of the Two
Hindrances .................................................... 281

Bernard Faure:
Kegon and Dragons: A Mythological Approach to Huayan
Doctrine ...................................................... 297

Frédéric Girard:
Some aspects of the Kegon Doctrines at the Beginning of
the Kamakura Period ........................................... 309

Ishii Kōsei:
Kegon Philosophy and Nationalism in Modern Japan .............. 325

                          CHAPTER FIVE:
                   Huayan / Hwaōm / Kegon Art

Dorothy Wong:
The Huayan / Kegon / Hwaŏm Paintings in East Asia ............. 337

Contributors .................................................. 385

Index ......................................................... 387

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