Lee P.J. Statistical methods for estimating petroleum resources (Oxford, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLee P.J. Statistical methods for estimating petroleum resources. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - xxi, 234 p.: ill. - (Studies in mathematical geology; 8). - International Association for Mathematical Geology. - Ref.: p.213-220. - Ind.: p.221-234. - ISBN 978-0-19-533190-5

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword to the Series ........................................ vii
Foreword ....................................................... ix

1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   Background ................................................... 3
   Objectives ................................................... 4
   An Outline of the Evaluation Procedure ....................... 5
   Scope ........................................................ 5
2  Evaluation Models ............................................ 7
   Geological Models and Play Definitions ....................... 7
   Statistical Models .......................................... 11
   Concepts Used ............................................... 14
   The Nature of Geological Populations ........................ 18
      The Beaverhill Lake Play ................................. 18
      Outliers ................................................. 21
      Correlation between Random Variables ..................... 22
      Mixed Populations ........................................ 25
3  Estimating Mature Plays ..................................... 26
   The Superpopulation Model ................................... 27
      Lognormal Discovery Process Model ........................ 27
      Nonparametric Discovery Process Model .................... 33
      Estimating Pool-Size Distribution for the Beaverhill
      Lake Play ................................................ 34
      Lognormal/Nonparametric-Poisson Discovery Process
      Model .................................................... 36
         Previous Work ......................................... 36
         The BDSCV Model ....................................... 38
         The Keg River Shelf ................................... 39
         Remarks ............................................... 39
      Multivariate Discovery Process Model ..................... 40
         Bivariate Lognormal Distribution for Oil and Gas
         Pools ................................................. 43
         Estimating the Covariance Matrix ...................... 44
      Remarks .................................................. 45
   Pool-Size-by-Rank by Order Statistics ....................... 45
      Interpretations .......................................... 47
      The Matching Process: Operation .......................... 51
      The Beaverhill Lake Play ................................. 54
      Pool Sizes Conditional on Pool Rank ...................... 55
      Distribution of the Ratio of Two Pools ................... 56
   Play Resource and Potential Distribution .................... 57
      Play Resource Distribution ............................... 57
      Play Potential Distribution .............................. 58
         Expected Play Potential ............................... 58
         Probable Play Potential Distribution .................. 59
         The Beaverhill Lake Play .............................. 59
4  More about Discovery Process Models ......................... 61
   Validation Study by Simulation .............................. 61
      Validation Procedure ..................................... 61
      Estimates for the N Value ................................ 63
         Lognormal Population .................................. 63
         Weibull Population .................................... 66
         Pareto Population ..................................... 67
         Mixed Population of Two Lognormal Populations ......... 68
         Mixed Population of Lognormal, Weibull, and Pareto
         Populations ........................................... 69
      Estimation of Exploration Efficiency ..................... 72
      Pool-Size-by-Rank ........................................ 74
      Play Resource Distribution ............................... 74
      Reduction of Uncertainty ................................. 11
   Validation by Retrospective Study ........................... 80
      Jumping Pound Rundle Gas Play ............................ 80
      Swan Hills Shelf Margin Gas and Leduc Isolated Reef Oil
      Plays .................................................... 82
      Remarks .................................................. 83
   Impact of Nonproductive and Noncommercial Pools ............. 85
      Impact of a Nonproductive Trap ........................... 86
      Impact of Missing Pools .................................. 87
   Testing the Adequacy of Probability Distributions ........... 88
      The Procedure ............................................ 89
      Interpretation ........................................... 89
         Outliers .............................................. 89
         Long or Short Tails at Both Ends ...................... 90
         Symmetry .............................................. 90
         Plateaus .............................................. 90
      The Beaverhill Lake Play ................................. 91
      Plays from Worldwide Basins .............................. 91
   Pool-Size Distribution of a Basin .......................... 100
   Justifications for Using a Lognormal Distribution .......... 102
      Evidence from the Q-Q Plots ............................. 102
      Approximation of a Lognormal Distribution to
      Geological Random Variables ............................. 102
      Advantages of Using a Lognormal Distribution ............ 103
      Estimation Error Resulting from Lognormal Distribution
      Approximation ........................................... 105
5  Evaluating Conceptual Plays ................................ 106
   Geological Factors ......................................... 106
      Exploration Risk ........................................ 106
      Methods for Estimating Marginal Probability ............. 107
         Play-Level Geological Factor ......................... 108
         Prospect-Level Geological Factor ..................... 111
         Marginal Probability Distribution .................... 112
      Dependence in Prospect-Level Geological Factors ......... 114
      The East Coast Play ..................................... 115
   Pool-Size Distribution ..................................... 116
      The Monte Carlo Method .................................. 116
      The Lognormal Approximation ............................. 119
      Examples ................................................ 120
         The Beaverhill Lake Play ............................. 120
         The East Coast Play .................................. 124
   Estimating Resources ....................................... 127
      Number-of Prospects Distribution ........................ 127
      Number-of-Pools Distribution ............................ 127
      Play Resource Distribution .............................. 131
      Pool-Size-by-Rank ....................................... 133
      Generation of Reservoir Parameters ...................... 135
   Constructing Probability Distributions ..................... 136
6  Estimation Update and Feedback Procedures .................. 140
   Procedure for Estimating Mature Plays ...................... 143
      Step 1: Formulating a Play Definition and Its
      Geographic Boundary ..................................... 143
      Step 2: Compiling Play Data ............................. 143
      Step 3: Validating Mixed Populations or Lognormal
              Assumptions ..................................... 144
      Step 4: Estimating Pool-Size Distribution ............... 145
      Step 5: Determining an Appropriate Probability
              Distribution .................................... 145
      Step 6: Estimating Pool-Size-by-Rank .................... 145
      Step 7: Estimating Expected and Probable Play 
              Potential ....................................... 145
      Step 8: Computing Play Resource Distribution ............ 146
   Procedure for Estimating Conceptual Plays .................. 146
      Conceptual Plays from a Mature Basin .................... 146
      Conceptual Plays from a Frontier Basin .................. 146
         Step 1: Formulating Play Definitions ................. 146
         Step 2: Estimating Pool-Size Distribution ............ 147
         Step 3: Estimating Number-of-Pools Distribution ...... 147
         Step 4: Estimating Individual Pool-Size 
                 Distribution ................................. 148
         Step 5: Estimating Play Resource Distribution ........ 148
         Step 6: Estimating Other Reservoir Parameters ........ 149
   Update Procedure ........................................... 149
   Feedback Procedure ......................................... 149
      Can We Predict the Current Situation? ................... 149
      Has the Largest Pool Been Discovered? ................... 150
      Pool Size Conditional on Play Resource .................. 151
7  Other Assessment Methods—An Overview ....................... 152
   Geological Approach ........................................ 153
      Volumetric Yield by Analogous Basin Method .............. 153
      Basin Classification Method ............................. 154
   Geochemical Approaches  154
      Petroleum System or Geochemical Mass Balance Method ..... 154
      Burial and Thermal History Modeling ..................... 158
   Statistical Approaches ..................................... 161
      Finite Population Methods ............................... 161
         The Arps and Roberts Method .......................... 161
         Bickel, Nair, and Wang's Method ...................... 163
         Kaufman's Anchored Method ............................ 164
         Chen and Sinding-Larsen's Geo-Anchored Method ........ 166
      Superpopulation Methods ................................. 166
         USGS Log-Geometric Method ............................ 166
         The Creaming Method .................................. 169
         The Long Method ...................................... 170
      The Regression Method ................................... 170
      The Fractal Method ...................................... 171
8  Concluding Remarks ......................................... 174

   Appendix A: Estimation of Superpopulation Parameters
      from a Successively Sampled Finite Population ........... 176
      The Likelihood Function ................................. 178
      Maximum-Likelihood Estimation ........................... 183
      Inference for в and N ................................... 192
      Inference for the Weight Function ....................... 197
   Appendix B: Nonparametric Procedure for Estimating
      Distributions ........................................... 200

   Appendix C: The Largest Pool Size and Its Distribution ..... 203
      The rth Largest Pool-Size Distribution .................. 203
      Generation of Reservoir Parameters for a Given Pool
      Size .................................................... 205
   Appendix D: Pool Size Conditional on Pool Ranks ............ 208
      Theorem 1 ............................................... 208
         Corollary ............................................ 209
      Theorem 2 ............................................... 210

References .................................................... 213

Index ......................................................... 221

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