A Buddhizmus muveszete; 2 (Budapest, 1995). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKelenyi B. Tibeti és mongol buddhista tekercsképek / Kelényi B., Vinkovics J. = Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist painted scrolls. - Budapest: Hopp Ferenc Kelet-Ázsiai Művészeti Múzeum, 1995. - 94 p.: ill. (some col.), map. - (A Buddhizmus művészete; 2). - Bibliogr.: p.92-94. - ISBN 963-7098-48-8; ISSN 1217-8268

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... 7
1  Tibetan Painted Scrolls ...................................... 9
2  An Outline History of Tibetan Buddhist Art .................. 12
3  An Outline History of Mongolian ............................. 16
   Buddhist Art ................................................ 16
4  Types of Tibetan Thangkas According to Form, Material and
   Size ........................................................ 20
5  The Formation of the Iconography of Tibetan Buddhism ........ 22
6  The Elements of the Iconography ............................. 24
   The General Character of Divinities, Their Robes and
   Jewels ...................................................... 24
   Poses ....................................................... 25
   Hand Gestures ............................................... 26
   Attributes .................................................. 27
   Thrones ..................................................... 30
   Vāhanas ..................................................... 30
   Other Symbols ............................................... 31
7  The Iconometry of Tibetan Thangkas .......................... 33
8  The Structure of Tibetan Thangkas ........................... 36
9  The Techniques and Phases of Thangka Painting ............... 40
10 The Thangka as a Whole ...................................... 43
11 The Ceremony of Consecration ................................ 44
12 The Thangka as the Basis for Meditation ..................... 45
13 The Structure of the Pantheon, Analyses of Different Works
   of Art ...................................................... 47
   Buddhas ..................................................... 47
   Vajrasattva ................................................. 48
   Amoghasiddhi ................................................ 50
   Amitāyus .................................................... 52
   Bodhisattvas ................................................ 55
   Green Тārā with the Twenty-One Taras ........................ 55
   White Тārā .................................................. 58
   White Тārā (with Inscription) ............................... 60
   Sarasvatī ................................................... 62
   The Yi-dams  or Tutelary Deities ............................ 65
   Guhyasamāja ................................................. 65
   Cakrasamvara ................................................ 68
   The Dharmapālas or Defenders of the Faith ................... 70
   Pañjara Mahākāla ............................................ 70
   Vajrabhairava ............................................... 73
   Beg-tse ..................................................... 76
   Vajrasādhu .................................................. 78
   Simhavaktra dakini .......................................... 80
   The mandalas ................................................ 82
   The mandala of Hevajra ...................................... 84
   The mandala of Kalacakra .................................... 86
Glossary ....................................................... 91
List of Abbreviations .......................................... 91
Bibliography ................................................... 91

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