Rosenblatt A. Human papillomavirus: a practical guide for urologists (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRosenblatt A. Human papillomavirus: a practical guide for urologists / Rosenblatt A., de Campos Guidi H.G. - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2009. - xvi 223 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.215-223. - ISBN 978-3-540-70973-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I   Human Papillomavirus Facts and Novel Detection 

1  Human Papillomavirus History and Epidemiology ................ 3
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Historical Perspective .................................. 5
   1.3  Epidemiology ............................................ 6
   1.4  HPV in Women ............................................ 8
   1.5  HPV in Men .............................................. 9
   1.6  HPV Transmission Modes ................................. 12
   1.7  Prevention ............................................. 14
   References .................................................. 15

2  Laboratory Methods for Detection of Human Papillomavirus
   Infection ................................................... 23
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 23
   2.2  HPV DNA Methods ........................................ 24
   2.3  HPV RNA Methods ........................................ 26
   2.4  Serological Assays ..................................... 27
   2.5  Detecting HPV Infection in Men ......................... 28
   References .................................................. 28
Part II  Human Papillomavirus and Urological-Associated 

3  Human Papillomavirus and External Genital Lesions ........... 33
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 33
   3.2  Overview ............................................... 34
   3.3  Clinical Manifestations ................................ 35
   3.4  Differential Diagnosis ................................. 42
   3.5  Detection Methods ...................................... 47
   3.6  Treatment .............................................. 52
   3.7  Other Treatment Modalities ............................. 63
   3.8  Management of Latent and Subclinical HPV Infection ..... 66
   3.9  Circumcision and HPV ................................... 67
   3.10 Follow-Up .............................................. 67
   3.11 Prevention ............................................. 67
   References .................................................. 67

4  Human Papillomavirus-Associated Lesions of the Urinary
   Tract ....................................................... 73
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   4.2  Overview ............................................... 73
   4.3  Clinical Manifestations ................................ 74
   4.4  Differential Diagnosis ................................. 76
   4.5  Detection Methods ...................................... 76
   4.6  Treatment .............................................. 82
   4.7  Follow-Up .............................................. 91
   4.8  Prevention ............................................. 91
   4.9  The Role of HPV in Urethral, Bladder, Renal, and 
        Prostate Cancer Development ............................ 91
   References .................................................. 93

5  Human Papillomavirus and Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia ... 97
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 97
   5.2  Terminology ............................................ 98
   5.3  Overview ............................................... 99
   5.4  Multifocal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Bowenoid 
        Papulosis) ............................................ 102
   5.5  Bowen's Disease ....................................... 105
   5.6  Erythroplasia of Queyrat (Unifocal Intraepithelial
        Neoplasia) ............................................ 107
   5.7  Penile Lichen Sclerosus ............................... 110
   5.8  Penile Horn ........................................... 113
   5.9  Genital Paget's Disease ............................... 114
   5.10 Kaposi's Sarcoma ...................................... 115
   5.11 PIN Prevention ........................................ 116
   References ................................................. 116

6  Human Papillomavirus and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the
   Penis ...................................................... 121
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 121
   6.2  Natural History of HPV in Male Subjects ............... 122
   6.3  Etiology of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Penis ......... 122
   6.4  Molecular Pathogenesis ................................ 123
   6.5  Prevention of HPV Infection ........................... 126
   6.6  HPV as a Prognostic Indicator in Penile Cancer ........ 126
   6.7  Conclusion ............................................ 127
   References ................................................. 127

Part III Human Papillomavirus and Other Anogenital 
         Premalignant Diseases

7  Human Papillomavirus and Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia .... 133
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 133
   7.2  Overview .............................................. 133
   7.3  Clinical Manifestations ............................... 136
   7.4  Differential Diagnosis ................................ 136
   7.5  Diagnosis ............................................. 137
   7.6  Treatment for Anogenital Warts and AIN ................ 140
   7.7  Surveillance .......................................... 145
   7.8  Anal Disease Screening ................................ 145
   7.9  Prevention of HPV-Related Anal Warts and AIN .......... 145
   References ................................................. 145

8  Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Intraepithelial 
   Neoplasia .................................................. 149
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 149
   8.2  Overview .............................................. 149
   8.3  Terminology and Grading of Cervical Dysplastic
        Lesions ............................................... 150
   8.4  Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer Development .......... 152
   8.5  Natural History of Cervical Dysplastic Lesions ........ 152
   8.6  Clinical Manifestations ............................... 152
   8.7  Diagnosis ............................................. 152
   8.8  Treatment for HSIL and CIN ............................ 155
   8.9  Treatment Modalities .................................. 155
   8.10 Post-treatment Follow-Up .............................. 156
   8.11 Prevention ............................................ 157
   8.12 Screening ............................................. 158
   References ................................................. 158

Part IV  Human Papillomavirus Infection and Immunosuppression

9  Human Papillomavirus Infection in HIV-infected
   Individuals ................................................ 163
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 163
   9.2  Overview .............................................. 164
   9.3  HPV Infectious Cycle .................................. 165
   9.4  Effects of Host Immune Status on the Risk of HPV
        Infection ............................................. 166
   9.5  Host Immune Evasion Methods of HPV .................... 166
   9.6  HPV Infection in Immunosuppressed Individuals ......... 167
   9.7  Relationship Between Declining CD4+ Levels, HPV 
        Infection, and Anogenital Cancers ..................... 168
   9.8  Relationship Between HIV/HPV. Coinfection and 
        CIN/Cervical Cancer ................................... 168
   9.9  Relationship Between HIV/HPV. Coinfection and 
        AIN/Anal Cancer ....................................... 169
   9.10 HAART in HPV-Associated Neoplasias .................... 171
   9.11 HAART in HPV-Associated Cervical Disease .............. 171
   9.12 HAART in HPV-Associated Anal Disease .................. 171
   9.13 HAART in HPV-Associated Oral Disease .................. 172
   9.14 Surveillance .......................................... 172
   9.15 Considerations Regarding HPV Prophylactic and
        Therapeutic Vaccines in HIV-infected Individuals ...... 172
   References ................................................. 173

Part V   Human Papillomavirus - Laser Treatment and 

10 Human Papillomavirus and C02 Laser Treatment ............... 181
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 181
   10.2 Historic Background ................................... 181
   10.3 C02 Laser Components .................................. 182
   10.4 C02 Laser Beam ........................................ 183
   10.5 C02 Laser Indications ................................. 186
   10.6 Personal Laser Technique .............................. 186
   References ................................................. 193

11 Human Papillomavirus Vaccines .............................. 195
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 195
   11.2 HPV: An Overview ...................................... 196
   11.3 A Short Introduction to Papillomavirus Biology ........ 197
   11.4 Significance of HPV Proteins in the Generation of
        Prophylactic and Therapeutic HPV Vaccines ............. 197
   11.5 Natural History of HPV Antibodies ..................... 198
   11.6 Prophylactic HPV Vaccination .......................... 200
   11.7 HPV Vaccination: Issues to Be Addressed ............... 205
   11.8 Prophylactic HPV Vaccines in Men ...................... 207
   11.9 Therapeutic HPV Vaccination and Future Vaccine 
        Developments .......................................... 208
   References ................................................. 209

Index ......................................................... 215

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