Abeyaratne R. Evolution of phase transition: a continuum theory (Cambridge; New-York, 2006)- ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAbeyaratne R. Evolution of phase transition: a continuum theory / Abeyaratne R., Knowles J.K. - Cambridge; New-York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - xv, 242 p.: ill. - ISBN 0-521-661-47-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface	page ................................................. xiii

Part I Introduction

1  Introduction ................................................. 3
   1.1  What this monograph is about ............................ 3
   1.2  Some experiments ........................................ 7
   1.3  Continuum mechanics ..................................... 9
   1.4  Quasilinear systems .................................... 10
   1.5  Outline of monograph ................................... 11

Part II Purely Mechanical Theory

2  Two-Well Potentials, Governing Equations and Energetics ..... 19
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 19
   2.2  Two-phase nonlinearly elastic materials ................ 20
   2.3  Field equations and jump conditions .................... 25
   2.4  Energetics of motion, driving force and dissipation
        inequality ............................................. 27
3  Equilibrium Phase Mixtures and Quasistatic Processes ........ 32
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 32
   3.2  Equilibrium states ..................................... 33
   3.3  Variational theory of equilibrium mixtures of phases ... 37
   3.4  Quasistatic processes .................................. 42
   3.5  Nucleation and kinetics ................................ 44
   3.6  Constant elongation rate processes ..................... 47
   3.7  Hysteresis ............................................. 53
4  Impact-Induced Transitions in Two-Phase Elastic Materials ... 59
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 59
   4.2  The impact problem for trilinear two-phase materials ... 61
        4.2.1  The constitutive law ............................ 61
        4.2.2  The impact problem .............................. 64
   4.3  Scale-invariant solutions of the impact problem ........ 66
        4.3.1  Solutions without a phase transition ............ 66
        4.3.2  Solutions with a phase transition: The two-
               wave case ....................................... 67
        4.3.3  Solutions with a phase transition: The one-
               wave case ....................................... 68
        4.3.4  The totality of solutions ....................... 69
   4.4  Nucleation and kinetics ................................ 71
   4.5  Comparison with experiment ............................. 74
   4.6  Other types of kinetic relations ....................... 77
   4.7  Related work ........................................... 77

Part III Thermomechanical Theory

5  Multiple-Well Free Energy Potentials ........................ 85
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 85
   5.2  Helmholtz free energy potential ........................ 86
   5.3  Potential energy function and the effect of stress ..... 88
   5.4  Example 1: The van der Waals Fluid ..................... 90
   5.5  Example 2: Two-phase martensitic material with cubic
        and tetragonal phases .................................. 95
6  The Continuum Theory of Driving Force ...................... 105
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   6.2  Balance laws, field equations and jump conditions ..... 106
        6.2.1  Balances of momentum and energy in integral
               form ........................................... 106
        6.2.2  Localization of the balance laws ............... 106
   6.3  The second law of thermodynamics and the driving
        force ................................................. 108
        6.3.1  Entropy production rate ........................ 108
        6.3.2  Driving force and the second law ............... 110
        6.3.3  Driving force in the case of mechanical
               equilibrium .................................... 111
7  Thermoelastic Materials .................................... 113
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 113
   7.2  The thermoelastic constitutive law .................... 113
        7.2.1  Relations among stress, deformation gradient,
               temperature and specific entropy ............... 113
        7.2.2  The heat conduction law ........................ 116
        7.2.3  The partial differential equations of
               nonlinear thermoelasticity ..................... 116
        7.2.4  Thermomechanical equilibrium ................... 117
   7.3  Stability of a thermoelastic material ................. 118
   7.4  A one-dimensional special case: uniaxial strain ....... 120
8  Kinetics and Nucleation .................................... 124
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 124
   8.2  Nonequilibrium processes, thermodynamic fluxes
        and forces, kinetic relation .......................... 124
   8.3  Phenomenological examples of kinetic relations ........ 127
   8.4  Micromechanically based examples of kinetic
        relations ............................................. 128
        8.4.1  Viscosity-strain gradient model ................ 130
        8.4.2  Thermal activation model ....................... 131
        8.4.3  Propagation through a row of imperfections ..... 133
        8.4.4  Kinetics from atomistic considerations ......... 134
        8.4.5  Frenkel-Kontorowa model ........................ 136
   8.5  Nucleation ............................................ 139

Part IV One-Dimensional Thermoelastic Theory and Problems

9  Models for Two-Phase Thermoelastic Materials in One
   Dimension .................................................. 149
   9.1  Preliminaries ......................................... 149
   9.2  Materials of Mie-Grüneisen type ....................... 151
   9.3  Two-phase Mie-Grüneisen materials ..................... 153
        9.3.1  The trilinear material ......................... 153
        9.3.2  Stability of phases of the trilinear
               material ....................................... 156
        9.3.3  Other two-phase materials of Mie-Griineisen
               type ........................................... 159
10 Quasistatic Hysteresis in Two-Phase Thermoelastic
   Tensile Bars ............................................... 163
   10.1 Preliminaries ......................................... 163
   10.2 Thermomechanical equilibrium states for a two-phase
        material .............................................. 164
   10.3 Quasistatic processes ................................. 166
   10.4 Trilinear thermoelastic material ...................... 167
   10.5 Stress cycles at constant temperature ................. 169
   10.6 Temperature cycles at constant stress ................. 173
   10.7 The shape-memory cycle ................................ 175
   10.8 The experiments of Shaw and Kyriakides ................ 176
   10.9 Slow thermomechanical processes ....................... 178
11 Dynamics of Phase Transitions in Uniaxially Strained
   Thermoelastic Solids ....................................... 181
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 181
   11.2 Uniaxial strain in adiabatic thermoelasticity ......... 182
        11.2.1 Field equations, jump conditions and
               driving force .................................. 182
        11.2.2 The trilinear Mie-Grüneisen thermoelastic
               material ....................................... 183
   11.3 The impact problem .................................... 185
        11.3.1 Formulation: Scale-invariant solutions ......... 185
        11.3.2 Solutions with no phase transition ............. 186
        11.3.3 Solutions with a phase transition .............. 188

Part V Higher Dimensional Problems

12 Statics: Geometric Compatibility ........................... 197
   12.1 Preliminaries ......................................... 197
   12.2 Examples .............................................. 200
13 Dynamics: Impact-Induced Transition in a CuAlNi Single
   Crystal .................................................... 209
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 209
   13.2 Preliminaries ......................................... 210
   13.3 Impact without phase transformation ................... 212
   13.4 Impact with phase transformation ...................... 214
   13.5 Application to austenite-β1 martensite
        transformation in CuAlNi .............................. 217
        13.5.1 Experimental data .............................. 217
        13.5.2 Phase boundary speed ........................... 218
        13.5.3 Driving force .................................. 218
        13.5.4 Kinetic law .................................... 219
14 Quasistatics: Kinetics of Martensitic Twinning ............. 221
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 221
   14.2 The material and loading device ....................... 222
   14.3 Observations .......................................... 223
   14.4 The model ............................................. 225
   14.5 The energy of the system .............................. 226
        14.5.1 Elastic energy of the specimen ................. 226
        14.5.2 Loading device energy .......................... 227
        14.5.3 Summary ........................................ 228
   14.6 The effect of the transition layers: Further
        observations .......................................... 229
   14.7 The effect of the transition layers: Further
        modeling .............................................. 230
   14.8 Kinetics .............................................. 231

Author Index .................................................. 235
Subject Index ................................................. 238

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