Macromolecular symposia; 251 (Weinheim, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPolymer-solvent complexes and intercalates: Selected contributions from the conference in Manchester (United Kingdom), August 29 - September 1, 2006 / ed. by Saiani A. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007. - viii, 117 p.: ill. - (Macromolecular symposia; 251). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 3-527-31743-0; ISSN 1022-1360

Оглавление / Contents
Structural Organization and Properties of Syndiotactic
Polystyrene Gels 
   Christophe Daniel ............................................ 1

Sheathing Polymer Gels Fibrils with Nanotubules
   C. Viswanathan, P. Mésini, J.-M. Guenet ..................... 11

Multiporous Materials from Thermoreversible Poly(vinyledene
fluoride) Gels
   Debarshi Dasgupta, Arun K. Nandi ............................ 15

Effect of Stereoregular Polyelectrolyte on Protein Thermal 
   Honglei Zhang, Alberto Saiani, Jean-Michel Guenet, Robin
   Curtis ...................................................... 25

Thermo-Responsive PNIPAAm Copolymers with Hydrophobic Spacers
   Florentina Stoica, Aline F. Miller, Cameron Alexander, 
   Alberto Saiani .............................................. 33

Encapsulation of Indomethacin in PVP: Solid-State NMR Studies
   Jean-Baptiste Guilbaud, Linda Cummings, Yaroslav 
   Z. Khimyak* ................................................. 41

High-Frequency Dynamical Behavior of Poly (ethylene 
glycol)+H20 Mixtures by Brillouin Spectroscopy
   M. Pochylski, F. Aliotta, Z. Błaszczak, J. Gapiński ......... 47

Antiseptic Nanocapsule Formation via Controlling Polymer
Deposition onto Water-in-Oil Miniemulsion Droplets
   Umaporn Paiphansiri, Pramuan Tangboriboonrat, 
   Katharina Landfester ........................................ 54

Temperature-Triggered Modification of Polymer- Solvent 
Interactions: From Fluid-to-Gel Transitions to Particle
   Jennifer M. Saunders, Christina Alava, Brian R. Saunders .... 63

NMR Study on Polymer-Solvent Interactions during 
Temperature-Induced Phase Separation in Aqueous Polymer 
   Jiří Spěváček, Lenka Hanyková ............................... 72

In Vitro Degradation of Poly (lactic- co-glycolic) Acid
Random Copolymers
   Elisabeth Vey, Aline F. Miller, Mike Claybourn, Alberto
   Saiani ...................................................... 81

3D Networks from Self-Assembling Ionic-Complementary
   Amran Mohammed, Aline F. Miller, Alberto Saiani ............. 88

Using of Volatile Release Measurements to Understand
Polysaccharide Molecular Interactions: An Example with 
Guar Gum Study
   Y. Aguni, С. Jouquand, C. Malhiac, M. Grisel ................ 96

A Potentiometric and Spectroscopic Study on the Interaction
between Human Immunoglobulin G and Sodium Perfluorooctanoate
in Aqueous Solution
   Paula V. Messina, Gerardo Prieto, Juan Sabín, Elena
   Blanco, Carla Varela, Verónica Dodero, Juan M. Ruso, Félix
   Sarmiento .................................................. 103

Gelation of a Model Globular Protein
   Hui Yan, Alberto Saiani, Aline F. Miller ................... 112

Aguni Y. ....................................................... 96
Alava C. ....................................................... 63
Alexander C. ................................................... 33
Aliotta F. ..................................................... 47
Błaszczak Z. ................................................... 47
Blanco E. ..................................................... 103
Claybourn M. ................................................... 81
Cummings L. .................................................... 41
Curtis Я. ...................................................... 25
Daniel С. ....................................................... 1
Dasgupta D. .................................................... 15
Dofitero V. ................................................... 10З
Gapiński J. .................................................... 47
Grisel M ....................................................... 96
Guenet J.-M. ................................................ 11,25
Guilbaud J.-B. ................................................. 41
Hanyková L. .................................................... 72
Jouquand C. .................................................... 96
Khimyak Y.Z. ................................................... 41
Landfester K. .................................................. 54
Malhiac C. ..................................................... 96
Mésini P. ...................................................... 11
Messina P.V. .................................................. 103
Miller A.F. .......................................... 33,81,88,112
Mohammed A. .................................................... 88
Nandi А.К ...................................................... 15
Paiphansiri U. ................................................. 54
Pochylski M. ................................................... 47
Pneto G. ...................................................... 10З
Ruso J.M. ..................................................... 103
Sabín J. ...................................................... 10З
5aiani A. ......................................... 25,33,81,88,112
Sarmiento F. .................................................. 103
Saunders B.R. .................................................. 63
Saunders J.M. .................................................. 63
Spěváček J. .................................................... 72
Stoica F. ...................................................... 33
Tangboriboonrat P. ............................................. 54
Varela C. ..................................................... 103
Wy Ј. .......................................................... 81
Viswanathan С. ................................................. 11
Yan H. ........................................................ 112
Zhang H. ...................................................... 125

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