PhD Dissertation; 15 (Leipzig, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHempel S. Diversity and functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in semi natural grassland ecosystems / Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2008. - 97 p.: ill., graph. - (PhD Dissertation; 15). - Ref.: p.67-81. - ISSN 1860-0387

Оглавление / Contents
List of tables .................................................. 1
List of figures ................................................. 2

Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................... 3

1.1  What are mycorrhizas? ...................................... 3
1.2  Arbuscular mycorrhiza - morphology and phylogeny ........... 3
1.3  Why are arbuscular mycorrhizas ecologically important? ..... 5
1.4  Ecological studies on arbuscular mycorrhizas ............... 6
1.5  The DIVA Jena program within the BIOLOG framework .......... 7
1.6  Objectives and structure of this thesis .................... 8

Chapter 2: Differences in the species composition of
           arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in spore, root and
           soil communities in a grassland ecosystem ............ 9

2.1  Introduction ............................................... 9
2.2  Experimental procedures ................................... 10
     2.2.1  Field site ......................................... 10
     2.2.2  Root, spore and soil sampling from the field ....... 10
     2.2.3  DNA extraction and nested PCR ...................... 11
     2.2.4  Cloning and sequencing ............................. 12
     2.2.5  Sequence analyses .................................. 12
     2.2.6  Calculation of rarefaction and statistical
            analysis ........................................... 13
2.3. Results ................................................... 14
2.4 Discussion ................................................. 19

Chapter 3: Interactive effects of mycorrhizae and
           a hemiparasite on plant community productivity
           and diversity ....................................... 22

3.1  Introduction .............................................. 22
3.2  Materials and Methods ..................................... 24
     3.2.1  Study system ....................................... 24
     3.2.2  Experiment 1: Multi-species experiment ............. 25
    Experimental set-up and design ............ 25
    Data collection ........................... 26
     3.2.3  Experiment 2: Single-species experiment ............ 27
    Experimental set-up and design ............ 27
    Data collection ........................... 28
     3.2.4  Statistical analysis ............................... 28
3.3  Results ................................................... 30
     3.3.1  Mycorrhizal colonization ........................... 30
     3.3.2  Effect of AMF on plant - hemiparasite
            interactions ....................................... 30
     3.3.3  Response of the grassland community to different
            AMF treatments ..................................... 34
     3.3.4  Response of the hemiparasite to different AMF
            treatments ......................................... 36
     3.3.5  Responses of single grown plant species to AMF
            and importance of indirect effects ................. 37
3.4  Discussion ................................................ 39
     3.4.1  Mycorrhizal fungi generate the negative effect
            of the hemiparasite on plant community ............. 39
     3.4.2  Mycorrhizal dependency of dominant species
            determines community responses ..................... 39
     3.4.3  Hemiparasitic plants profit from mycorrhizal
            fungi .............................................. 40
     3.4.4  Specific effects of AMF cannot be reduced to
            functional complementarity ......................... 41
     3.4.5  Importance of indirect effects varies among
            fungal treatments .................................. 42
3.5  Conclusions ............................................... 42

Chapter 4: Bottom-up effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
           across a plant-herbivore-parasitoid system .......... 44

4.1  Introduction .............................................. 44
4.2  Materials and methods ..................................... 45
     4.2.1  Plant, aphid and parasitoid material ............... 45
     4.2.2  Experimental set-up ................................ 46
     4.2.3  Plant measurements ................................. 47
     4.2.4  Aphid and parasitoid measurements .................. 48
     4.2.5  Data analysis ...................................... 48
4.3  Results ................................................... 50
     4.3.1  Plant responses .................................... 50
     4.3.2  Aphid population development ....................... 53
     4.3.3  Parasitoid responses ............................... 55
4.4  Discussion ................................................ 57
     4.4.1  AMF and aphid effects on plants .................... 57
     4.4.2  AMF Effects on aphids .............................. 58
     4.4.3  AMF effects on parasitoids ......................... 59
4.5  Conclusions ............................................... 61

Chapter 5: General discussion .................................. 62

References ..................................................... 67

Summary ........................................................ 82

Zusammenfassung ................................................ 84

Appendix ....................................................... 86
Cooperations ................................................... 92
Acknowledgements ............................................... 93
Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung ....................................... 94
Curriculum vitae ............................................... 95
Publications ................................................... 96

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