The informal economy in the EU accession countries: size, scope, trends and challenges to the process of EU enlargement (Sofia, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe informal economy in the EU accession countries: size, scope, trends and challenges to the process of EU enlargement / ed. by Belev B. - Sofia: Center for Study of Democracy, 2003. - 282 p.: ill. - ISBN 954-477-105-0

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Оглавление / Contents
AUTHORS ......................................................... v


1  The Informal Economy in Central and Eastern Europe - 
   Obstacle to European Integration or Bridge Between the EU
   Member States and the Accession Countries? ................... 3
      Boyan Belev

Part I   Assessment of the Informal Economy: Methods and

2  The Size and Development of the Shadow Economies and 
   Shadow Economy Labor Force of 22 Transition and 21 OECD
   Countries: What Do We Really Know? .......................... 23
      Friedrich Schneider

3  Going Informal: Benefits and Costs .......................... 63
      Simeon Djankov, Ira Lieberman, Joyita Mukherjee and
      Tatiana Nenova

4  Shadow Economy and Institutional Change in Transition
   Countries ................................................... 81
      Dominik H. Enste

5 Poverty and Informality in Southeast Europe ................. 115
     Alexandre Marc and Zeynep Kudatgobilik

Part II  The Informal Economy in Central Europe and the Baltics

6  Why People Evade Taxes in the Czech and Slovak Republics:
   A Tale of Twins ............................................ 139
      Jan Hanousek and Filip Palda

7  Informal Labor Market and Informal Economy during 
   the Economic Transition: The Polish Perspective ............ 175
     Maciej H. Grabowski

8  Behind the Informal Economy: Estimating, Explaining,
   Counteracting .............................................. 187
      Guoda Steponaviciene

9  Barriers to Participation: The Informal Sector in
   Emerging Democracies. The Case of Hungary .................. 191
      Laszlo Kallay

Part III The Informal Economy in Southeast Europe

10 Use of Households Survey Data to Estimate the Size of
   the Informal Economy in Romania ............................ 199
      Lucian-Liviu Albu and Mariana Nicolae

11 Transactions versus Work: The Informal Economies in 
   Bulgaria in the 1990s Tanya Chavdarova ..................... 213

12 Tax Avoidance in Bulgaria: The Human Capital Approach ...... 225
      Andrey Zahariev

13 Characteristics of Informal Sector Development in 
   Albania .................................................... 239
      Gene Ruli

Part IV  Early Warning and Risk Reporting for Good 
         Governance and Against Corruption

14 The Risks of Corruption and Anti-Corruption Strategies ..... 251
      Wim van Meurs

15 Corruption or State Failure? ............................... 265
      Alina Mungiu-Pippidi

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