Sarkar T.K. Physics of multiantenna systems and broadband processing (Hoboken, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSarkar T.K. Physics of multiantenna systems and broadband processing. - Sarkar T.K., Salazar-Palma M., Mokole Eric L.; with contributions from: Burintramart S. et al. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2008. - xxi, 562 p.: ill. - (Wiley series in microwave and optical engineering). - Ind.: p.553-562. - ISBN 978-0-470-19040-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xv

Acknowledgments ............................................... xxi

Chapter 1  What Is an Antenna and How Does It Work? ............. 1
    1.0 Summary ................................................. 1
    1.1 Historical Overview of Maxwell's Equations .............. 2
    1.2 Review of Maxwell-Heaviside-Hertz Equations ............. 4
        1.2.1 Faraday's Law ..................................... 4
        1.2.2 Generalized Ampere's Law .......................... 7
        1.2.3 Generalized Gauss's Law of Electrostatics ......... 8
        1.2.4 Generalized Gauss's Law of Magnetostatics ......... 9
        1.2.5 Equation of Continuity ........................... 10
    1.3 Solution of Maxwell's Equations ........................ 10
    1.4 Radiation and Reception Properties of a Point Source
        Antenna in Frequency and in Time Domain ................ 15
        1.4.1 Radiation of Fields from Point Sources ........... 15
     Far Field in Frequency Domain of
                      a Point Radiator ......................... 16
     Far Field in Time Domain of a Point
                      Radiator ................................. 17
        1.4.2 Reception Properties of a Point Receiver ......... 18
    1.5 Radiation and Reception Properties of Finite-Sized
        Dipole-Like Structures in Frequency and in Time ........ 20
        1.5.1 Radiation Fields from Wire-like Structures in
              the Frequency Domain ............................. 20
        1.5.2 Radiation Fields from Wire-like Structures in
              the Time Domain .................................. 21
        1.5.3 Induced Voltage on a Finite-Sized Receive
              Wire-like Structure Due to a Transient Incident
              Field ............................................ 21
    1.6 Conclusion ............................................. 22
        References ............................................. 57

Chapter 2  Fundamentals of Antenna Theory in the Frequency
           Domain .............................................. 25
    2.0 Summary ................................................ 25
    2.1 Field Produced by a Hertzian Dipole .................... 25
    2.2 Concept of Near and Far Fields ......................... 28
    2.3 Field Radiated by a Small Circular Loop ................ 30
    2.4 Field Produced by a Finite-Sized Dipole ................ 32
    2.5 Radiation Field from a Linear Antenna .................. 34
    2.6 Near- and Far-Field Properties of Antennas ............. 36
        2.6.1 What Is Beamforming Using Antennas ............... 36
        2.6.2 Use of Spatial Antenna Diversity ................. 43
    2.7 The Mathematics and Physics of an Antenna Array ........ 46
    2.8 Propagation Modeling in the Frequency Domain ........... 49
    2.9 Conclusion ............................................. 57
        References ............................................. 57

Chapter 3  Fundamentals of an Antenna in the Time Domain ....... 59
    3.0 Summary ................................................ 59
    3.1 Introduction ........................................... 59
    3.2 UWB Input Pulse ........................................ 61
    3.3 Travelling-Wave Antenna ................................ 62
    3.4 Reciprocity Relation Between Antennas .................. 63
    3.5 Antenna Simulations .................................... 65
    3.6 Loaded Antennas ........................................ 65
        3.6.1 Dipole ........................................... 65
        3.6.2 Bicones .......................................... 71
        3.6.3 TEM Horn ......................................... 74
        3.6.4 Log-Periodic ..................................... 78
        3.6.5 Spiral ........................................... 80
    3.7 Conventional Wideband Antennas ......................... 83
        3.7.1 Volcano Smoke .................................... 83
        3.7.2 Diamond Dipole ................................... 85
        3.7.3 Monofilar Helix .................................. 86
        3.7.4 Conical Spiral ................................... 88
        3.7.5 Monoloop ......................................... 90
        3.7.6 Quad-Ridged Circular Horn ........................ 91
        3.7.7 Bi-Blade with Century Bandwidth .................. 93
        3.7.8 Cone-Blade ....................................... 94
        3.7.9 Vivaldi .......................................... 96
        3.7.10 Impulse Radiating Antenna (IRA) ................. 97
        3.7.11 Circular Disc Dipole ............................ 99
        3.7.12 Bow-Tie ........................................ 100
        3.7.13 Planar Slot .................................... 101
    3.8 Experimental Verification of the Wideband Responses
        from Antennas ......................................... 102
    3.9	Conclusion ............................................ 108
        References ............................................ 109

Chapter 4  A Look at the Concept of Channel Capacity from
           a Maxwellian Viewpoint ............................. 113
    4.0 Summary ............................................... 113
    4.1 Introduction .......................................... 114
    4.2 History of Entropy and Its Evolution .................. 117
    4.3 Different Formulations for the Channel Capacity ....... 118
    4.4 Information Content of a Waveform ..................... 124
    4.5 Numerical Examples Illustrating the Relevance of
        the Maxwellian Physics in Characterizing the Channel
        Capacity .............................................. 130
        4.5.1 Matched Versus Unmatched Receiving Dipole
              Antenna with a Matched Transmitting Antenna
              Operating in Free Space ......................... 131
        4.5.2 Use of Directive Versus Nondirective Matched
              Transmitting Antennas Located at Different
              Heights above the Earth for a Fixed Matched
              Receiver Height above Ground .................... 133
     Transmitting Horn Antenna at a Height
                      of 20 m ................................. 135
     Transmitting Dipole Antenna at
                      a Height of 20 m ........................ 136
     Orienting the Transmitting Horn or
                      the Dipole Antenna Located at a Height
                      of 20 m Towards the Receiving Antenna ... 137
     The Transmitting Horn and Dipole
                      Antenna Located at a Height of 2 m
                      above Ground ............................ 137
     Transmitting Horn and Dipole Antenna
                      Located Close to the Ground but Tilted
                      Towards the Sky ......................... 138
     Channel Capacity as a Function of
                      the Height of the Transmitting Dipole
                      Antenna from the Earth .................. 139
     Presence of a Dielectric Wall
                      Interrupting the Direct Line-of-sight
                      Between Transmitting and Receiving
                      Antennas ................................ 141
     Increase in Channel Capacity when
                      Matched Receiving Antenna Is
                      Encapsulated by a Dielectric Box ........ 143
    4.6 Conclusion ............................................ 146
    4.7 Appendix: History of Entropy and Its Evolution ........ 148
        References ............................................ 164

Chapter 5  Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Antenna
           Systems ............................................ 167
   5.0  Summary ............................................... 167
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 168
   5.2  Diversity in Wireless Communications .................. 168
        5.2.1 Time Diversity .................................. 169
        5.2.2 Frequency Diversity ............................. 170
        5.2.3 Space Diversity ................................. 170
   5.3  Multiantenna Systems .................................. 172
   5.4  Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems ......... 173
   5.5  Channel Capacity of the MIMO Antenna Systems .......... 176
   5.6  Channel Known at the Transmitter ...................... 178
        5.6.1 Water-filling Algorithm ......................... 179
   5.7  Channel Unknown at the Transmitter .................... 180
        5.7.1 Alamouti Scheme ................................. 180
   5.8  Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff ....................... 182
   5.9  MIMO Under a Vector Electromagnetic Methodology ....... 183
        5.9.1 MIMO Versus SISO ................................ 184
   5.10 More Appealing Results for a MIMO system .............. 189
        5.10.1 Case Study: 1 .................................. 189
        5.10.2 Case Study: 2 .................................. 190
        5.10.3 Case Study: 3 .................................. 191
        5.10.4 Case Study: 4 .................................. 194
        5.10.5 Case Study: 5 .................................. 197
   5.11 Physics of MIMO in a Nutshell ......................... 199
        5.11.1 Line-of-Sight (LOS) MIMO Systems with
               Parallel Antenna Elements Oriented Along
               the Broadside Direction ........................ 200
        5.11.2 Line-of-Sight MIMO Systems with Parallel
               Antenna Elements Oriented Along the Broadside
               Direction ...................................... 202
        5.11.3 Non-line-of-Sight MIMO Systems with Parallel
               Antenna Elements Oriented Along the Broadside
               Direction ...................................... 204
   5.12	Conclusion ............................................ 206
        References ............................................ 207

Chapter 6  Use of the Output Energy Filter in Multiantenna
           Systems for Adaptive Estimation .................... 209
    6.0 Summary ............................................... 209
    6.1 Various Forms of the Optimum Filters .................. 210
        6.1.1 Matched Filter (Cross-correlation filter) ....... 211
        6.1.2 A Wiener Filter ................................. 212
        6.1.3 An Output Energy Filter (Minimum Variance
              Filter) ......................................... 213
        6.1.4 Example of the Filters .......................... 214
    6.2 Direct Data Domain Least Squares Approaches to
        Adaptive Processing Based on a Single Snapshot of
        Data .................................................. 215
        6.2.1 Eigenvalue Method ............................... 218
        6.2.2 Forward Method .................................. 220
        6.2.3 Backward Method ................................. 221
        6.2.4 Forward-Backward Method ......................... 222
        6.2.5 Real Time Implementation of the Adaptive
              Procedure ....................................... 224
    6.3	Direct Data Domain Least Squares Approach to
        Space-Time Adaptive Processing ........................ 226
        6.3.1 Two-Dimensional Generalized Eigenvalue
              Processor ....................................... 230
        6.3.2 Least Squares Forward Processor ................. 232
        6.3.3 Least Squares Backward Processor ................ 236
        6.3.4 Least Squares Forward-Backward Processor ........ 237
    6.4 Application of the Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Techniques to Airborne Radar for Space-Time Adaptive
        Processing ............................................ 238
    6.5 Conclusion ............................................ 246
        References ............................................ 247

Chapter 7  Minimum Norm Property for the Sum of the Adaptive
           Weights in Adaptive or in Space-Time Processing .... 249
    7.0 Summary ............................................... 249
    7.1 Introduction .......................................... 250
    7.2 Review of the Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Approach .............................................. 251
    7.3 Review of Space-Time Adaptive Processing Based on
        the D3LS Method ....................................... 253
    7.4 Minimum Norm Property of the Adaptive Weights at
        the DOA of the SOI for the I-D Case and at Doppler
        Frequency and DOA for STAP ............................ 255
    7.5 Numerical Examples .................................... 258
    7.6 Conclusion ............................................ 273
        References ............................................ 274

Chapter 8  Using Real Weights in Adaptive and Space-Time
           Processing ......................................... 275
    8.0 Summary ............................................... 275
    8.1 Introduction .......................................... 275
    8.2 Formulation of a Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Approach Using Real Weights ........................... 277
        8.2.1 Forward Method .................................. 277
        8.2.2 Backward Method ................................. 281
        8.2.3 Forward-Backward Method ......................... 282
    8.3 Simulation Results for Adaptive Processsing ........... 283
    8.4 Formulation of an Amplitude-only Direct Data Domain
        Least Squares Space-Time Adaptive Processing .......... 289
        8.4.1 Forward Method .................................. 289
        8.4.2 Backward Method ................................. 291
        8.4.3 Forward-Backward Method ......................... 292
    8.5 Simulation Results .................................... 292
    8.6 Conclusion ............................................ 299
        References ............................................ 300

Chapter 9  Phase-Only Adaptive and Space-Time Processing ...... 303
    9.0 Summary ............................................... 303
    9.1 Introduction .......................................... 303
    9.2 Formulation of the Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Solution for a Phase-Only Adaptive System ............. 304
        9.2.1 Forward Method .................................. 304
        9.2.2 Backward Method ................................. 310
        9.2.3 Forward-Backward Method ......................... 310
    9.3 Simulation Results .................................... 311
    9.4 Formulation of a Phase-Only Direct Data Domain Least
        Squares Space-Time Adaptive Processing ................ 318
        9.4.1 Forward Method .................................. 318
        9.4.2 Backward Method ................................. 318
        9.4.3 Forward-Backward Method ......................... 318
    9.5 Simulation Results .................................... 319
    9.6 Conclusion ............................................ 322
        References ............................................ 322

Chapter 10  Simultaneous Multiple Adaptive Beamforming ........ 323
   10.0 Summary ............................................... 323
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 323
   10.2 Formulation of a Direct Data Domain Approach for
        Multiple Beamforming .................................. 324
        10.2.1 Forward Method ................................. 324
        10.2.2 Backward Method ................................ 327
        10.2.3 Forward-Backward Method ........................ 328
   10.3 Simulation Results .................................... 328
   10.4 Formulation of a Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Approach for Multiple Beamforming in Space-Time
        Adaptive Processing ................................... 332
        10.4.1 Forward Method ................................. 332
        10.4.2 Backward Method ................................ 336
        10.4.3 Forward-Backward Method ........................ 337
   10.5 Simulation Results .................................... 338
   10.6 Conclusion ............................................ 345
        References ............................................ 345

Chapter 11  Performance Comparison Between Statistical-Based
            and Direct Data Domain Least Squares Space-Time
            Adaptive Processing Algorithms .................... 347
   11.0 Summary ............................................... 347
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 347
   11.2 Description of the Various Signals of Interest ........ 348
        11.2.1 Modeling of the Signal-of-Interest ............. 349
        11.2.2 Modeling of the Clutter ........................ 349
        11.2.3 Modeling of the Jammer ......................... 350
        11.2.4 Modeling of the Discrete Interferers ........... 350
   11.3 Statistical-Based STAP Algorithms ..................... 351
        11.3.1 Full-Rank Optimum STAP ......................... 351
        11.3.2 Reduced-Rank STAP (Relative Importance of
               the Eigenbeam Method) .......................... 352
        11.3.3 Reduced-Rank STAP (Based on the Generalized
               Sidelobe Canceller) ............................ 353
   11.4 Direct Data Domain Least Squares STAP Algorithms ...... 356
   11.5 Channel Mismatch ...................................... 356
   11.6 Simulation Results .................................... 357
   11.7 Conclusion ............................................ 368
        References ............................................ 368

Chapter 12  Approximate Compensation for Mutual Coupling
            Using the In Situ Antenna Element Patterns ........ 371
   12.0 Summary ............................................... 371
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 371
   12.2 Formulation of the New Direct Data Domain Least
        Squares Approach Approximately Compensating for
        the Effects of Mutual Coupling Using the In Situ
        Element Patterns ...................................... 373
        12.2.1 Forward Method ................................. 373
        12.2.3 Backward Method ................................ 376
        12.2.4 Forward-Backward Method ........................ 377
   12.3 Simulation Results .................................... 378
   12.4 Reason for a Decline in the Performance of
        the Algorithm When the Intensity of the Jammer Is
        Increased ............................................. 386
   12.5 Conclusion ............................................ 386
        References ............................................ 386

Chapter 13  Signal Enhancement Through Polarization
            Adaptivity on Transmit in a Near-Field MIMO
            Environment ....................................... 389
   13.0 Summary ............................................... 389
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 389
   13.2 Signal Enhancement Methodology Through Adaptivity on
        Transmit .............................................. 391
   13.3 Exploitation of the Polarization Properties in
        the Proposed Methodology .............................. 395
   13.4 Numerical Simulations ................................. 395
        13.4.1 Example 1 ...................................... 396
        13.4.2 Example 2 ...................................... 402
        13.4.3 Example 3 ...................................... 406
   13.5 Conclusion ............................................ 410
        References ............................................ 411

Chapter 14  Direction of Arrival Estimation by Exploiting
            Unitary Transform in the Matrix Pencil Method
            and Its Comparison with ESPRIT .................... 413
  14.0  Summary ............................................... 413
  14.1  Introduction .......................................... 413
  14.2  The Unitary Transform ................................. 415
  14.3  1-D Unitary Matrix Pencil Method Revisited ............ 416
  14.4  Summary of the 1-D Unitary Matrix Pencil Method ....... 419
  14.5  The 2-D Unitary Matrix Pencil Method .................. 419
        14.5.1 Pole Pairing for the 2-D Unitary Matrix
               Pencil Method .................................. 425
        14.5.2 Computational Complexity ....................... 426
        14.5.3 Summary of the 2-D Unitary Matrix Pencil
               Method ......................................... 426
  14.6  Simulation Results Related to the 2-D Unitary Matrix
        Pencil Method ......................................... 427
  14.7  The ESPRIT Method ..................................... 430
  14.8  Multiple Snapshot-Based Matrix Pencil Method .......... 432
  14.9  Comparison of Accuracy and Efficiency Between ESPRIT
        and the Matrix Pencil Method .......................... 432
  14.10 Conclusion ............................................ 435
        References ............................................ 436

Chapter 15  DOA Estimation Using Electrically Small Matched
            Dipole Antennas and the Associated Cramer-Rao
            Bound ............................................. 439
   15.0 Summary ............................................... 439
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 440
   15.2 DOA Estimation Using a Realistic Antenna Array ........ 441
        15.2.1 Transformation Matrix Technique ................ 441
   15.3 Cramer-Rao Bound for DOA Estimation ................... 444
   15.4 DOA Estimation Using 0.1 λ Long Antennas .............. 445
   15.5 DOA Estimation Using Different Antenna Array
        Configurations ........................................ 448
   15.6 Conclusion ............................................ 461
        References ............................................ 462

Chapter 16  Non-Conventional Least Squares Optimization for
            DOA Estimation Using Arbitrary-Shaped Antenna
            Arrays ............................................ 463
   16.0 Summary ............................................... 463
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 463
   16.2 Signal Modeling ....................................... 464
   16.3 DFT-Based DOA Estimation .............................. 465
   16.4 Non-conventional Least Squares Optimization ........... 466
   16.5 Simulation Results .................................... 467
        16.5.1 An Array of Linear Uniformly Spaced Dipoles .... 468
        16.5.2 An Array of Linear Non-uniformly Spaced
               Dipoles ........................................ 470
        16.5.3 An Array Consisting of Mixed Antenna
               Elements ....................................... 471
        16.5.4 An Antenna Array Operating in the Presence of
               Near-Field Scatterers .......................... 472
        16.5.5 Sensitivity of the Procedure Due to a Small
               Change in the Operating Environment ............ 473
        16.5.6 Sensitivity of the Procedure Due to a Large
               Change in the Operating Environment ............ 474
        16.5.7 An Array of Monopoles Mounted Underneath
               an Aircraft .................................... 476
        16.5.8 A Non-uniformly Spaced Nonplanar Array of
               Monopoles Mounted Under an Aircraft ............ 477
   16.6 Conclusion ............................................ 479
        References ............................................ 479

Chapter 17  Broadband Direction of Arrival Estimations Using
            the Matrix Pencil Method .......................... 481
   17.0 Summary ............................................... 481
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 481
   17.2 Brief Overview of the Matrix Pencil Method ............ 482
   17.3 Problem Formulation for Simultaneous Estimation of
        DOA and the Frequency of the Signal ................... 488
   17.4 Cramer-Rao Bound for the Direction of Arrival and
        Frequency of the Signal ............................... 494
   17.5 Example Using Isotropic Point Sources ................. 505
   17.6 Example Using Realistic Antenna Elements .............. 512
   17.7 Conclusion ............................................ 521
        References ............................................ 521

Chapter 18  Adaptive Processing of Broadband Signals .......... 523
   18.0 Summary ............................................... 523
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 523
   18.2 Formulation of a Direct Data Domain Least Squares
        Method for Adaptive Processing of Finite Bandwidth
        Signals Having Different Frequencies .................. 524
        18.2.1 Forward Method for Adaptive Processing of
               Broadband Signals .............................. 524
        18.2.2 Backward Method ................................ 529
        18.2.3 Forward-Backward Method ........................ 529
   18.3 Numerical Simulation Results .......................... 530
   18.4 Conclusion ............................................ 535
        References ............................................ 535

Chapter 19  Effect of Random Antenna Position Errors on
            a Direct Data Domain Least Squares Approach for
            Space-Time Adaptive Processing .................... 537
   19.0 Summary ............................................... 537
   19.1 Introduction .......................................... 537
   19.2 EIRP Degradation of Array Antennas Due to Random
        Position Errors ....................................... 540
   19.3 Example of EIRP Degradation in Antenna Arrays ......... 544
   19.4 Simulation Results .................................... 547
   19.5 Conclusion ............................................ 551
        References ............................................ 551

Index ......................................................... 553

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