Boston studies in the philosophy of science; 255 (Dordrecht, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRethinking scientific change and theory comparison: stabilities, ruptures, incommensurabilities? / ed. by Soler L., Sankey H., Hoyningen-Huene P. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2008. - x, 384 p. - (Boston studies in the philosophy of science; 255). - ISBN 978-4020-6274-2

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................... ix

Léna Soler
   Introduction ................................................. 1

Part 1:  Incommensurability, As Differences in Quasi-
         Intuitive Cognitive Capacities: A Task for 
         Psychology? ........................................... 19

Alexander Bird
   Incommensurability Naturalized .............................. 21
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
   Commentary on Bird's Paper .................................. 41

Part 2:  Incommensurability in a Wittgensteinian Perspective:
         How to Make Sense of Nonsense ......................... 47

Aristides Baltas
   Nonsense and Paradigm Change ................................ 49
Eric Oberheim
   Commentary on Baltas' Paper ................................. 71

Part 3:  Intra-Theoretical Change, as a Subjective Creative
         Elucidation of an Objective Formerly Present
         Content ............................................... 85

Anouk Barberousse
   From One Version to the Other: Intra-theoretical Change ..... 87
Igor L.Y.
   Commentary on Barberousse's Paper .......................... 103

Part 4:  Investigating the Continuities of Scientific
         Theorizing: A Task for the Bayesian? ................. 107

Stephan Hartmann
   Modeling High-Temperature Superconductivity:
   Correspondence at Bay? ..................................... 109
Edward Jurkowitz
   Commentary on Hartmann' s Paper ............................ 131

Part 5:  From the Cumulativity of Physical Predictions 
         to the Cumulativity of Physics ....................... 143

Bernard D'Espagnat
   Is Science Cumulative? A Physicist Viewpoint ............... 145

Marcel Weber
   Commentary on D'Espagnat's Paper ........................... 153

Part 6:  From Denotational Continuity to Entity Realism ....... 157

Robert Nola
   The Optimistic Мета-Induction and Ontological Continuity:
   The Case of the Electron ................................... 159
Steve Clarke
   Commentary on Nola's Paper ................................. 203

Part 7:  Is a Realist Interpretation of Quantum Physics
         Possible? ............................................ 207

Hervé Zwirn
   Can we Consider Quantum Mechanics to be a Description
   of Reality? ................................................ 209
Soazig Le Bihan
   Commentary on Zwirn' Paper ................................. 219

Part 8:  Ontological Continuity: A Policy for Model
         Building or an Argument in Favour of Scientific
         Realism? ............................................. 223

Rom Harré
   Reasons for Choosing Among Readings of Equipollent
   Theories ................................................... 225
Mauricio Suarez
   Commentary on Harré's Paper ................................ 239

Part 9:   A Change of Perspective: Dissolving the
          Incommensurability Problem in the Framework of
          a Theoretical Pluralism Incorporating an
          Instrumental Rationality ............................ 245

Paul Teller
   Of Course Idealizations are Incommensurable! ............... 247
Ronald N. Giere
   Commentary on Teller's Paper ............................... 265

Part 10: What Can Philosophical Theories of Scientific
         Method Do? ........................................... 271

Martin Carrier
   The Aim and Structure of Methodological Theory ............. 273
Michel Bitbol
   Commentary on Carrier's Paper .............................. 291

Part 11: A New Kind of Incommensurability at the Level
         of Experimental Practices? ........................... 297

Léna Soler
   The Incommensurability of Experimental Practices:
   An Incommensurability of What! An Incommensurability
   of a Third Type! ........................................... 299
Howard Sankey
   Commentary on Soler' s Paper ............................... 341

Part 12: Pragmatic Breakdowns: A New Kind of Scientific
         Revolution? .......................................... 349

Thomas Nickles
   Disruptive Scientific Change ............................... 351
Emiliano Trizio
   Commentary on Nickles' Paper ............................... 381

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