Computer algebra systems in teaching and research: evolution, control and stability of dynamical systems (Siedlce, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаComputer algebra systems in teaching and research: evolution, control and stability of dynamical systems / ed. by Gadomski L., Jakubiak M., Prokopenya A.N. - Siedlce: Wydawnictwo Wyzsżej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania, 2009. - 342 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.342. - ISBN 978-83-925315-1-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1. Differential Equations, Control and Stability of Motion

S.A. Abramov, M. Barkatou
   On entire solutions of linear difference Equations with 
   polynomial coefficients ...................................... 7
O. Belemuk, A. Chichurin
   Cauchy problem for Abel's differential equation of the
   first kind .................................................. 18
E.K. Belotserkovets, M. Wojtowicz, N.P. Petrova
   Non-classical Problems of the variational calculus and
   best approximation .......................................... 23
D.A. Budzko
   Linear stability analysis of equilibrium solutions of the
   restricted planar four-body problem ......................... 28
T.N. Chumachenko, A.L. Zuyev 
   Application of computer algebra systems to the
   controllability study of nonlinear systems .................. 37
Y.I. Dejurko, I.N. Klimashevskaya
   On the absence of solution with transcendental components
   for the systems of differential equations of an arbitrary
   finite order ................................................ 47
D.M. Diarova, E.V. Ikhsanov, N.I. Zemtsova
   Stability of stationary solutions in the restricted
   ten-body problem under the fourth order resonance ........... 51
V.V. Dikussar, A.V. Zubov, N.V. Zubov
   Class of (n,k)-equivalence polynomials ...................... 59
V.V. Dikussar, A.V. Zubov, N.V. Zubov
   Minimal value of control actions ............................ 61
V.V. Dikussar, A.V. Zubov, N.V. Zubov
   Nonstationary matrices with superstability .................. 63
V.V. Dikussar, A.V. Zubov
   Optimal control of feed-back systems ........................ 65
V. Dragan
   M. Methods of averaging and freezing for some class of
   integral-differential inclusions involving iterated
   integrals ................................................... 74
S. Fetisova
   Normalization of the Hamiltonian in the Newtonian deltoid
   problem ..................................................... 80
L. Gadomski, E. Grebenikov, M. Jakubiak, A.N. Prokopenya
   On stability of equilibrium solutions in the spatial
   circular restricted four-body problem ....................... 82
E.A. Grebenikov, N.I. Zemtsova
   On the homographic solutions in the many-body problem,
   different from the Wintner ones ............................. 94
E.A. Grebenikov, J.J. Smulsky
   Numerical investigation of the Mars orbit evolution in
   the time interval of a hundred million years ............... 100
T. Grishenkov, M. Koska, A. Figura
   A problem of optimal feedback System synthesis ............. 104
V. Gutu
   Dynamics and shadowing in affine impulsive control
   systems .................................................... 112
G. Mozhdzher
   The study of the third-order differential equation for
   the first integral presence using MAPLE system ............. 118
A. Mylläri, T. Mylläri, A. Gusev, S. Vinitsky
   Formal integral and caustics in dynamical systems with
   two degrees of freedom ..................................... 128
A.N. Prokopenya, J.A. Vera
   On stability of equilibrium positions of a Rydberg atom
   in the crossed magnetic and electric fields ................ 134
A. Rzeszotko
   The Gauss-type method for solving linear differential
   equations with CAS Mathematica ............................. 146
V. Hr. Samoylenko, Yu.I. Samoylenko
   Asymptotic two phase soliton type solutions to singularly
   perturbed Korteweg-de Vries equation ....................... 156
H. Shvychkina
   About the third order normal system of differential 
   equations which has the infinite limit properties of its
   solution ................................................... 165
A. Siluszyk
   The finiteness of relative equilibria in the restricted
   Newtonian four-body problem ................................ 170
D. Ştefãnescu
   Computation of bounds for polynomial roots ................. 176

Chapter 2. Modeling the galactic cosmic rays propagation

M.V. Alania, R. Modzelewska, A. Wawrzynczak
   Maxwell's equations for the irregular heliolongitudinal
   solar wind velocity and consequence for galactic cosmic
   ray intensity variations ................................... 186
A. Gil
   Rigidity spectrum of the 27-day variation of the galactic
   cosmic ray intensity in different epochs of solar
   activity ................................................... 196
A. Gil, K. Iskra, R. Modzelewska, M. Siluszyk, 
A. Wawrzynczak, M.V. Alania
   On air showers of cosmic rays .............................. 203
K. Iskra
   Some features of the parallel diffusion coefficient in
   different periods of solar activity based on the 
   measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field
   turbulence ................................................. 209
R. Modzelewska
   Mathematical model of the 27-day variation of the
   galactic cosmic ray intensity including the 
   heliolongitudinal asymmetry of the solar wind velocity ..... 216
M. Siluszyk, A. Wawrzynczak, M. Alania
   Two-dimensional time-dependent mathematical model of
   galactic cosmic ray long period variations ................. 226
A. Wawrzynczak
   Investigation of the role of the interplanetary magnetic
   field turbulence and solar wind velocity on the rigidity
   spectrum in course of the Forbush decrease of galactic
   cosmic ray intensity: mathematical model ................... 232

Author index .................................................. 242

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