Lecture notes in computer science; 5010 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаComputer science - theory and applications: third international computer science symposium in Russia, CSR 2008, Moscow, Russia, June 7 - 12, 2008: proceedings / ed. by Hirsch E.A. et al. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. - xiii, 409 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in computer science; 5010). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.411. - ISBN 978-3-540-79708-1; ISSN 0302-9743

Оглавление / Contents
Opening Lecture

Randomness - A Computational Complexity Perspective ............. 1
   Avi Wigderson

Invited Papers

Cracks in the Defenses: Scouting Out Approaches on
Circuit Lower Bounds ............................................ 3
   Eric Allender

On Formal Equivalence Verification of Hardware ................. 11
   Zurab Khasidashvili

Twelve Problems in Proof Complexity ............................ 13
   Pavel Pudlák

Manifestation and Exploitation of Invariants
in Bioinformatics .............................................. 28
   Limsoon Wong

Simple Stochastic Games, Mean Payoff Games, Parity Games ....... 29
   Uri Zwick

Theory Track

Topological Semantics of Justification Logic ................... 30
   Sergei Artemov and Elena Nogina

A Logspace Algorithm for Partial 2-Tree Canonization ........... 40
   Vikraman Arvind, Bireswar Das, and Johannes Köbler

A Triple Correspondence in Canonical Calculi: Strong
Cut-Elimination, Coherence, and Non-deterministic Semantics .... 52
   Arnon Avron and Anna Zamansky

Computing Longest Common Substrings Via Suffix Arrays .......... 64
   Maxim A. Babenko and Tatiana A. Starikovskaya

Logic and Rational Languages of Words Indexed
by Linear Orderings ............................................ 76
   Nicolas Bedon, Alexis Bés, Olivier Carton,
   and Chloé Rispal

Complexity of the Bollobás-Riordan Polynomial:
Exceptional Points and Uniform Reductions ...................... 86
   Markus Bläser, Holger Dell, and Johann A. Makowsky

A Complete Characterization of Nash-Solvability of Bimatrix
Games in Terms of the Exclusion of Certain 2x2 Subgames ........ 99
   Endre Bows,  Khaled Elbassioni,   Vladimir Gurvich,
   Kazuhisa Makino, and Vladimir Oudalov

Synchronization of Grammars ................................... 110
   Didier Caucal and Stéphane Hassen

Lower Bounds for Depth-2 and Depth-3 Boolean Circuits with
Arbitrary Gates ............................................... 122
   Dmitriy Yu. Cherukhin

A Semantic Proof of Polytime Soundness of
Light Affine Logic ............................................ 134
   Ugo Dal Lago and Martin Hofmann

On Subword Complexity of Morphic Sequences .................... 146
   Rostislav Deviatov

Comparing Universal Covers in Polynomial Time ................. 158
   Jiřjí Fiala and Daniël Paulusma

S4LP and Local Realizability .................................. 168
   Melvin Fitting

On the Expressive Power of Permanents and Perfect Matchings
of Matrices of Bounded Pathwidth/Cliquewidth
(Extended Abstract) ........................................... 180
   Uffe Flarup and Laurent Lyaudet

The Most General Conservation Law for a Cellular Automaton .... 194
   Enrico Formenti, Jarkko Kari, and Siamak Taati

Lower Bounds on Frequency Estimation of Data Streams
(Extended Abstract) ........................................... 204
   Sumit Ganguly

From Invariants to Canonization in Parallel ................... 216
   Johannes Кöbler and Oleg Verbitsky

Self-referentiality of Justified Knowledge .................... 228
   Roman Kuznets

On the Complexity of Membership and Counting in
Height-Deterministic Pushdown Automata ........................ 240
   Nutan Limaye, Meena Mahajan, and Antoine Meyer

Public Key Encryption and Encryption Emulation Attacks ........ 252
   Denis Оsin and Vladimir Shpilrain

A Uniform Lower Bound on Weights of Perceptrons ............... 261
    Vladimir V. Podolskii

Lambek Grammars with One Division Are Decidable in
Polynomial Time ............................................... 273
   Yury Savateev

Cryptanalysis of Stickel's Key Exchange Scheme ................ 283
   Vladimir Shpilrain

Combinatorial Complexity of Regular Languages ................. 289
   Arseny M. Shur

On Sequences with Non-learnable Subsequences .................. 302
   Vladimir V. V'yugin

Algorithms for Multiterminal Cuts ............................. 314
   Mingyu Xiao

Two Sources Are Better Than One for Increasing the
Kolmogorov Complexity of Infinite Sequences ................... 326
   Marius Zimand

Applications and Technology Track

Multilayer Neuro-fuzzy Network for Short Term Electric
Load Forecasting .............................................. 339
   Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy, Sergiy Popov, and Taras Rybalchenko

Invariant Generation for P-Solvable Loops with Assignments .... 349
   Laura Kovács

Using Coloured Petri Nets to Model and Verify
Telecommunications Systems .................................... 360
   Valery Nepomniaschy, Dmitry Beloglazov, Tatiana Churina,
   and Mikhail Mashukov

Additive Preconditioning for Matrix Computations .............. 372
   Victor Y. Pan, Dmitriy Ivolgin, Brian Murphy, Rhys Eric
   Rosholt, Yuqing Tang, and Xiaodong Yan

Network as a Computer: Ranking Paths to Find Flows ............ 384
   Dusko Pavlovic

A Unified Categorical Approach for Attributed Graph
Rewriting ..................................................... 398
   Maxime Rebout, Louis Féraud, and Sergei Soloviev

Author Index .................................................. 411

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