Reshaping economic geography in East (Washington, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаReshaping economic geography in East / ed. by Huang Y., Bocchi A.M. - Washington: World Bank, 2009. - xxxi, 369 p.: ill, maps. - Incl. bibl. ref.: p.359-369. - ISBN 978-0-8213-7641-6

Место хранения: 010 | Институт географии СО РАН | Иркутск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... xvii
Preface ....................................................... xix
Acknowledgments ............................................... xxv
Contributors ................................................ xxvii
Abbreviations ................................................ xxxi

Section I  Context and concepts: density, distance, and
           division ............................................. 1

1  Regional integration, agglomeration, and income
   distribution in East Asia .................................... 1
      Nobuaki Hamaguchi

   Production networks in East Asia ............................. 4
   Regional income inequality .................................. 11
   Discussion .................................................. 14
   Notes ....................................................... 15
   References .................................................. 16

   Annex: Data for analysis of the China-Japan border effect ... 18

2  Geography of cluster-based industrial development ........... 19
      Keijiro Otsuka and Tetsushi Sonobe

   A theory of cluster-based industrial development ............ 20
   Evidence from case studies .................................. 22
   Evidence of changing industrial locations ................... 25
   Policy implications ......................................... 30
   Notes ....................................................... 30
   References .................................................. 31

3  Rural clustering at incipient stages of economic
   development: hand-weaving clusters in Lao PDR ............... 33
      Akihiko Ohno

   Market segregation at an incipient stage of development ..... 34
   Hypotheses on the emergence of traders ...................... 35
   Profile of the Lao PDR hand-loom industry ................... 36
   Marketing and contractual arrangements ...................... 37
   Weaving clusters and traders ................................ 40
   Decline of trust ............................................ 44
   Retailers as urban-based traders ............................ 45
   Conclusions ................................................. 45
   Notes ....................................................... 46
   References .................................................. 46

4  Spatial networks, incentives, and the dynamics of village
   economies: evidence from Indonesia .......................... 48
      Futoshi Yamauchi Megumi Muto, Reno Dewina, and Sony

   Data ........................................................ 49
   Descriptive analyses ........................................ 50
   Empirical framework ......................................... 58
   Empirical results ........................................... 59
   Policy discussion ........................................... 63
   Conclusions ................................................. 63
   Notes ....................................................... 64
   References .................................................. 64

5  The Iskandar Development Region and Singapore ............... 66
      Manu Bhaskaran

   Background .................................................. 66
   Key factors driving the relationship between the two
   regions ..................................................... 67
   Potential synergies between Singapore and the IDR ........... 71
   The way forward ............................................. 75
   Conclusion: can these obstacles be overcome? ................ 78
   Notes ....................................................... 78
   References .................................................. 78

6  Spatial integration and human transformations in the
   Greater Mekong subregion .................................... 79
      Jonathan Rigg and Chusak Wittayapak

   The GMS: an idea becomes a subregion ........................ 79
   Openness, progress, and inequality in the GMS ............... 81
   Scales and sites: the empirics of spatial transformations
   in the GMS .................................................. 83
   Agents, agency, and impacts of spatial transformation in
   the GMS ..................................................... 86
   Policies and politics of spatial transformation ............. 92
   Notes ....................................................... 95
   References .................................................. 96

Section II  Southeast Asia: Vietnam, the Philippines,
            Indonesia, and Thailand ........................... 100

7  Rural development and issues in Vietnam: spatial
   disparities and some recommendations ....................... 100
      Dang Kim Son

   Current spatial disparities and policy issues .............. 100
   Disparities between rural and urban areas .................. 101
   Regional disparities ....................................... 103
   Causes of disparities ...................................... 109
   Recommendations ............................................ 112
   Notes ...................................................... 113
   References ................................................. 113

8  Economic geography of Indonesia: location, connectivity,
   and resources .............................................. 115
      Hall Hill Budy P. Resosudarmo, and Yogi Vidyattama

   Economic geography ......................................... 116
   Regional economic growth and change ........................ 121
   Regional inequality and convergence ........................ 125
   Conclusions ................................................ 132
   Notes ...................................................... 133
   References ................................................. 134

9  Spatial considerations on decentralization and economies
   of concentration in Indonesia .............................. 135
      Francisco Javier Arze del Granado

   Decentralization of expenditures, urban-to-rural
   migration, and urban density in congested regions .......... 136
   Agglomeration economies .................................... 143
   Room for further decentralization and policy
   implications ............................................... 146
   Conclusions ................................................ 148
   Notes ...................................................... 149
   References ................................................. 151

   Annex: Definition of the variables and estimation
   results .................................................... 154

10 Spatial agglomeration, firm productivity, and government
   policies in Indonesia: concentration and deconcentration
   in the manufacturing sector ................................ 156
      Ari Kuncoro

   Evolution of the manufacturing industry's spatial
   configuration in Java ...................................... 156
   Choice of firm location .................................... 158
   Empirical methodology: externalities and firm
   decentralization ........................................... 162
   Results .................................................... 164
   Conclusions ................................................ 166
   Notes ...................................................... 167
   References ................................................. 168

11 Spatial disparities and development policy in the
   Philippines ................................................ 169
      Arsenio M. Balisacan, Hal Hill, and Sharon Faye Piza

   Regional development patterns .............................. 171
   Determinants of local growth and poverty reduction ......... 177
   Conclusions ................................................ 179
   Notes ...................................................... 180
   References ................................................. 181

   Annex: Determinants of growth and poverty reduction in
   the Philippines: descriptive statistics .................... 183

12 Spatial disparities in Thailand: does government policy
   aggravate or alleviate the problem? ........................ 184
      Nitinant Wisaweisuan

   Growth and spatial disparities ............................. 185
   Explaining spatial disparities ............................. 186
   Attempts to alleviate the problem .......................... 190
   Conclusions ................................................ 194
   Notes ...................................................... 194
   References ................................................. 194

Section III Northeast Asia: China and the Republic of Korea ... 196

13 Reshaping economic geography in China ...................... 196
      Yukon Huang and Xubei Luo

   China's historic and geographic legacy ..................... 196
   Accelerating growth: coordinating structural, incentive,
   and fiscal policies ........................................ 198
   Spatial factors and government policies: growth and
   equity implications ........................................ 199
   Looking to the future ...................................... 213
   Notes ...................................................... 216
   References ................................................. 216

14 The political economy of government policies toward
   regional inequality in China ............................... 218
      Yang Yao

   Regional disparities in China .............................. 218
   The path to the uneven development model ................... 223
   Preferential government policies and economic geography .... 226
   Recent government initiatives to reduce regional
   disparities ................................................ 230
   Alternative ways to address regional disparities ........... 235
   Conclusions ................................................ 238
   Notes ...................................................... 238
   References ................................................. 238

15 Is China sacrificing growth when balancing interregional
   and urban-rural development? ............................... 241
      Zhao Chen and Ming Lu

   Industrial agglomeration and city development .............. 242
   China's urban-rural and interregional development: is
   there a tradeoff between efficiency and equality? .......... 247
   Interregional and urban-rural economic development:
   policy adjustment and fiscal transfer ...................... 250
   Conclusions and policy implications ........................ 253
   Notes ...................................................... 255
   References ................................................. 255

16 Industrial agglomeration and economic performance in
   transitional China ......................................... 258
      Canfei He

   Theoretical understanding of industrial agglomeration in
   China ...................................................... 258
   Industrial agglomeration and industrial specialization
   in China ................................................... 261
   Industrial agglomeration and labor productivity in China ... 273
   Industrial clusters in China: a county-level analysis ...... 277
   Conclusions ................................................ 279
   Note ....................................................... 280
   References ................................................. 280

17 Capital allocation, regional specialization, and
   spillover effects in China ................................. 282
      Chong-En Bai and Xu Lin

   Returns to capital across provinces ........................ 283
   Regional specialization .................................... 285
   Spatial factors behind productivity growth ................. 289
   Conclusions ................................................ 291
   Notes ...................................................... 292
   References ................................................. 292

18 Coastal China's urban-rural spatial restructuring under
   globalization .............................................. 294
      Yue-man Yueng and Jianfa Shen

   Guangdong and the Pearl River delta ........................ 296
   Shanghai and the Yangtze River delta ....................... 304
   The Bohai Bay region ....................................... 310
   Conclusions ................................................ 315
   Notes ...................................................... 317
   References ................................................. 317

19 A history of the Republic of Korea's industrial
   structural transformation and spatial development .......... 320
      Sam Ock Park

   Industrial policies, structural changes of industry, and
   spatial transformation ..................................... 321
   Spatial development and change ............................. 327
   Policy implications ........................................ 334
   Note ....................................................... 336
   References ................................................. 336

Section IV Conclusion: lessons from experience ................ 338

20 Lessons from experience: reshaping economic geography
   in East Asia ............................................... 338
      Yukon Huang and Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi

   Context: the rise of regionalism and the role of
   production-sharing networks ................................ 338
   Accompanied by increasing disparities ...................... 339
   The new economic geography ................................. 339
   Vietnam and Lao PDR: emerging spatial patterns at low
   income levels .............................................. 341
   Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand: diverse
   settings and varied outcomes in three middle-income ASEAN
   countries .................................................. 342
   China: agglomeration, rapid growth, and major spatial
   consequences Korea: from developing to developed status
   and eventual equalization in living standards .............. 349
   Lessons learned ............................................ 350
   Notes ...................................................... 356
   References ................................................. 357

Index  ........................................................ 359


5.1   Density, distance, and division: Singapore and
      Johor .................................................... 67
6.1   Development through concentration? The Lao PDR
      government's focal site strategy ......................... 90
18.1  Tianjin Binhai New District: the third pole in
      China ................................................... 313
19.1  The case of Sunchang .................................... 335


1.1   East Asia's share of intraregional trade, 1980-2004 ....... 4
1.2   Composition of intraregional trade in East Asia, by
      category of use, 1980-2004 ................................ 5
1.3   Regional production shares of information technology-
      related goods, 2005 ....................................... 6
1.4   Triangular trade in East Asian electronics industry ....... 7
1.5   Framework for fragmentation ............................... 8
1.6   Modified framework for fragmentation ...................... 9
1.7   Structure of interregional trade between China and
      Japan .................................................... 11
1.8   Share of East Asia's population living in
      agglomerations greater than 750,000 inhabitants,
      1950-2000 ................................................ 12
1.9   Rank-size rule of large agglomerations (population
      over 750,000) in East Asia, 1950 and 2005 ................ 13
1.10  Nominal income per capita in select Asian economies,
      1990 and 2005 ............................................ 14
1.11  Regional income inequality measured using the
      coefficient of variation for select East Asian
      countries, 1990-2004 ..................................... 15
2.1   Development of the motorcycle industry in Japan,
      1945-65 .................................................. 23
3.1   The marketing process .................................... 38
3.2   Contractual arrangements along a "Make or Buy"
      spectrum ................................................. 39
3.3   Map of survey sites in Lao PDR ........................... 41
4.1   Location of surveyed villages in Indonesia ............... 50
4.2   Change in average intervillage road quality (asphalt
      roads as a proportion of all roads) in select
      provinces of Indonesia ................................... 52
4.3   Per capita income growth in select villages of
      Indonesia ................................................ 54
4.4   Change in nonagricultural income share in select
      villages of Indonesia .................................... 54
4.5   Impact of change in the proportion of asphalt roads
      at the subdistrict level on per capita income growth
      and change in nonagricultural income in select
      villages of Indonesia .................................... 55
4.6   Impact of years of schooling of household head on per
      capita income growth and change in nonagricultural
      income in select villages of Indonesia ................... 56
4.7   Self-employment activities, by province-level road
      density in select villages of Indonesia .................. 57
4.8   Self-employment activities, by speed to district
      center in select villages of Indonesia ................... 58
6.1   The Greater Mekong subregion ............................. 80
6.2   International migrant flows in the GMS ................... 91
7.1   Employment in Vietnam, by sector, 1988-2005 ............. 102
7.2   Urban and rural expenditure in Vietnam, 2002-06 ......... 102
7.3   Labor productivity in Vietnam, 1995-2006 ................ 104
7.4   Cereal production per capita in Vietnam, by region,
      2006 .................................................... 105
7.5   Distribution of malnourished children under five
      years of age in Vietnam ................................. 105
7.6   Source of migrants to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City,
      1999 .................................................... 107
7.7   Poverty rate and density in Vietnam ..................... 108
7.8   Inequality in Vietnam ................................... 109
7.9   Relation between GDP per capita and agricultural
      value added in GDP in Vietnam ........................... 111
7.10  Total investment in the economy and in agriculture
      in Vietnam, 1995-2005 ................................... 112
8.1   Structural change and growth in Indonesia,
      1975-2004 ............................................... 125
8.2   Initial regional GDP with and without mining and
      household consumption expenditure per capita vs.
      growth in Indonesia, by province, 1975-2004 ............. 128
8.3   Provincial income inequality in Indonesia,
      1975-2003 ............................................... 129
9.1   Net migration of population in Indonesia, by
      districts, 2005 ......................................... 138
9.2   Simulation: Urban gravity at alternative distances
      and levels of urbanization .............................. 139
9.3   Out-migration from large metropolitan districts to
      the fringes in Indonesia ................................ 140
10.1  Java island and its vicinity ............................ 158
11.1  Regions of the Philippines, 2007 ........................ 170
11.2  Regional growth versus initial regional income .......... 172
11.3  Variation in provincial prices, 1985-2003 ............... 176
11.4  Income growth and poverty reduction, Philippine
      provinces, 1985-2003 .................................... 177
12.1  GDP per capita in Thailand, 1980-2005 ................... 185
12.2  Absolute poverty and income distribution in
      Thailand, 1990-2006 ..................................... 185
12.3  Regional share of GDP in Thailand, 1990-2005 ............ 186
12.4  Proportion of the poor people in Thailand, by
      region, 1990-2004 ....................................... 186
12.5  GDP per capita in Thailand, by region, 1990-2005 ........ 187
12.6  Composition of regional GDP in Thailand, by region
      and economic activity, 1981-2005 ........................ 188
12.7  Gini coefficient and economic growth in Thailand,
      1981-2005 ............................................... 189
12.8  Allocation of the government budget in Thailand, by
      region, 2003-06 ......................................... 192
12.9  Allocation of the government budget in Thailand, by
      activity and region (excluding Bangkok and its
      vicinities), 2001-06 .................................... 193
13.1  Regions and open cities in China ........................ 197
13.2  GDP growth in China, by region, 1981-2006 ............... 198
13.3  Ratio of total government revenue and expenditure to
      GDP in China, 1980-2005 ................................. 201
13.4  Ratio of central government revenue and expenditure
      to total government revenue and expenditure in
      China, 1980-2005 ........................................ 202
13.5  Share of total investment in fixed assets in coastal
      and inland areas of China, 1982-2007 .................... 202
13.6  Ratio of total provincial government expenditure to
      regional GDP in coastal and inland regions of China,
      1999-2006 ............................................... 203
13.7  Central transfers and GDP per capita in China at the
      provincial level, 2004 .................................. 204
13.8  GDP per capita and ratio of central transfers to
      subnational government expenditure at the provincial
      level 2004 .............................................. 205
13.9  Subnational government expenditures per capita on
      education and health care in coastal and inland
      provinces of China, 1999-2006 ........................... 205
13.10 Relationship between growth in provincial GDP per
      capita and adjusted distance from the major coastal
      commercial areas in China, 1979-2003 .................... 206
13.11 Density of highways in China, 1978,1999, and 2003 ....... 207
13.12 Density of railways in China, 1978,1999, and 2003 ....... 208
13.13 Interprovincial migration flows to the coast in
      China, 1995-2000 ........................................ 209
13.14 Income inequality in China, 1978-2004 ................... 210
13.15 Income growth in rural and urban areas of China,
      1989-2004 ............................................... 212
13.16 Projected household income inequality in China,
      1981-2021 ............................................... 216
14.1  Divergence of income among Chinese provinces,
      1952-98 ................................................. 219
14.2  Divergence of income among Chinese provinces,
      1999-2006 ............................................... 219
14.3  Divergence of growth rates among Chinese provinces,
      1952-78 ................................................. 220
14.4  Divergence of growth rates among Chinese provinces,
      1978-98 ................................................. 220
14.5  Divergence of growth rates among Chinese provinces,
      1999-2006 ............................................... 220
14.6  Per capita GDP and urban-rural divide in China, 1999
      and 2006 ................................................ 222
14.7  Interprovincial inequality in China, 1952-2004 .......... 223
14.8  Contribution of urban-rural divide and regional
      divide to interprovincial inequality, 1952-2003 ......... 223
15.1  Industrial share in China, by province, 1987,1995,
      and 2005 ................................................ 243
15.2  Globalization and industrial growth in China,
      1987-2005 ............................................... 244
15.3  Urbanization and industrial growth in China,
      1987-2005 ............................................... 245
15.4  Per capita GDP and industrial shares of cities in
      China, 1991-2005 ........................................ 246
15.5  Population density and per capita GDP of cities in
      China, 1991-2005 ........................................ 247
15.6  Urban-rural and interregional income disparities in
      China, 1978-2005 ........................................ 248
15.7  Urban-rural income disparities and infringement
      cases in China, 1981-2004 ............................... 249
15.8  Share of net fiscal transfers in China from the
      central government, by geographic region, 1998-2004 ..... 253
15.9  Level of economic development and central fiscal
      transfers, 1998-2004 .................................... 253
15.10 Changes in the share of agricultural expenditures,
      1998-2004 ............................................... 254
15.11 Central fiscal transfers and economic growth ............ 254
16.1  Geographic concentration of manufacturing industries
      in China, 1980-2004 ..................................... 262
16.2  Geographic agglomeration of industrial output of
      globalized industries in China, 1980-2004 ............... 264
16.3  Provincial distribution of industrial output of
      highly globalized industries in China ................... 265
16.4  Geographic agglomeration of domestic market-
      oriented industries in China, 1980-2004 ................. 266
16.5  Provincial distribution of industrial output of
      domestic market-oriented industries in China in
      2004 .................................................... 267
16.6  Geographic agglomeration of favored and protected
      industries by local governments in China,
      1980-2004 ............................................... 268
16.7  Geographic agglomeration of less-protected and -
      favored industries in China, 1980-2004 .................. 268
16.8  Provincial distribution of favored and protected
      industries by local governments in China ................ 269
16.9  Provincial distribution of least-favored or -
      protected industries in China ........................... 270
16.10 Relations between exports (panel A) and foreign
      capital (panel B) and industrial agglomerations in
      China in 2004 .......................................... 271
16.11 Relations between ratio of income tax and value-
      added tax to sales revenue (panel A) and ratio of
      total profits in sales revenue (panel B) and Gini
      coefficient of three-digit industries in 2004 .......... 272
16.12 Relation between ratio of state capital to total
      capital and Gini coefficient of three-digit
      industries in 2004 ..................................... 273
16.13 Relationship between industrial agglomeration
      (weighted Gini coefficients across industries) and
      industrial specialization (weighted Gini
      coefficients across provinces) ......................... 273
16.14 Temporal changes of industrial specialization in
      centrally administered municipalities of China,
      1980-2004 .............................................. 274
16.15 Temporal changes of industrial specialization in
      select coastal provinces of China, 1980-2004 ........... 274
16.16 Temporal changes of industrial specialization in
      select western provinces of China, 1980-2004 ............ 275
16.17 Temporal changes of industrial specialization in
      central provinces of China, 1980-2004 ................... 275
16.18 Spatial distribution of manufacturing employment in
      China, by county, 2004 .................................. 277
16.19 Spatial distribution of employment in
      telecommunications equipment, computers, and other
      electronic equipment in China, by county, 2004 .......... 278
17.1  Returns to capital in China, by province,
      1978-2005 ............................................... 284
17.2  Standard deviation of returns to capital across
      provinces in China, 1978-2005 ........................... 284
17.3  Average of Hoover coefficients across regions in
      China, 1999-2003 ........................................ 287
17.4  Average (across time) Hoover coefficient in China,
      by region ............................................... 287
18.1  Three coastal regions in China .......................... 296
18.2  The Pearl River delta region and its constituent
      cities .................................................. 299
18.3  Urban cluster-coordinated development plan of the
      Pearl River delta, 2020 ................................. 301
19.1  Administrative divisions of Korea: provinces, mega
      cities, and provincial cities ........................... 321
19.2  Four regions, nine provinces, and major cities in
      Korea ................................................... 322
19.3  A brief history of Korean industrial policies ........... 323
19.4  Inward and outward FDI in Korea, 1981-2006 .............. 326
19.5  Share of population in Korea, by region, 1970-2004 ...... 328
19.6  Entropy index ........................................... 329
19.7  Annual growth rate of GDP in Korea, 1960-2005 ........... 330
19.8  Regional GDP in Korea, by region, 1985-2003 ............. 330
19.9  Per capita regional GDP in Korea, by region,
      1985-2005 ............................................... 331
20.1  Provincial disparities: human development indexes
      in East Asia ............................................ 353
20.2  Share of subnational government expenditure in
      total government expenditure in East Asia during
      the 1990s ............................................... 355
20.3  Coefficient of variation in provincial per capita
      revenues before and after transfers in select East
      Asian countries ......................................... 355


1.1   Intraregional trade of intermediate goods in East
      Asia, 1995, 2000, and 2005 ................................ 5
1.2   Transactions of semiconductors and integrated circuits
      in East Asia, 2000 ........................................ 6
1.3   Gravity model estimates of China-Japan intraregional
      trade .................................................... 10
2.1   An endogenous model of cluster-based industrial
      development .............................................. 20
2.2   Major features of the machine tool enterprises in
      Taichung, Taiwan, China .................................. 23
2.3   Transition to quality improvement: Average
      enterprise size and marketing channels in Wenzhou,
      China, 1999,1995, and 2000 ............................... 24
2.4   Share of manufacturing employment and annual growth
      rates of employment in Taiwan, China, by industry ........ 26
2.5   Changes in employment shares in Taiwan, China, by
      area and industry, 1976,1986, and 1996 ................... 27
2.6   Average number of enterprises and workers and real
      value of production per sample township in Jiangsu
      and Zhejiang provinces, China, by location, 1990,
      1996, and 2002 ........................................... 29
2.7   Share of production and employment of the most
      important industry in the township in Jiangsu and
      Zhejiang provinces, China, by area, 1990,1996, and
      2002 ..................................................... 29
3.1   Trust of villagers in various economic agents in
      Lao PDR .................................................. 35
3.2   Source of income of rural households in Lao PDR .......... 36
3.3   Post-contractual problems under the different
      contracting systems ...................................... 39
3.4   Surveyed clusters in Lao PDR ............................. 40
3.5   Social characteristics of the large-scale master
      weavers surveyed in Lao PDR .............................. 42
4.1   Proportion of asphalt roads in intervillage roads in
      Indonesia, 1996 and 2006 ................................. 51
4.2   Changes in intervillage road quality (asphalt,
      concrete, or cone block or not) in Indonesia, by
      province, 1996-2006 ...................................... 52
4.3   Distance to economic centers in select villages of
      Indonesia ................................................ 53
4.4   Descriptive statistics: household income,
      nonagricultural income share, landholding, and
      education in select villages of Indonesia ................ 54
4.5   Provincial averages: household income,
      nonagricultural income share, landholding, and
      education in Indonesia ................................... 55
4.6   Nonagricultural income share and share of
      households with self-employment activity in select
      villages of Indonesia, by distance from economic
      centers .................................................. 56
4.7   Type of self-employment activities in select
      villages of Indonesia, by distance to economic
      centers .................................................. 57
4.8   Change in average road quality and per capita income
      growth in select villages of Indonesia ................... 60
4.9   Change in average road quality and nonagricultural
      income share in select villages of Indonesia ............. 61
4.10  Change in average road quality and nonfarm
      self-employment income share in select villages of
      Indonesia ................................................ 62
4.11  Summary of parameter signs in select villages of
      Indonesia ................................................ 62
5.1   Share of Singapore foreign direct investment in
      Asia, by country, select years, 1996-2005 ................ 67
5.2   Comparison of Singapore and the IDR ...................... 68
5.3   Economic growth before and after the Asian financial
      crisis, by country, 1991-2006 ............................ 71
5.4   Benefits of relocating and undertaking complementary
      activities ............................................... 73
5.5   Competitiveness indicators for Malaysia and
      Singapore ................................................ 75
6.1   Openness, progress, and inequality in the GMS,
      1990-2006 ................................................ 82
6.2   Incidence of poverty in Lao PDR, by ethnolinguistic
      family, 2001 ............................................. 84
6.3   Rural and urban distribution of poverty based on
      national poverty lines, various years .................... 84
6.4   Annualized growth rates of per capita expenditure
      and income, by country and quintile ...................... 85
6.5   Expanded trade flows in the Greater Mekong subregion
      two-way trade ............................................ 85
6.6   Effects of improved roads and transport .................. 88
6.7   Decline in the availability of nontimber forest
      products in Ban Nong Hin, Champassak province, Lao
      PDR, 1989-99 ............................................. 89
6.8   Distilling the GMS "success factors" ..................... 93
7.1   GDP growth rate and GDP per capita in Vietnam, by
      ecological zone ......................................... 101
7.2   Average living expenditure in urban and rural areas
      of Vietnam, 2006 ........................................ 103
7.3   Energy in the Vietnamese diet in rural and urban
      areas, 2000 ............................................. 103
7.4   Income and health indicators in the plains and
      highlands of Vietnam, 2004 .............................. 103
7.5   Living standards in the highlands and plains of
      Vietnam, 2004 ........................................... 104
7.6   Labor and migration situation in Vietnam, 2004 .......... 106
7.7   Economic growth rate in Vietnam, by province, 2006 ...... 107
7.8   Poverty in Vietnam, by region, 2004 ..................... 109
7.9   Investment in Vietnam, by region ........................ 110
7.10  Accessibility of infrastructure in Vietnam, by
      region, 2004 ............................................ 110
7.11  Structure of GDP and economic development in
      Vietnam, by region, 2006 ................................ 111
7.12  Effective rate of protection in Vietnam, by sector,
      1997-2003 ............................................... 111
8.1   Shares of regional GDP with and without mining and
      household consumption expenditure in Indonesia, by
      province, various years, 1975-2004 ...................... 118
8.2   Regional GDP with and without mining and household
      consumption expenditure per capita in Indonesia, by
      province, various years, 1975-2004 ...................... 119
8.3   Annual growth rates of regional GDP with and
      without mining and household consumption
      expenditure per capita in Indonesia, by province,
      1976-2004 ............................................... 122
8.4   Social and demographic indicators in Indonesia, by
      province, 1971 and 2000 ................................. 126
8.5   Indicators of social vulnerability in Indonesia, by
      province, various years, 1971-2004 ...................... 127
8.6   Absolute convergence .................................... 129
9.1   Urban and rural population and population growth
      rate in Indonesia, 1960-2005 ............................ 137
9.2   Determinants of districts'net migration ................. 139
9.3   Population dynamics: public expenditures and net
      migration in Indonesia .................................. 141
9.4   Population convergence .................................. 142
9.5   Distribution of population in Indonesia, by
      district, province, and island, 1983 and 2005 ........... 142
9.6   Number of people relocated under Indonesia's
      transmigration program .................................. 142
9.7   Population and annual population growth in
      Indonesia, 2000 and 2005 ................................ 143
9.8   Composition and concentration of employment, by
      sector .................................................. 144
10.1  Comparison of high-income per capita and low-income
      per capita regions in Java, select years,
      1986-2003 ............................................... 157
10.2  Ratio of local GDP per capita to Jakarta's GDP in
      Java, select years, 1986-2003 ........................... 158
10.3  Spatial concentration of manufacturing GDP in Java,
      select years, 1986-2003 ................................. 158
10.4  Fraction of manufacturing value added in local GDP
      in Java, select years, 1986-2003 ........................ 159
10.5  Fraction of villages with paved roads in Java,
      select years, 1986-2000  ................................ 159
10.6  Concentration of manufacturing firms in Java,
      select years, 1980-2003 ................................. 160
10.7  Concentration of manufacturing employment in Java,
      select years, 1980-2003 ................................. 161
10.8  District industrial concentration index in Java,
      select years, 1990-2003 ................................. 161
10.9  Change in the district industrial concentration
      index in Java, 1990-2003 ................................ 162
10.10 Annual growth of stock of firms and labor
      employment in large and medium manufacturing
      enterprises in Java, 1990-2003 .......................... 162
10.11 Externality and productivity in Java: textiles,
      garments, leather, and footwear, 1990-2003 .............. 164
10.12 Externality and productivity in Java: chemicals,
      1990-2003 ............................................... 165
10.13 Externality and productivity in Java: nonmetallic
      minerals, 1990-2003 ..................................... 165
10.14 Externality and productivity in Java: machinery,
      1990-2003 ............................................... 165
10.15 Test of dynamic externalities in Java, 1990-95 .......... 166
11.1  Regional growth and structure in the Philippines,
      by region, 1975-2005 .................................... 171
11.2  Key economic indicators in the Philippines, by
      region, 1988 and 2003 ................................... 172
11.3  Social indicators in the Philippines, by region,
      1988 and 2003 ........................................... 173
11.4  Population and intraregional migration in the
      Philippines, by region, 2000 ............................ 174
11.5  Infrastructure indicators in the Philippines, by
      region, 1988 and 2004 or 2005 ........................... 175
11.6  Determinants of local growth and poverty reduction
      in the Philippines ...................................... 178
12.1  Economic indicators in Thailand, 1980-2005 .............. 185
12.2  Urban-rural income gap in Thailand measured by per
      capita income, 1994-2004 ................................ 186
12.3  Per capita regional GDP in Thailand, 1990-2005 .......... 187
12.4  Gini coefficient of consumption spending in
      Thailand, by region, 1988-2006 .......................... 190
12.5  Openness and income distribution in Thailand,
      1995-2005 ............................................... 190
12.6  Net inflows of foreign direct investment in
      Thailand, 1970-2006 ..................................... 191
12.7  Major emphasis of national economic and development
      plans in Thailand ....................................... 191
12.8  Ratio of Q5 to Ql in Thailand, by region,
      1994-2004 ............................................... 192
12.9  Availability of health care resources in Thailand,
      by region ............................................... 193
12.10 Proportion of the poor in Thailand, by education of
      the head of household, 1996-2004 ........................ 193
13.1  GDP growth rates of central and western regions as
      a percentage of the coastal region in China,
      1980-2006 ............................................... 212
14.1  Convergence of growth rates among the three regions
      in China, 1978-2006 ..................................... 221
14.2  Comparison of the three richest and the three
      poorest provinces in China, 2006 ........................ 222
14.3  Urban-rural and regional divides in China, 2005 ......... 222
14.4  Central government capital investment, 1953-2005 ........ 227
14.5  Net transfers received from the central government,
      1953-2005 ............................................... 228
14.6  Preferential policies offered to different zones ........ 229
14.7  Policy versus geography: Regression results ............. 230
14.8  Comparison of the western region and the country,
      2000-05 ................................................. 232
14.9  Composite tax rates of inland and coastal regions ....... 237
14.10 Marginal contribution of public investments to
      regional income inequality .............................. 237
15.1  Historical development of opening areas ................. 251
16.1  Gini coefficient of manufacturing industries in
      China in select years, 1980-2004 ........................ 263
16.2  Regression analysis of the relationship between
      productivity and industrial agglomeration for
      two-digit industries in China, 1980-93 .................. 276
17.1  Variable mean and rank .................................. 288
17.2  Pair-wise correlations between main variables ........... 288
17.3  Estimation results with dependent variable:
      LogitHoover ............................................. 288
17.4  Estimation results with dependent variable
      ln( TFP) ................................................ 291
18.1  Demographic and GDP indicators of Guangzhou,
      Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, and China, 1980-2005 ....... 297
18.2  Share of secondary and tertiary industries in GDP,
      exports, and realized foreign capital in Guangzhou,
      Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, and China, 1980-2005 ....... 298
18.3  Distribution of population in Shanghai, 2006 ............ 307
18.4  Industrial distribution in Shanghai, 2006 ............... 308
18.5  Population and GDP density in the Yangtze River
      delta region, 2005 ...................................... 309
18.6  Comparison of the three coastal regions in China,
      2005 .................................................... 311
18.7  Major indicators of the JJJ city-region, 2005 ........... 312
18.8  Employment in three cities of China, 2005 ............... 314
19.1  Structure of production in Korea, by sector,
      1960-2005 ............................................... 323
19.2  Share of manufacturing industry in Korea, by type
      of firm, 1981-2005 ...................................... 324
19.3  Share of manufacturing employment in Korea, by
      region, 1963-2005 ....................................... 325
19.4  Share of population in Korea, by region, 1970-2005 ...... 329
19.5  Share of headquarters and plants of top 100 firms
      in Korea, by region, 2002 and 2007 ...................... 332
19.6  Share of industrial patents in Korea, by region,
      1995, 2000, and 2005 .................................... 332
19.7  Regional GDP per capita in the capital region of
      Korea, 1985-2005 ........................................ 333
19.8  Share of dot-kr domains in Korea, by region,
      2001-07 ................................................. 334
20.1  Key indicators for growth, urbanization, and income
      distribution in East Asia, by country, various
      years ................................................... 339

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