Tectonics of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends (London, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTectonics of strike-slip restraining and releasing bends / ed. by Cunningham W.D., Mann P. - London: Geological Society, 2007. - vi, 482 p. : ill. (some col.), maps. - (Geological Society special publication; N 290). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.473-482. - ISBN 978-1-86239-238-0

Оглавление / Contents
Cunningham W.D. & Mann P. Tectonics of strike-slip 
   restraining and releasing bends .............................. 1
Mann P. Global catalogue, classification and tectonic 
   origins of restraining- and releasing bends on active and
   ancient strike-slip fault systems ........................... 13

Bends, sedimentary basins and earthquake hazards

Legg M.R., Goldfinger C., Kamerling M.J., Chaytor J.D. &
   Einstein D.E. Morphology, structure and evolution of
   California Continental Borderland restraining bends ........ 143
Wakabayashi J. Stepovers that migrate with respect to
   affected deposits: field characteristics and speculation
   on some details of their evolution ......................... 169
Graymer R.W., Langenheim V.E., Simpson R.W., Jachens R.C.
   & Ponce D.A. Relatively simple through-going fault planes
   at large-earthquake depth may be concealed by the surface
   complexity of strike-slip faults ........................... 189
Bohoyo F., Galindo-Zaldivar J., Jabaloy A., Maldonado A.,
   Rodriguez-Fernandez J., Schreider A. & Surinach E.
   Extensional deformation and development of deep basins
   associated with the sinistral transcurrent fault zone of
   the Scotia-Antarctic plate boundary ........................ 203

Restraining bends, transpressional deformation and basement
controls on development

Cunningham W.D. Structural and topographic characteristics
   of restraining bend mountain ranges of the Altai, Gobi 
   Altai and easternmost Tien Shan ............................ 219
Mann P., DeMets C. & Wiggins-Grandison M. Toward a better
   understanding of the Late Neogene strike-slip restraining
   bend in Jamaica: geodetic, geological, and seismic
   constraints ................................................ 239
Seyrek A., Demir Т., Pringle M.S., Yurtmen S., Westaway
   R.W.C., Beck A. & Rowbotham G. Kinematics of the Amanos
   Fault, southern Turkey, from Ar/Ar dating of offset 
   Pleistocene basalt flows: transpression between the 
   African and Arabian plates ................................. 255
Gomez F., Nemer Т., Tabet C., Khawlie M., Meghraoui M. & 
   Barazangi M. Strain partitioning of active transpression
   within the Lebanese restraining bend of the Dead Sea 
   Fault (Lebanon and SW Syria) ............................... 285
Smith M., Chantraprasert S., Morley С.К. & Cartwright I.
   Structural geometry and timing of deformation in the
   Chainat duplex, Thailand ................................... 305
Morley С.K., Smith M., Carter A., Charusiri P. & 
   Chantraprasert S. Evolution of deformation styles at 
   a major restraining bend, constraints from cooling 
   histories, Mae Ping fault zone, western Thailand ........... 325
Zampieri D. & Massironi M. Evolution of a poly-deformed
   relay zone between fault segments in the eastern Southern
   Alps, Italy ................................................ 351
Waldron J.W.R., Roselli C. & Johnston S.K. Transpressional
   structures on a Late Palaeozoic intracontinental 
   transform fault, Canadian Appalachians ..................... 367

Releasing bends, transtensional deformation and fluid flow

Mouslopoulou V., Little T.A., Nicol A. & Walsh J.J. 
   Terminations of large strike-slip faults: an alternative
   model from New Zealand ..................................... 387
Fodor L.I. Segment linkage and the state of stress in 
   transtensional transfer zones: field examples from the 
   Pannonian Basin ............................................ 417
De Paola N., Holdsworth R.E., Collettini C., 
   McCaffrey K.J.W. & Barchi M.R. The structural evolution
   of dilational stepovers in regional transtensional zones ... 433
Berger B.R. The 3D fault and vein architecture of strike-
   slip releasing- and restraining bends: evidence from 
   volcanic-centre-related mineral deposits ................... 447

Index ......................................................... 473

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