Академик Дончо Костов. Избрани научни трудове (София, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаАкадемик Дончо Костов. Избрани научни трудове / Българска академия на науките, Селскостопанска академия. - София: Проф. Марин Дринов, 2009. - 606 с.: ил. - Библиогр.: с.591-606. - ISBN 978-954-322-355-8

Место хранения: 021 | Институт цитологии и генетики CO РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Предговор ....................................................... 9
Preface ........................................................ 10
Избрани научни трудове (Selected scientific works) ............. 11
1  Албинизъм при царевицата [Albinism in maize] ................ 13
2  Induced immunity in plants .................................. 14
3  Studies on callus tissue .................................... 17
4  Acquired immunity in plants ................................. 35
5  Хромозомни аберации и заложбени мутации като причина за
   дегенериране на оригиналното семе [Chromosomaberrationen
   und Genmutatione als Ursache des Saatgutabbaues] ............ 77
6  Eine tetraploide Petunia .................................... 85
7  Discoid structure of the spireme and irregular cell
   division in Drosophila melanogaster ......................... 89
8  Безплодие, присаждане и имунитет [Sterility,
   transplantation, and immunity] .............................. 92
9  Хетероплоидност в Nicotiana tabacum и Solanum melongena, 
   причинена чрез опушване с никотинов сулфат [Heteroploidy
   in Nicotiana tabacum and Solanum melongena caused by
   fumigation with nicotine sulphate] .......................... 96
10 Studies on the acquired immunity in plants induced by 
   grafting ................................................... 102
11 (Triticum dicoccum × Triticum monococcum) × Triticum 
   vulgare triple hybrid with 42 chromosomes .................. 110
12 Virus diseases causing sterility ........................... 113
13 Hybrid mutations ........................................... 123
14 Экспериментальное получение полигеномных гибридов
   [Polygenom hybrids experimentally produced] ................ 126
15 Кроссинговер у видовых гибридов Nicotiana [Crossing over
   in Nicotiana species hybrids] .............................. 132
16 A haploid plant of Nicotiana sylvestris .................... 138
17 Inheritance of natural immunity in plants with special
   reference to breeding of immune varieties .................. 140
18 Studies on polyploid plants. III. Cytogenetics of 
   tetraploid tomatoes ........................................ 168
19 Mutations and the ageing of seeds .......................... 193
20 Исследования полиплоидных растений. II. Цитогенетика
   тригеномного тройного гибрида (Nicotiana rustica ×
   N.paniculata) × N.caudigera [Studies on Polyploid
   Plants. II. Cytogenetics of the trigenomal triple hybrid
   (Nicotiana rustica × N.paniculata) × N.caudigera] .......... 194
21 Цитогенетические исследования некоторых сложных гибридов
   у Nicotiana. I. К вопросу о межвидовой гибридизации
   путем использования промежуточных или так называемых
   "мостовых" видов [Cytogenetic studies of certain 
   composite hybrids in Nicotiana. I. A contribution to
   the problem of interspecific hybridization by means of
   using transitional or so-called "bridge" species] .......... 204
22 Studies of polyploid plants. IV. Cytological studies on
   Nicotiana rustica - paniculata polyploid hybrids ........... 239
23 Исследование полиплоидных растений. V. Плодовитые гибриды
   Triticum vulgare - monococcum [Studies on polyploid 
   plants. V. Fertile Triticum vulgare - monococcum
   hybrids] ................................................... 254
24 Исследование полиплоидных растений. VIII. Конъюгация
   хромосом в гаплоидах и ее генетическое значение [Studies
   on polyploid plants. VIII. Chromosome conjugation in the
   haploids and its genetical significance] ................... 257
25 Конъюгация между морфологически различными хромозомами
   в гибридах видов Nicotiana [Conjugation between 
   morphologically different chromosomes in Nicotiana
   species] ................................................... 260
26 Изучение полиплоидных растений. X. О так называемой
   "константности" амфидиплоидных растений [Studies on 
   the polyploid plants. X. On the so-called "constancy" of
   the amphidiploid plants] ................................... 263
27 Изменение кариотипов центрифугированием [Changes in 
   karyotypes induced by centrifuging] ........................ 268
28 Числа хромосом у некоторых покрытосемянных растений 
   (Nicotiana, Petunia, Oxalis, Secale, Punica) [Chromosome
   number of certain angiosperm plants (Nicotiana, Petunia,
   Oxalis, Secale, Punica)] ................................... 274
29 Inheritance of natural immunity in plants with special 
   reference to production of immune varieties by
   interspecific hybridization ................................ 278
30 Heritable tumors in plants experimentally produced ......... 293
31 Происхождение культивированного табака [The origin of 
   cultivated tobacco] ........................................ 304
32 Studies on the polyploid plants. XI. Amphidiploid
   Triticum Timopheevi Zhuk. x Triticum monococcum L. ......... 305
33 Исследование полиплоидных растений. XIV. Поведение генома
   Haynaldia в трехродовом тройном гибриде (Triticum
   dicoccum × Haynaldia villosa) × Secale cereale [Studies
   on polyploid plants. XIV. The behaviour of Haynaldia
   genom in the trigeneric triple hybrid (Triticum dicoccum
   × Haynaldia villosa) × Secale cereale] ..................... 310
34 Поведение хромосом у гибридов Triticum и родственных
   родов [Chromosome behaviour in Triticum hybrids and
   allied genera] ............................................. 320
35 Chromosome behaviour in Triticum hybrids and allied
   genera. I. Interspecific hybrids with Triticum
   Timopheevi ................................................. 338
36 Chromosome behaviour in Triticum Hybrids and allied
   genera. II. Tr. Timopheevi (n=14) × Secale cereale (n=7) ... 348
37 Chromosome behaviour in Triticum hybrids and allied 
   genera. III. Triticum - Haynaldia hybrids .................. 351
38 Cytogenetic aspects for producing Nicotiana tabacum forms
   localizing tobacco mosaic virus ............................ 355
39 Studies on polyploid plants. XVI. Nicotiana rustica × 
   Nicotiana tabacum amphidiploid ............................. 372
40 Studies on polyploid plants. XVII. Nicotiana multivalvis
   (2n=48) × Nicotiana suaveolens (2n=32) amphidiploid
   (2n=80) .................................................... 375
41 Interspecific hybrids in Secale (rye)A. Secale cereale ×
   Secale ancestrale, Secale cereale × Secale Vavilovii,
   Secale cereale × Secale montanum and Secale ancestrale ×
   Secale Vavilovii hybrids ................................... 381
42 Исследования полиплоидных растений. XVIII. 
   Цитогенетические исследования гибридов и амфидиплоидов
   Nicotiana sylvestris × Nicotiana tomentosiformis и их 
   значение для вопроса о происхождении N. tabacum [Studies
   on polyploid plants. XVIII. Cytogenetic studies on
   Nicotiana sylvestris × Nicotiana tomentosiformis hybrids
   and amphidiploids and their bearings on the problem of 
   the origin of N. tabacum] .................................. 383
43 Гетерохроматиновые (инертные) районы в хромосомах Crepis
   capillaris [Heterochromatic (inert) regions in the 
   chromosomes of Crepis capillaris] .......................... 387
44 Неправильности митоза и полиплоидия, вызванные колхицином
   и аценафтеном [Irregularities in the mitosis and 
   polyploidy induced by colchicine and acenaphthene] ......... 390
45 Heterochromatin at the distal ends of the chromosomes in
   Triticum monococcum ........................................ 394
46 Irregular mitosis and meiosis induced by acenaphthene ...... 396
47 Differentiation of heterochromatic regions during 
   meiosis .................................................... 398
48 A contribution to the chromosome structure and behaviour ... 400
49 Autosyndesis and structural hybridity in F1-hybrid
   Helianthus tuberosus L. × Helianthus  annuus L. and their
   sequences .................................................. 410
50 A tetraploid rubber plant Taraxacum kok-saghys obtained 
   by colchicine treatment .................................... 429
51 Relation degrees and phylesis of certain Nicotiana 
   species determined by cytogenetic analysis ................. 431
52 The origin of the tetraploid Nicotiana form Bathurst ....... 449
53 Brome-acenaphthene and brome-naphtaline as agents 
   inducing chromosome doubling in rye and wheat .............. 451
54 Lethality of gametes conditioned by exchange of segments
   between partially homologous chromosomes in a Nicotiana 
   species hybrid ............................................. 455
55 Abnormal mitosis in tobacco plants forming hereditary
   tumors ..................................................... 456
56 Evolutionary significance of chromosome size and 
   chromosome number in plants ................................ 457
57 Polyploids are more variable than their original 
   diploids ................................................... 462
58 Evolutionary significance of chromosome length and 
   chromosome number in plants ................................ 464
59 Atypical growth, abnormal mitosis and polyploidy induced
   by ethyl-mercury-chloride .................................. 479
60 Tabakpflanzen mit gefüllten Blüten durch Artkreuzungen
   erhalten ................................................... 485
61 Polyploidie und landwirtschaftliche Produktion ............. 488
62 The reactions of parental tobacco plants and of their
   hybrids to "female sterility virus" ........................ 509
63 Устойчивост на мозаичния вирус. I. Устойчиви тютюни на
   мозаичния вирус, получени чрез кръстосване [Resistance 
   to tobacco mosaic virus. I. Resistant tobacco varieties
   against mosaic virus experimentally produced] .............. 514
64 Устойчивост на мозаичния вирус. II. Наследяване на 
   некротичната реакция и селекционната стойност на формата
   Nicotiana tabacum var. virii [Resistanse to mosaic virus.
   II .Inheritance of necrotic reaction and plant breeding
   value of the form Nicotiana tabacum var. virii] ............ 525
65 Хомозиготна транслокация получена във второто поколение 
   от третиран с неутрони материал [Homozygous translocation
   obtained in the second generation from material treated
   with neutrons] ............................................. 570
66 Гигантизъм при Penicillium опитно получен [Gigantism in
   Penicillium experimentally produced] ....................... 579
67 Cytogenetic changes and atypicai growth induced by 
   hexachlorocyclohexane (C6H6CL6) ............................ 581
68 The evolution of the chromatin ............................. 584
69 Mutual reactions between virus and genes ................... 589

Библиография на научните трудове на Дончо Костов 
  [Bibliography of scientific publications by Dontcho
   Kostoff] ................................................... 591
Книги за Дончо Костов, публикувани в България [Books on
   Dontcho Kostoff published in Bulgaria] ..................... 606

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