Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; 946 (Providence, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаJorgenson J. Heat Eisenstein series on SLn(C) / Jorgenson J., Lang S. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2009. - viii, 127 p.: ill. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; Vol.201, N 946 (end of volume)). - Bibliogr.: p.119-121. - Ind.: p.123-127. - ISBN 978-0-8218-4044-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Contents ........................................................ v

Acknowledgements ............................................. viii
Introduction .................................................... 1
Notation and Terminology ........................................ 5

Chapter 1  Estimates on SLn Parabolics

1  The hermitian norm on SLn and Siegel sets .................... 9
2  Volume and lattice point estimates .......................... 16
3  Estimates of A-projections .................................. 20
4  Standard reduced parabolics ................................. 23
5  Characters on parabolics .................................... 29
6  Estimates of Aρ-projections ................................. 33
7  Parabolic integral formulas ................................. 35

Chapter 2  Eisenstein Series

1  The character Eisenstein series ............................. 41
2  Twists of character Eisenstein series ....................... 46
3  Two-character Eisenstein series ............................. 51
4  The Gauss space ............................................. 53
5  The parabolic Eisenstein integration formula ................ 58

Chapter 3  Adjointness and Inversion Relations

1  Adjointness formulas and F-cuspidality ...................... 61
2  Adjointness and initial conditions formulas ................. 70
3  P-cuspidality and heat Eisenstein series .................... 72
4  The family of anticuspidal operators JP,Г,ε,t ................. 80

Chapter 4  Applications of the Heat Equation

1  Parabolics and the (a, n)-characters ........................ 85
2  Direct image of Casimir on parabolics ....................... 87
3  The differential equation for ЈP,Г,K and EP,K# ................ 91
4  Convolution of TrГ(Kx) and the Eisenstein
   series ...................................................... 95
5  The P-anticuspidal semigroup property ....................... 96
6  The P-anticuspidal operator JpPГ, and the conjectured
   spectral expansion ......................................... 100
7  Onward ..................................................... 104

Chapter Appendix. The Heat Kernel

1  Dodziuk's uniqueness theorem ............................... 107
2  The fundamental solution and the heat kernel ............... 109
3  Properties of the heat kernel .............................. 113
4  Compact manifolds .......................................... 114

Bibliography .................................................. 119
Index ......................................................... 123

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