Annual review of nuclear and particle science; 59 (Palo Alto, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of nuclear and particle science. Vol.59. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2009. - x, 568 p.: ill. - Cumul. ind.: p.557-568. - ISBN 979-0-8243-1559-7; ISSN 0163-8998

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Оглавление / Contents
The Scientific Life of John Bahcall
   Wick Haxton .................................................. 1
The Life of Raymond Davis, Jr. and the Beginning of Neutrino
   Kenneth Lande ............................................... 21
Yoji Totsuka (1942-2008) and the Discovery of Neutrino Mass
   Henry W. Sobel and Yoichiro Suzuki .......................... 41
Searches for Fractionally Charged Particles
   Martin L. Perl, Eric R. Lee, and Dinesh Loomba .............. 47
Advances in Inflation in String Theory
   Daniel Baumann and Liam McAllister .......................... 67
Statistical Methods for Cosmological Parameter Selection
and Estimation
   Andrew R. Liddle ............................................ 95
Chiral Dynamics in Photopion Physics: Theory, Experiment,
and Future Studies at the HlyS Facility
   Aron M. Bernstein, Mohammed W. Ahmed, Sean Stave, Ying
   K. Wu, and Henry R. Weller ................................. 115
From Gauge-String Duality to Strong Interactions:
A Pedestrian's Guide
   Steven S. Gubser and Andreas Karch ......................... 145
Hadronic Atoms
   J. Gasser, V.E. Lyubovitskij, and A. Rusetsky .............. 169
The Role of Sterile Neutrinos in Cosmology and Astrophysics
   Alexey Boyarsky, Oleg Ruchayskiy, and Mikhail 
   Shaposhnikov ............................................... 191
Charmless Hadronic В Meson Decays
   Hai-Yang Cheng and James G. Smith .......................... 215
Lorentz Violation: Motivation and New Constraints
   Stefano Liberati and Luca Maccione ......................... 245
b-Brane Instantons in Type II Orientifolds
   Ralph Blumenhagen, Mirjam Cvetic, Shamit Kachru, and Timo
   Weigand .................................................... 269
Physics at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring
   Karl Berkelman and Edward H. Thorndike ..................... 297
The Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays
   James J. Beatty and Stefan Westerhoff ...................... 319
Muon Colliders and Neutrino Factories
   Steve Geer ................................................. 347
Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Linear Collider Era
   Eric Laenen and Doreen Wackeroth ........................... 367
The Physics of Cosmic Acceleration
   Robert R. Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski ................... 397
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
   Nick Jelley, Arthur B. McDonald, and R.G. Hamish
   Robertson .................................................. 431
В Physics at the Tevatron
   Christoph Paus and Dmitri Tsybychev ........................ 467
Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory
   Chris Quigg ................................................ 505


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 50-59 ....... 557
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 50-59 ............. 560

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Nuclear
and Particle Science articles may be found at

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