Modern approaches in solid earth sciences; 2 (New York: Springer, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHistorical seismology: interdisciplinary studies of past and recent earthquakes / ed. by Frechet J., Meghraoui M., Stucchi S. - New York: Springer, 2008. - xviii, 443 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.429-443. - (Modern approaches in solid earth sciences; 2). - ISBN 978-14020-8222-1; ISSN 1876-1682

Оглавление / Contents
Part I   Introduction: Jean Vogt Heritage, Learning from the Past

Jean Vogt 1929-2005: His Life as a Seismologist, Geologist,
Geographer, and Historian ....................................... 3
   J. Fréchet and P. Albini

Comprendre et completer un catalogue de seismes: le cas
de Trinidad* ................................................... 17
   J. Vogt*

Descriptive Catalogues of Historical Earthquakes in the
Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East; Revisited ........... 25
   N.N. Ambraseys

Part II  Reappraisal of Historical Earthquake Information

A Glimpse into the Seismicity of the Ionian Islands Between
1658 and 1664 .................................................. 43
   P. Albini and J. Vogt

Investigation of pre-1700 Earthquakes Between the Adda and
the Middle Adige River Basins (Southern Alps) .................. 93
   M. Stucchi, F. Galadini, A. Rovida, A. Moroni, 
   P. Albini, С. Mirto and P. Migliavacca

Past and Future of Historical Seismicity Studies in France .... 131
   J. Fréchet

Review of Historical Earthquakes in the Lower Middle Ages:
Earthquakes of the XIV and XV Centuries in Catalonia
(NE Spain) .................................................... 147
   С. Olivera, E. Redondo, J. Lambert, A. Riera-Melis
   and A. Roca

Strong Earthquakes in North-Western Africa in the Second
Half of the 17th Century, AD: A Critical Reappraisal of
the Historical Evidence ....................................... 163
   R. Camassi, C.H. Caracciolo and V. Castelli

Part III Case Studies, New Data and Critical Analysis

The Case for Large (M > 7) Earthquakes Felt in the UK in
Historical Times .............................................. 187
   R.M.W. Musson

The 18 September 1692 Earthquake in the Belgian Ardenne
and Its Aftershocks ........................................... 209
   P. Alexandre, D. Kusman, T. Petermans and T. Camelbeeck

The 1855 Visp (Switzerland) Earthquake: A Milestone in
Macroseismic Methodology? ..................................... 231
   M. Gisler, J. Kozák and J. Vanek

In Troubled Times, in a Divided Country: The 1789
Yaltiberina Earthquake ........................................ 249
   V. Castelli

Review of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Based on Recent
Analyses of Historical Observations ........................... 261
   C.S. Oliveira

Part IV  Quantifying Historical Earthquakes: Effects,
Intensity, Magnitude, Seismograms

Earthquake Effects on Nature and Macroseismic Intensity 
Scales ........................................................ 303
   J. Vogt

What is the Lowest Magnitude Threshold at Which an
Earthquake can be Felt or Heard, or Objects Thrown into
the Air? ...................................................... 313
   F. Thouvenot and M. Bouchon

Attenuation of Intensity for the Zemmouri Earthquake of 21
May 2003 (Mw 6.8): Insights for the Seismic Hazard and
Historical Earthquake Sources in Northern Algeria ............. 327
   S. Maouche, A. Harbi and M. Meghraoui

Large 19th Century Earthquakes in Eastern/Central North
America: A Comparative Analysis ............................... 351
   S.E. Hough

Magnitude of Historical Earthquakes, from Macroseismic Data
to Seismic Waveform Modelling: Application to the Pyrenees
and a 1905 Earthquake in the Alps ............................. 369
   M. Cara, P.-J. Alasset and C. Sira

Quantitative Analysis of Early Seismograph Recordings ......... 385
   J. Batllo, D. Stich and R. Maria

Making Non-Digitally-Recorded Seismograms Accessible
Online for Studying Earthquakes ............................... 403
   W.H.K. Lee and R.B. Benson

Index ......................................................... 429

 * - English text can be found at:

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