Knowledge management strategies: a handbook of applied technologies (Hershey; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKnowledge management strategies: a handbook of applied technologies / ed. by Lytras M.D. et al. - Hershey; New York: IGI Publishing, 2008. - xxxiii, 356 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.349-356. - ISBN 978-159904603-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Acknowledgment .............................................. xxxii

Chapter I    Knowledge-Based Strategies and Systems:
             А Systematic Review ................................ 1
                Meir Russ, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay,
                USA J. Greg Jones, Berea, Kentucky, USA 
                Jeannette K. Jones, American Intercontinental
                University - Online Campus, USA

Chapter II   The Intellectual Capital Statements: Evolution
             and How to Get Started ............................ 63
                Miltiadis D. Lytras, University of Patras,
                Greece Leif Edvinsson, Lund University, 
                Sweden & The Hong Kong Polytechnic 
                University, Hong Kong Patricia Ordonez 
                de Pablos, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

Chapter III  Modeling Techniques for Knowledge Management ...... 91
                Hanno Schauer, University of Duisburg-Essen,
                Germany Carola Schauer, University of 
                Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Chapter IV   Classifying Knowledge Maps: Typologies and
             Application Examples ............................ 116
                Martin J. Eppler, University of Lugano (USI),

Chapter V    Knowledge Engines for Critical Decision
             Support .......................................... 143
                Richard J. Adler, Decision Path, Inc., USA

Chapter VI   Knowledge Management Strategy for Web 2.0
             Integration ...................................... 170
                R. Todd Stephens, AT&T Corporation, USA

Chapter VII  Knowledge Management and Organization Security 
             Issues ........................................... 194
                James A. Sena, California Polytechnic State
                University, USA

Chapter VIII Enterprise Knowledge Management for Emergent
             Organizations: An Ontology-Driven Approach ....... 218
                Mariel Alejandra Ale, CIDIS1, UTN - FRSF,
                Argentina Omar Chiotti, INGAR, CONICET, 
                Argentina Maria Rosa Galli, INGAR, CONICET,

Chapter IX   Implementing Communities of Practice to Manage 
             Knowledge and Drive Innovation ................... 250
                Nicole M. Radziwill, National Radio
                Astronomy Observatory, USA

Chapter X    The Hidden Deception of Knowledge Management
             Systems: Search, Rigidity, and Declining 
             Radical Innovation ............................... 268
                Michael J. Mannor, Michigan State
                University, USA

Chapter XI   The Current Bottleneck of Knowledge Management
             and How Information Technology can be 
             Successfully Used to Reduce It ................... 289
                Ricardo Salim, Cautus Networks Corporation,
                USA, & Software de Venezuela, S.A., 
                Venezuela Carlos Ferran, Pennsylvania State
                University, USA

Chapter XII  A Framework for Introducing Knowledge 
             Management in the Banking Sector: State of the
             Art and Empirical Results ........................ 316
                Friedrich Roithmayr, Johannes Kepler 
                University Linz, Austria Kerstin Fink, 
                University of Innsbruck, Austria

Chapter XIII Managing Interorganizational Networks ............ 331
                Nancy Linwood, DuPont, USA Brian Langton, 
                DuPont, USA

About the Contributors ........................................ 341

Index ......................................................... 349

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