Dissertationes mathematicae; 464 (Warszawa, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаIntegral equalities for functions of unbounded spectral operators in Banach spaces / Silvestri B. - Warszawa: Institute of mathematics, Polish academy of sciences, 2009. - 60 p. - (Dissertationes mathematicae; 464) - ISSN 0012-3862

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 5
Summary of the main results .................................... 11

1. Extension theorem. The case of the strong operator
   topology .................................................... 12
   1.1. Key lemma .............................................. 12
   1.2. Extension theorem for strong operator integral
        equalities ............................................. 19
   1.3. Generalization of the Newton-Leibniz formula ........... 26
   1.4. Application to resolvents of unbounded scalar type
        spectral operators in a Banach space G ................. 35
2. Extension theorem. The case of the topology σ(B(G),Ν) ....... 38
   2.1. Introduction ........................................... 38
   2.2. Existence of the weak integral with respect to the
        σ(B(G),Ν)-topology ..................................... 38
   2.3. Commutation and restriction properties ................. 44
   2.4. Extension theorem for integral equalities with
        respect to the σ(B(G),Ν)-topology ...................... 52
   2.5. Generalization of the Newton-Leibniz formula ........... 57

References ..................................................... 59

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