Annual review of phytopathology; 47 (Palo Alto, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of phytopathology. Vol.47 / Ed. by van Alfen N.K., Briening G., Leach E. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2009. - xl, 445 p. - ISBN 978-0-8243-1347-0

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Оглавление / Contents
Look Before You Leap: Memoirs of a "Cell Biological" Plant
   Michéle C. Heath ............................................. 1

Plant Disease Diagnostic Capabilities and Networks
   Sally A. Miller, Fen D. Beed, and Carrie Lapaire Harmon ..... 15

Diversity, Pathogenicity, and Management of Verticillium 
   Steven J. Klosterman, Zahi K. Atallah, Gary E. Vallad,
   and Krishna V. Subbarao ..................................... 39

Bacterial/Fungal Interactions: From Pathogens to Mutualistic
   Donald Y. Kobayashi and Jo Anne Crouch ...................... 63

Community Ecology of Fungal Pathogens Causing Wheat Head 
   Xiangming Xu and Paul Nicholson ............................. 83

The Biology of Viroid-Host Interactions
   Biao Ding .................................................. 105

Recent Evolution of Bacterial Pathogens: The Gall-Forming
Pantoea agglomerans Case
   Isaac Barash and Shulamit Manulis-Sasson ................... 133

Fatty Acid-Derived Signals in Plant Defense
   Aardra Kachroo and Pradeep Kachroo ......................... 153

Salicylic Acid, a Multifaceted Hormone to Combat Disease
   A. Corina Vlot, DMaris Amick Dempsey, and Daniel
   E. Klessig ................................................. 177

RNAi and Functional Genomics in Plant Parasitic Nematodes
   M.N. Rosso, J.T. Jones, and P. Abad ........................ 207

Fungal Effector Proteins
   Ioannis Stergiopoulos and Pierre J.G.M. de Wit ............. 233

Durability of Resistance in Tomato and Pepper to 
Xanthomonads Causing Bacterial Spot
   Robert E. Stall, Jeffrey B. Jones, and Gerald V. 
   Minsavage .................................................. 265

Seed Pathology Progress in Academia tnd Industry
   Gary P. Munkvold ........................................... 285

Migratory Plant Endoparasitic Nematodes: A Group Rich in
Contrasts and Divergence
   Maurice Moens and Roland N. Perry .......................... 313

The Genomes of Root-Knot Nematodes
   David McK. Bird, Valerie M. Williamson, Pierre Abad,
   James McCarter, Etienne G.J. Danchin, Philippe 
   Castagnone-Sereno, and Charles H. Opperman ................. 333

Viruses of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
   Said A. Ghabrial and Nobuhiro Suzuki ....................... 353

Hordeivirus Replication, Movement, and Pathogenesis
   Andrew O. Jackson, Hyoun-Sub him, Jennifer Bragg, 
   Uma Ganesan, and Mi Yeon Lee ............................... 385

Ustilago maydis as a Pathogen
   Thomas Brefort, Gunther Doehlemann, Artemio Mendoza-
   Mendoza, Stefanie Reissmann, Armin Djamei, and Regine
   Kahmann .................................................... 423

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of 
Phytopathology articles may be found at

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