Specialization, speciation, and radiation: the evolutionary biology of herbivorous insects (Berkeley, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSpecialization, speciation, and radiation: the evolutionary biology of herbivorous insects / ed. by Tilmon K.J. - Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. - xv, 341 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.333-341. - ISBN 978-0-520-25132-8

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Оглавление / Contents
CONTRIBUTORS ................................................... xi

PREFACE ...................................................... xiii
   Kelley J. Tilmon

PART I   Evolution of Populations and Species

1  Chemical Mediation of Host-Plant Specialization:
   The Papilionid Paradigm ...................................... 3
      May R. Berenbaum and Paul P. Feeny
   How Lepidopterans Prefer ..................................... 4
   How Lepidopteran Larvae Perform 4 Preference-Performance
   Relationships in Lepidoptera ................................. 5
   Chemical Mediation of Preference and Performance:
   Papilionids as Paradigm ...................................... 6
   Identifying the Chemical Cues: Kairomones and Allomones ...... 8
   Preference and Performance Genes ............................ 11
   P450s and Host-Use Evolution ................................ 14
   Conclusions ................................................. 15
2  Evolution of Preference and Performance Relationships ....... 20
      Timothy P. Craig and Joanne K. Rami
   Limiting Constraints ........................................ 21
   Preference and Performance in Three Well-Studied
   Interactions ................................................ 22
   Alternative Hypotheses ...................................... 26
   Testing Hypotheses on Preference and Performance ............ 27
   Conclusion .................................................. 27
3  Evolutionary Ecology of Polyphagy ........................... 29
      Michael S. Singer
   General Explanations for Host Specificity ................... 30
   What about Polyphagy? ....................................... 31
   Trade-offs as Explanations for Host-Plant Use ............... 32
   Testing Theory with Polyphagous Woolly Bear Caterpillars .... 34
   Conclusions ................................................. 39
4  Phenotypic Plasticity ....................................... 43
      Kailen A. Mooney and Anurag A.
   Agrawal Adaptive Value and Costs of Phenotypic Plasticity ... 43
   The Consequences of Phenotypic Plasticity ................... 48
   Future Directions ........................................... 51
5  Selection and Genetic Architecture of Plant Resistance ...... 58
      Mary Ellen Czesak, Robert S. Fritz, and Cris
   Selection on Resistance within Populations .................. 58
   Genetic Architecture of Resistance Traits between
   Populations and Species ..................................... 61
   Architecture of Resistance in a Willow Hybrid System ........ 62
   Summary ..................................................... 66
6  Introgression and Parapatric Speciation in a Hybrid Zone .... 69
      J. Mark Scriber, Gabe J. Ording, and Rodrigo J.
   Hybrid Zones, "Evolutionary Novelties," and Isolation ....... 69
   Climate Warming, Thermal Constraints, and Voltinism ......... 70
   The Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies ........................... 70
   Hybrid Papilio Populations and Species ...................... 75
   The Nuts and Bolts .......................................... 78
   Molecular Work .............................................. 82
   Future Efforts .............................................. 82
   Summary ..................................................... 83
7  Host Shifts, the Evolution of Communication, and
   Speciation in the Enchenopa binotata Species Complex of
   Treehoppers ................................................. 88
      Reginald B. Cocroft, Rafael L. Rodriguez, and
      Randy E.
   Hunt Ecological Isolation in the E. binotata Complex ........ 89
   Behavioral Sources of Assortative Mating .................... 90
   Communication in a New Host Environment ..................... 93
8  Host Fruit-Odor Discrimination and Sympatric Host-
   Race Formation ............................................. 101
      Jeffrey L. Feder and Andrew A. Forbes
   The Adaptive Zone Hypothesis ............................... 102
   Ecological Adaptation, Host-Specific Mating, and
   Reproductive Isolation ..................................... 102
   Tom Wood and Ron Prokopy: Two Pioneers in the Study
   of Insect Behavior and Diversity ........................... 103
   Natural and Life History of Rhagoletis pomonella ........... 103
   Behavioral Testing Using Synthetic Fruit Volatile
   Blends ..................................................... 104
   Genetic Analysis of Fruit-Odor Discrimination .............. 107
   Physiological Basis for Fruit-Odor Discrimination .......... 108
   A Genetic Model for Fruit-Odor Discrimination .............. 109
   Theoretical Significance of the Fruit-Odor Discrimination
   Studies .................................................... 110
   Future Directions and Conclusions .......................... 112
   Appendix: The Four-Component Genetic Model for Fruit-Odor
   Discrimination ............................................. 112
9  Comparative Analyses of Ecological Speciation .............. 117
      Daniel J. Funk and Patrik Nosil
   Ecological Speciation ...................................... 117
   Herbivorous Insect Exemplars ............................... 118
   Comparative Approaches and Ecological Speciation ........... 120
   Herbivore Analyses and Insights ............................ 122
   Comparative Caveats ........................................ 129
   Opportunities and Directions ............................... 131
10 Sympatric Speciation: Norm or Exception? ................ 136
      Douglas J.
   Futuyma Theory ............................................. 137
   Biological Considerations .................................. 138
   Evidence on Sympatric Speciation ........................... 141
   The Allopatric Alternative ................................. 143
   Conclusions ................................................ 144

PART II  Co- and Macroevolutionary Radiation

11 Host-Plant Use, Diversification, and Coevolution:
   Insights from Remote Oceanic Islands ....................... 151
      George K. Roderick and Diana M. Percy
   Islands as a Model System 151 Lessons from Island
   Systems .................................................... 152
   Conclusions ................................................ 158
12 Selection by Pollinators and Herbivores on Attraction
   and Defense ................................................ 162
      Lynn S. Adler
   Selection by Pollinators on Plant Resistance ............... 163
   Selection by Herbivores on Floral Traits ................... 164
   Resistance and Attractions Traits May Not Be Independent ... 165
   Herbivores and Pollinators May Not Be Independent .......... 166
   Abiotic Factors and Geographic Variation ................... 167
   Future Directions .......................................... 167
13 Adaptive Radiation: Phylogenetic Constraints and
   Ecological Consequences .................................... 174
      Peter W. Price
   The Phylogenetic Constraints Hypothesis .................... 175
   Adaptive Capture and Escape ................................ 176
   The Adaptive Radiation of Common Sawflies .................. 177
   Convergence of Constraints ................................. 177
   Divergent Constraints ...................................... 179
   The Similarities of Temperate and Tropical Insect
   Herbivores ................................................. 180
   Adaptive Radiation in Temperate and Tropical
   Environments ............................................... 183
14 Sequential Radiation through Host-Race Formation:
   Herbivore Diversity Leads to Diversity in Natural
   Enemies .................................................... 188
      Warren G. Abrahamson and Catherine P. Blair
   Species Cause Species: Sympatric Speciation through
   Host-Race Formation ........................................ 188
   Sequential Radiation ....................................... 189
   Conditions for Host-Race Formation ......................... 189
   Cases of Sequential Radiation via Host-Race Formation ...... 190
   Example Showing No Differentiation ......................... 196
   Conclusions ................................................ 197
   Sympatric Speciation Studies ............................... 199
15 The Oscillation Hypothesis of Host-Plant Range and
   Speciation ................................................. 203
      Niklas fanz and Soren Nylin
   The Oscillation Hypothesis ................................. 204
   Colonizations and Host-Range Expansions .................... 204
   Synthesis: Speciation Rate ................................. 210
   Conclusion ................................................. 213
16 Coevolution, Cryptic Speciation, and the Persistence
   of Interactions ............................................ 216
      John N.
   Thompson A Blending of Perspectives: Populations,
   Species, and Species Interactions .......................... 216
   Cryptic Speciation in Insects .............................. 219
   Cryptic Speciation in Plants and Its Effect on
   Interactions with Insects .................................. 221
   Implications ............................................... 222
17 Cophylogeny of Figs, Pollinators, Gallers, and
   Parasitoids ................................................ 225
      Summer I. Silvieus, Wendy L. Clement, and George
      D. Weiblen
   Background ................................................. 225
   Overview ................................................... 227
   Sampling and DNA Sequencing ................................ 227
   Phylogenetic Analysis ...................................... 230
   Reconciliation Analysis .................................... 230
   Phytogenies of Figs and Wasps .............................. 231
   Host Specificity of Nonpollinating Fig Wasps ............... 231
   Double Dating of Figs and Fig Wasps ........................ 232
   Modes of Speciation in Fig Pollinators, Gallers, and
   Parasitoids ................................................ 236
   Conclusions ................................................ 237
18 The Phylogenetic Dimension of Insect-Plant Interactions:
   A Review of Recent Evidence ................................ 240
      Isaac S.
   Winkler and Charles Mitter Conservatism of Host-Plant
   Use ........................................................ 241
   Signatures of Long-Term History in Extant Insect-Plant
   Interactions ............................................... 248
   Diversification of Phytophagous Insects .................... 253
   Synopsis and Conclusions ................................... 256

PART III Evolutionary Aspects of Pests, Invasive Species,
         and the Environment

19 Evolution of Insect Resistance to Transgenic Plants ........ 267
      Bruce E. Tabashnik and Yves Carrière
   Transgenic Crops with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Toxins ... 267
   Bt Toxins and Their Mode of Action ......................... 268
   Genetic Basis of Resistance to Bt Toxins ................... 268
   The Refuge Strategy for Delaying Pest Resistance to Bt
   Crops ...................................................... 269
   Pink Bollworm versus Bt Cotton in Arizona .................. 271
   Conclusions and a Look to the Future ....................... 274
20 Exotic Plants and Enemy Resistance ......................... 280
      John L. Maron and Montserrat Vilà
   Rapid Evolution of Exotics in Response of Enemy Pressure ... 281
   Exotics as Substrates for Studying the Evolutionary
   Response of Plants to Natural Enemies ...................... 281
   Hypotheses and Evidence for Plant Defenses ................. 281
   Experimental Evidence for Evolution of Exotic Plant
   Defense .................................................... 283
   Response of St. John's Wort to an Altered Enemy
   Landscape .................................................. 283
   Among-Population Variation in Enemy Resistance ............. 289
   Are Differences in Exotic and Native Phenotypes the
   Product of Evolution? ...................................... 290
   Conclusions ................................................ 291
21 Life-History Evolution in Native and Introduced
   Populations ................................................ 296
      Robert F. Denno, Merrill A. Peterson, Matthew
      R. Weaver, and David J. Hawthorne
   Life-History Strategy and Dispersal Ecology of Prokelisia
   Planthoppers ............................................... 297
   Geographic Distribution of the Insect and Host ............. 298
   Geographic Source of Introduced Populations ................ 299
   Genetic Variation in Native and Introduced Populations ..... 300
   Variation in Dispersal, Associated Reproductive Traits,
   and Voltinism .............................................. 301
   Genetic Basis for Geographic Variation in the Incidence
   of Dispersal ............................................... 302
   Habitat Factors Underlying Geographic Variation in
   Dispersal .................................................. 303
   Conclusions and Synthesis .................................. 305
22 Rapid Natural and Anthropogenic Diet Evolution: Three
   Examples from Checkerspot Butterflies ...................... 311
      Michael C. Singer, Brian Wee, Sara Hawkins, and
      Marie Butcher
   Checkerspot Butterflies as a Study System .................. 311
   First Host Shift, at Schneider's Meadow .................... 313
   Second Host Shift, at Rabbit Meadow ........................ 314
   Third Host shift, at Sonora Junction ....................... 318
   Types of Anthropogenic Effect .............................. 319
   Cryptically Anthropogenic Effects .......................... 320
   Conclusions ................................................ 322
23 Conservation of Coevolved Insect Herbivores and Plants ..... 325
      Carol L. Boggs and Paul R. Ehrlich
   Habitat Destruction ........................................ 326
   Species Introductions ...................................... 327
   Changes in Disturbance Regimes ............................. 329
   Climate Change ............................................. 329
   Complex Interactions: Conservation Implications ............ 330
   Conclusion ................................................. 330

INDEX ......................................................... 333

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