Forschungsbericht; 09-28 (Forschungsbericht; 09-28). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAviator 2030 - Ability requirements in future ATM systems II: simulations and experiments / Eißfeldt H. et al.; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, Hamburg und Köln. - Köln: DLR, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 2009. - 110 p.: ill., tabl. - (Forschungsbericht; 09-28). - Ref.: p.103-108. - ISSN 1434-8454

Оглавление / Contents
1  Project Aviator 2030 ......................................... 5
   1.1  Workshop design ......................................... 6
   1.2  Future Workshops findings ............................... 7
   1.3  Integrative workshop findings ........................... 9
        1.3.1  Workshop findings F-JAS Aviator 2030 ............. 9
        1.3.2  Workshop proposals for simulation scenarios ..... 15
   1.4  Deduction of experimental scenarios .................... 16
Part A: Transfer of control in Free Flight Airspace ............ 17
2  Current state of research ................................... 17
   2.1  Free flight and self-separation ........................ 17
   2.2  Transitions between Free Flight Airspace and Managed
        Airspace ............................................... 19
   2.3  Assistance systems ..................................... 21
3  Problem ..................................................... 25
4  Experimental setup .......................................... 27
   4.1  Simulation platform .................................... 27
        4.1.1  Flight simulator ................................ 27
        4.1.2  АТС simulator ................................... 29
        4.1.3  Integrated simulator environment ................ 29
   4.2  Airspace structure ..................................... 31
   4.3  Scenarios .............................................. 32
   4.4  Experimental design and procedure ...................... 35
5  Method ...................................................... 37
   5.1  Subjects ............................................... 38
   5.2  Objective data/measurements ............................ 38
        5.2.1  Performance data ................................ 38
        5.2.2  Gaze tracking ................................... 38
        5.2.3  Ophthalmology ................................... 39
   5.3  Ability requirements ................................... 41
   5.4  Questionnaires ......................................... 43
   5.5  Debriefing ............................................. 44
6  Results ..................................................... 45
   6.1  Objective data ......................................... 46
   6.2  Eye tracking data ...................................... 46
   6.3  Ophthalmic data ........................................ 48
   6.4  Ability requirements ................................... 49
   6.5  Questionnaires ......................................... 53
   6.6  Correlation of measurements ............................ 56
   6.7  Results of debriefings ................................. 57
7  Discussion .................................................. 58

Part В: Identifying operators monitoring appropriately
        through the measurement of eye movements ............... 61

8  Introduction ................................................ 61
   8.1  Monitoring automated systems ........................... 61
   8.2  Individual differences in monitoring ................... 62
   8.3  Monitoring performance in future personnel selection ... 64
   8.4  Devising a normative model of monitoring behavior
        (Assumptions) .......................................... 65
9  Method ...................................................... 66
   9.1  Simulation tool ........................................ 66
   9.2  Experimental paradigm .................................. 69
   9.3  Scenario construction .................................. 70
   9.4  Measurements ........................................... 71
   9.5  Experimental device .................................... 73
   9.6  Test subjects .......................................... 74
   9.7  Procedure .............................................. 74
10 Results ..................................................... 75
   10.1 Link between eye movement parameters and manual
        performance ............................................ 75
   10.2 Group comparisons ...................................... 77
11 Discussion .................................................. 82
   Conclusion .................................................. 85
12 Aviator 2030 -conclusion of the project ..................... 85
   12.1 Prospective human factors research ..................... 86
   12.2 Adjustment of selection profiles ....................... 87
   12.3 Outlook ................................................ 89
13 Appendix .................................................... 91
   13.1 Additional F-JAS scales ................................ 91
   13.2 F-JAS profiles for ATCOs ............................... 96
   13.3 F-JAS profiles for pilots .............................. 97
   13.4 Detailed results for NASA-TLX .......................... 98
   13.5 Detailed results for SART ............................. 101
   13.6 Reference list ........................................ 103
   13.7 List of figures ....................................... 109
   13.8 List of tables ........................................ 111

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