Smithsonian at the poles: contributions to International Polar Year science (Washington, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSmithsonian at the poles: contributions to International Polar Year science / ed. by Krupnik I., Lang M.A., Miller S.E. - Washington: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2009. - xv, 405 p.: ill. (some col.), maps. - (Smithsonian contribution to knowledge). - Ind.: p.395-405. - ISBN-10 0-9788460-1-X; ISBN-13 978-0-9788460-1-5

Оглавление / Contents
FOREWORD by Ira Rubinoff ....................................... ix

EXECUTTVE SUMMARY by Michael A. Lang .......................... xii

INTRODUCTION by Igor Krupnik, Michael A. Lang, and Scott
E. Miller ..................................................... xiv


Advancing Polar Research and Communicating Its Wonders:
Quests, Questions, and Capabilities of Weather and Climate
Studies in International Polar Years ............................ l
   James R. Fleming, Colby College Cara Seitchek, Woodrow
   Wilson International Center for Scholars

Cooperation at the Poles? Placing the First International 
Polar Year in the Context of Nineteenth-Century Scientific 
Exploration and Collaboration .................................. 13
   Marc Rothenberg, National Science Foundation

The Policy Process and the International Geophysical Year,
1957-1958 ...................................................... 23
   Fae L. Korsmo, National Science Foundation

Preserving the Origins of the Space Age: The Material Legacy
of the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) at the 
National Air and Space Museum .................................. 35
   David H. De Vorkin, National Air and Space Museum, 
   Smithsonian Institution

From Ballooning in the Arctic to 10,000-Foot Runways in
Antarctica: Lessons from Historic Archaeology .................. 49
   Noel D. Broadbent, National Museum of Natural History,
   Smithsonian Institution


"Of No Ordinary Importance": Reversing Polarities in 
Smithsonian Arctic Studies ..................................... 61
   William W. Fitzhugh, National Museum of Natural History, 
   Smithsonian Institution

Yup'ik Eskimo Contributions to Arctic Research at the
Smithsonian .................................................... 79
   Ann Fienup-Riordan, National Museum of Natural History
   Arctic Studies Center, Anchorage

Smithsonian Contributions to Alaskan Ethnography: The First 
IPY Expedition to Barrow, 1881-1883 ............................ 89
   Ernest S. Burch Jr., National Museum of Natural History
   Arctic Studies Center, Camp Hill

The Art of Inupiaq Whaling: Elders' Interpretations of 
International Polar Year Ethnological Collections .............. 99
   Aron L. Crowell, National Museum of Natural History Arctic
   Studies Center, Anchorage

From Tent to Trading Post and Back Again: Smithsonian
Anthropology in Nunavut, Nunavik, Nitassinan, and Nunatsiavut
-The Changing IPY Agenda, 1882-2007 ........................... 115
   Stephen boring, National Museum of Natural History,
   Smithsonian Institution

"The Way We See It Coming": Building the Legacy of 
Indigenous Observations in IPY 2007-2008 ...................... 129
   Igor Krupnik, National Museum of Natural History, 
   Smithsonian Institution


Species Diversity and Distributions of Pelagic Calanoid
Copepods from the Southern Ocean .............................. 143
   E. Taisoo Park, Texas A & M University Frank D. Ferrari,
   National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian

Brooding in Species Diversity in the Southern Ocean:
Selection for Brooders or Speciation within Brooding
Clades? ....................................................... 181
   John S. Pearse, University of California, Santa Cruz
   Richard Mooi, California Academy of Sciences Susanne
   J. Lockhart, California Academy of Sciences 
   Angelika Brandt, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches
   Museum, Hamburg

Persistent Elevated Abundance of Octopods in an Overfished
Antarctic Area ................................................ 197
   Michael Vecchione, National Marine Fisheries Service 
      Louise Allcock, Queen's University Belfast 
   Uwe Piatkowski, Universitat Kiel, Germany
   Elaina Jorgensen, Alaska Fisheries Science Center Iain
      Barratt, Queen's University Belfast

Cold Comfort: Systematics and Biology of Antarctic
Bryozoans ..................................................... 205
   Judith E. Winston, Virginia Museum of Natural History

Considerations of Anatomy, Morphology, Evolution, and 
Function for Narwhal Dentition ................................ 223
   Martin T. Nweeia, Harvard School of Dental Medicine 
   Cornelius Nutarak, Elder, Community of Mittimatilik, 
   Frederick С. Eichmiller, Delta Dental of Wisconsin 
   Naomi Eidelman, ADAF Paffenbarger Research Center 
   Anthony A. Giuseppetti, ADAF Paffenbarger Research Center
   Janet Quinn, ADAF Paffenbarger Research Center 
   James G. Mead, National Museum of Natural History,
      Smithsonian Institution 
   Kaviqanguak K'issuk, Hunter, Community of Qaanaaq,
   Peter V. Hauschka, National Museum of Natural History,
      Smithsonian Institution 
   Ethan M. Tyler, National Institutes of Health 
   Charles Potter, National Museum of Natural History, 
      Smithsonian Institution 
   Jack R. Orr, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Arctic 
      Research Division
   Rasmus Avike, Hunter, Community of Qaanaaq, Greenland 
   Pavia Nielsen, Elder, Community of Uummannaq, Greenland 
   David Angnatsiak, Elder, Community of Mittimatilik, 


Scientific Diving Under Ice: A 40-Year Bipolar Research 
Tool .......................................................... 241
   Michael A. Lang, Office of the Under Secretary for 
      Science, Smithsonian Institution 
   Rob Robbins, Raytheon Polar Services Company

Environmental and Molecular Mechanisms of Cold Adaptation
in Polar Marine Invertebrates ................................. 253
   Adam G. Marsh, University of Delaware, Lewes

Milestones in the Study of Diving Physiology: Antarctic 
Emperor Penguins and Weddell Seals ............................ 265
   Gerald Kooyman, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Interannual and Spatial Variability in Light Attenuation:
Evidence from Three Decades of Growth in the Arctic Kelp,
Laminaria solidungula ......................................... 271
   Kenneth H. Dunton, University of Texas Marine Science 
   Susan V. Schonberg, University of Texas Marine Science 
   Dale W. Funk, LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 

Life under Antarctic Pack Ice: A Krill Perspective ............ 285
   Langdon B. Quetin, University of California, Santa 
   Barbara Robin M. Ross, University of California, Santa 


Inhibition of Phytoplankton and Bacterial Productivity by 
Solar Radiation in the Ross Sea Polynya ....................... 299
   Patrick J. Neale, Smithsonian Environmental Research 
   Wade H. Jeffrey, University of West Florida Cristina 
      Sobrino, University of Vigo, Spain
   J. Dean Pakulski, University of West Florida
   Jesse Phillips-Kress, Smithsonian Environmental Research
   Amy J. Baldwin, Florida Department of Environmental
   Linda A. Franklin, Smithsonian Environmental Research
   Hae-Cheol Kim, Harte Research Institute Southern Ocean 

Primary Productivity: Variability and a View to the Future .... 309
   Walker O. Smith Jr., Virginia Institute 
   Marine Sciences Josefino С. Comiso, NASA Goddard Space 
      Flight Center

Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling during a Ross
Sea Phaeocystis antarctica Bloom .............................. 319
   David J. Kieber, SUNY College of Environmental Science
      and Forestry 
   Dierdre A. Toole, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
   Ronald P. Kiene, University of South Alabama

Capital Expenditure and Income (Foraging) during Pinniped 
Lactation: The Example of the Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes 
weddellii) .................................................... 335
   Regina Eisert, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian 
   Olav T. Oftedal, Smithsonian Environmental Research 

Latitudinal Patterns of Biological Invasions in Marine 
Ecosystems: A Polar Perspective ............................... 347
   Gregory M. Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research 
   Chad L. Hewitt, Australian Maritime College


Cosmology from Antarctica ..................................... 359
   Robert W. Wilson, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
   Antony A. Stark, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Feeding the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way: 
AST/RO Observations ........................................... 370
   Christopher L. Martin, Oberlin College

HEAT: The High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope ........ 373
   Christopher K. Walker, University of Arizona 
   Craig A. Kulesa, University of Arizona

Watching Star Birth from the Antarctic Plateau ................ 381
   Nick R.H. Tothill, University of Exeter 
   Mark J. McCaughrean, University of Exeter 
   Christopher K. Walker, University of Arizona, Tucson
   Craig Kulesa, University of Arizona, Tucson 
   Andrea Loehr, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 
   Stephen Parshley, Cornell University

Antarctic Meteorites: Exploring the Solar System from the 
Ice ........................................................... 387
   Timothy J. McCoy, National Museum of Natural History,
      Smithsonian Institution 
   Linda C. Welzenbach, National Museum of Natural History,
      Smithsonian Institution 
   Catherine M. Corrigan, National Museum of Natural History,
      Smithsonian Institution

INDEX ......................................................... 395

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