Oleksy M.W. Realism and individualism: Charles S. Peirce and the threat of modern nominalizm (Lodz, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаOleksy M.W. Realism and individualism: Charles S. Peirce and the threat of modern nominalizm. - Lodz: Lodz University Press, 2008. - 369 p. - Bibliogr.: p.361-369. - ISBN 978-83-7525-236-1

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 7

1. Modesty vs. presumption. Peirce in search of a subtle
   equilibrium .................................................. 8
2. Overview .................................................... 13

            INDIVIDUALISM ...................................... 21

1. Peirce's realisms in a historical perspective ............... 21
2. Back to Scotus in search of the philosophy for modern
   science ..................................................... 24
   2.1. Scholastic problem of universals ....................... 27
   2.2. Scotistic solution to the problem of universals ........ 31
3. Peirce's reception of Scotus ................................ 37
   3.1. Why Peirce prefers Scotus to Ockham .................... 42
4. Scholastic realism from a semeiotic perspective ............. 50
5. The problem of individualism	 ................................ 56
6. Nominalist impact on Peirce - the controversy over
   formalities ................................................. 61
   6.1. Peirce's reception of Ockham's logic ................... 66
7. The clash of worldviews ..................................... 75

Chapter II  CRUSADE AGAINST MODERN NOMINALISM .................. 82

1. Pre-history of modern nominalism ............................ 83
2. Modern nominalism as a system of ideas ...................... 89
3. Modern nominalism I - "a conceited young man" ............... 95
4. Modern nominalism II: 17th с theory of ideas ............... 106
   4.1. Holistic theory of perception ......................... 110
   4.2. Holistic arguments against classical empiricism ....... 118
5. Modern nominalism III: Kant and the theory of categories ... 121
   5.1. Peirce's theory of categories ......................... 127
   5.2. Kant the nominalist ................................... 138
6. Modern nominalism IV: the Instrumentalist Era .............. 141
7. Nominalism and the Method of Science ....................... 153

Chapter III PRAGMATIC REALISM ................................. 171

1. What is the realism vs. nominalism dilemma about? .......... 174
2. Anti-nominalist correction and extreme scholastic
   realism .................................................... 184
   2.1. Opium, Diamonds and the Goal of Inquiry ............... 185
   2.2. Extreme scholastic realism - individualism
        revisited ............................................. 194
3. Convergentism - a fruitful direction or a dead-end? ........ 204
4. Scientific Realism ......................................... 210
5. Pragmatic realism I: factual pre-conditions of inquiry ..... 226
6. Pragmatic realism II: normative presuppositions of
   inquiry .................................................... 231
   6.1. Pragmatist account of truth ........................... 234
   6.2. Best belief and ideal-limit opinion - are they
        rivals? ............................................... 240
7. Pragmatic realism III - commonsensist argument for
   indubitable truths ......................................... 250
   7.1. Pragmatic realism about manifest image of the world ... 256
8. Pragmatic realism IV - realist ethics of science ........... 261

            FROM A SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE ......................... 271

1. Blumenberg on theological absolutism and modern self-
   assertion .................................................. 278
2. Towards a Peircean anthropology: from self-assertion to
   self-control ............................................... 289
   2.1. Anthropology of self-control .......................... 301
3. Individualist atomism and communal organicism .............. 306
4. Monadological organicism and Peirce's communitarian
   organicism ................................................. 314
5. Self-control and autonomy of the self ...................... 324

Afterword ..................................................... 346

1. What do we need consensus for .............................. 350

Bibliography .................................................. 361

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