Banach center publications; 87 (Warszawa, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLvov mathematical school in the period 1915-45 as seen today / Polish academy of sciences, Institute of mathematics; ed. by Bojarski B., Lawrynowicz J., Prytula Y.G. - Warszawa: PWN, 2009. - 158 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index.- (Banach center publications; 87) - ISBN 978-83-86806-04-01; ISSN 0137-6934

Место хранения: 013 | Институт математики СО РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Part I. Historical articles ................................. 15-84

Remarks on the history of mathematics in Lviv up to the
middle of the XXth century .................................. 17-26
   Ya.G. Prytula

Logic and foundations of mathematics in Lvov (1900-1939) .... 27-44
   J. Woleński

Banach's school and topological algebras .................... 45-51
   W. Żelazko

About Professor Zdzislaw Krygowski on the 50th anniversary
of his death ................................................ 53-64
   M. Jaroszewska and J. Musielak

Wladyslaw Orlicz(1903-1990) - Polish mathematician .......... 65-78
   L. Maligranda

Functional analysis in Lviv after 1945 ...................... 79-84
   H. Chuyko

Part II. Short memoirs ...................................... 85-93

The Lvov years of Waclaw Sierpiński ......................... 87-89
   A. Schinzel

My reminiscence from the Lvov Mathematical School 
(1932-1945) ................................................. 91-93
   R.S. Ingarden
Part III. Research papers .................................. 95-140

From Banach to distributions and currents .................. 97-106
   P. Dolbeault

Ideas of Hugo Steinhaus in contemporary mathematics ....... 107-114
   Yu.B. Zelinskii

Differential and integral calculus for a Schauder basis
on a fractal set (I) (Schauder basis 80 years after) ...... 115-140
   J. Lawrynowicz, T. Ogata, and O. Suzuki

Documents ................................................. 141-146
Index of scientists related with Lvov ..................... 147-150
Index of other persons mentioned .......................... 151-155
Subject index ............................................. 157-158

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