Archaeologia Baltica; 11 (Klaipėda, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаArchaeologia Baltica. Vol.11: The horse and man in european antiquity (worldview, burial rites, and military and everyday life). / Klaipėda university, Inst. of Baltic Sea region history and archaeology, Lithuanian institute of history; ed. by Bliujienė A. - Klaipėda: Klaipėda University Press, 2009. - 374 p.: ill., 8 p. of color plates. - ISSN 1392-5520

Оглавление / Contents
     OF THE HORSE AND HORSEMEN ................................. 13
     Alicja Lasota-Moskalewska, Karol Szymczak and
     Mukhiddnin Khudzhanazarov.
        A Problem of the Earliest Horse Domestication. Data
        from the Neolithic Camp Ayakagytma 'The Site', 
        Uzbekistan, Central Asia ............................... 14
     Algirdas Girininkas, Linas Daugnora and and Indrė
        When did Domesticated Horses Appear in Lithuania? ...... 22
     Jurgita Žukauskaitė.
        Images of the Horse and Horseman in Corded Ware
        Culture Studies ........................................ 32
     Liina Maldre and Heidi Luik.
        The Horse in Estonia in the Late Bronze Age:
        Archaeozoological and Archaeological Data .............. 37
II   RIDING TO HEAVEN: HORSES FROM BURIALS ..................... 49
     Andrei V. Zinoviev. 
        Horses from Two Burials in Samland and Natangen
        (Second Century AD Kaliningradskaia Province,
        Russia) ................................................ 50
     Malgorzata Karczewska, Maciej Karczewski, and Anna 
        The Role of Horse Burials in the Bogaczewo Culture.
        The Key Studies of Paprotki Kolonia Site 1 Cemetery,
        Northeast Poland ....................................... 56
     FOR WAR, BURIALS, AND OFFERINGS ........................... 91
     Bartosz Kontny.
        Horse and its Use in the Przeworsk Culture in 
        the Light of the Archaeological Evidence ............... 92
     Wojciech Nowakowski.
        Horse Burials in Roman Period Cemeteries of 
        the Bogaczewo Culture ................................. 115
     Konstantin Skvortsov.
        Burials of Riders and Horses Dated to the Roman Iron
        Age and Great Migration Period in Aleika-3 (Former
        Jaugehnen), Cemetery on the Sambian Peninsula ......... 130
     Audrone Bliujienė and Donatas Butkus.
        Burials with Horses and Equestrian Equipment on 
        the Lithuanian and Latvian Littorals and Hinterlands
        (from the Fifth to the Eighth Centuries) .............. 149
     Bartosz Kontny, Jerzy Okulicz-Kozaryn and Miroslaw
        Horse Graves in the Elbląg Group. The Case of the
        Cemetery at the Nowinka, Tolkmicko Commune ............ 164
     Audronė Bliujienė and Valdas Steponaitis.
        Wealthy Horsemen in the Remote and Tenebrous Forests
        of East Lithuania during the Migration Period ......... 185
     Christine Reich.
        The Cemetery of Oberhof (Aukštkiemiai) - Horse 
        Graves and Equestrian Equipment ....................... 206
IV   THE HORSE IN WARFARE ..................................... 219
     Susanne Wilbers-Rost and Achim Rost.
        Bones and Equipment of Horses and Mules on 
        the Ancient Battlefield of Kalkriese, Northern
        Germany ............................................... 220
     Michel Kazanski.
      La Cavalerie Slave A l'Époque de Justinien .............. 229
V    THE WORLD OF HORSE SYMBOLISM ............................. 241
     Laurynas Kurila. 
        Symbolic Horse Burials in the Iron Age of East
        Lithuania ............................................. 242
     Antonija Vilcãne.
        Findings of Harness Items and the Cult of the Horse
        in Latgallian and Selonian Territories ................ 254
     Guntis Zemītis.
        The "Divine Trial" in 12th Century Turaida in
        Historical Context .................................... 270
     Nina Lau.
        The Harnesses from the Thorsberg Bog: New Evidence
        Regarding Cavalry Equipment of the Roman Iron Age ..... 278
     Rũdolfs Brũzis and Roberts Spirgis.
        The Ogresgala Čabas Cemetery and Horse Sacrifice ...... 283
     Mariusz Wyczółkowski and Daniel Makowiecki.
        Horse Sacrifices in Prussia in the Early Middle
        Ages. Ritual Area in Poganowo Site IV, Olsztyn
        Province (Poland) ..................................... 295
     Mindaugas Bertašius.
        Horse Graves, Sacrifice, and the Performers of 
        Public Rituals ........................................ 305
     Christer Westerdahl.
        The Horse as a Liminal Agent .......................... 314
VII  IMAGES OF THE HORSE IN ANCIENT ART ....................... 329
     Dieter Quast.
        The Merovingian Period Equestrians in Figural Art ..... 330
     Konstantin Skvortsov and Aleksander Khokhlov.
        Findings of Saddles from Archaeological Excavations
        in Prussian Cemetery Aleika-3 in Samland.
        (Preliminary Publication) ............................. 343
VIII Horses in Ethnoarchaeology and Folklore .................. 349
     Sonja Hukantaival.
        Horse Skulls and "Alder-Horse": the Horse as 
        a Depositional Sacrifice in Buildings ................. 350
     Giedre Šukytė.
        The Behaviour of Horses in Lithuanian Narrative
        Folklore .............................................. 357
     Rimantas Sliužinskas.
        The Image of the Horse in Poetic Texts of Lithuanian
        Folk Songs ............................................ 364

Guidelines for Authors ........................................ 374

Plates (I-VIII)

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