Engelberg S. Digital signal processing: an experimental approach (London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEngelberg S. Digital signal processing: an experimental approach. - London: Springer, 2008. - xv, 212 p.: ill. - (Signals and communication technology). - Ref.: p.207-208. - Ind.: p.209-212. - ISBN 978-1-84800-118-3

Оглавление / Contents
Part I The Analysis of Discrete-time Signals

1  Understanding Sampling ....................................... 3
   1.1  The Sample-and-hold Operation ........................... 3
   1.2  The Ideal Sampler in the Frequency Domain ............... 4
        1.2.1  Representing the Ideal Sampler Using Complex
               Exponentials: A Simple Approach .................. 4
        1.2.2  Representing the Ideal Sampler Using Complex
               Exponentials: A More Careful Approach ............ 5
        1.2.3  The Action of the Ideal Sampler in the
               Frequency Domain ................................. 9
   1.3  Necessity of the Condition ............................. 10
   1.4  An Interesting Example ................................. 11
   1.5  Aliasing ............................................... 11
   1.6  The Net Effect ......................................... 11
   1.7  Undersampling .......................................... 14
   1.8  The Experiment ......................................... 14
   1.9  The Report ............................................. 15
   1.10 Exercises .............................................. 15
2  Signal Reconstruction ....................................... 17
   2.1  Reconstruction ......................................... 17
   2.2  The Experiment ......................................... 18
   2.3  The Report ............................................. 18
   2.4  Exercises .............................................. 19
3  Time-limited Functions Are Not Band-limited ................. 21
   3.1  A Condition for Analyticity ............................ 21
   3.2  Analyticity Implies Lack of Compact Support ............ 23
   3.3  The Uncertainty Principle .............................. 23
   3.4  An Example ............................................. 24
   3.5  The Best Function ...................................... 25
   3.6  Exercises .............................................. 26
4  Fourier Analysis and the Discrete Fourier Transform ......... 29
   4.1  An Introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform ...... 29
   4.2  Two Sample Calculations ................................ 30
   4.3  Some Properties of the DFT ............................. 31
   4.4  The Fast Fourier Transform ............................. 35
   4.5  A Hand Calculation ..................................... 36
   4.6  Fast Convolution ....................................... 37
   4.7  MATLAB, the DFT, and You ............................... 37
   4.8  Zero-padding and Calculating the Convolution ........... 39
   4.9  Other Perspectives on Zero-padding ..................... 41
   4.10 MATLAB and the Serial Port ............................. 42
   4.11 The Experiment ......................................... 42
   4.12 Exercises .............................................. 42
5  Windowing ................................................... 45
   5.1  The Problems ........................................... 45
   5.2  The Solutions .......................................... 47
   5.3  Some Standard Window Functions ......................... 47
        5.3.1  The Rectangular Window .......................... 48
        5.3.2  The Triangular Window ........................... 48
   5.4  The Raised Cosine Window ............................... 48
   5.5  A Remark on Widths ..................................... 49
   5.6  Applying a Window Function ............................. 49
   5.7  A Simple Comparison .................................... 50
   5.8  MATLAB's Window Visualization Tool ..................... 51
   5.9  The Experiment ......................................... 51
   5.10 Exercises .............................................. 51
6  Signal Generation with the Help of MATLAB ................... 53
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 53
   6.2  A Simple Sinewave Generator ............................ 53
   6.3  A Simple White Noise Generator ......................... 54
   6.4  The Experiment ......................................... 54
   6.5  Exercises .............................................. 55
7  The Spectral Analysis of Random Signals ..................... 57
   7.1  The Problem ............................................ 57
   7.2  The Solution ........................................... 58
   7.3  Warm-up Experiment ..................................... 59
   7.4  The Experiment ......................................... 61
   7.5  Exercises .............................................. 63

Part II Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters

8  The General Structure of Sampled-data Systems ............... 67
   8.1  Systems for Spectral Analysis .......................... 67
   8.2  Systems for Implementing Digital Filters ............... 68
9  The Operational Amplifier: An Overview ...................... 69
   9.1  Introduction ........................................... 69
   9.2  The Unity-gain Buffer .................................. 69
   9.3  Why the Signal is Fed Back to V- ....................... 71
   9.4  The "Golden Rules" ..................................... 71
   9.5  The Inverting Amplifier ................................ 72
   9.6  Exercises .............................................. 72
10 A Simple Digital to Analog Converter ........................ 75
   10.1  The Digital to Analog Converter ....................... 75
   10.2  Practical Difficulties ................................ 77
   10.3  The Experiment ........................................ 78
   10.4  Exercises ............................................. 79
11 The Binary Weighted DAC ..................................... 81
   11.1  The General Theory .................................... 81
   11.2  Exercises ............................................. 83
12 The R-2R Ladder DAC ......................................... 85
   12.1  Introduction .......................................... 85
   12.2  The Derivation ........................................ 85
   12.3  Exercises ............................................. 87
13 The Successive Approximation Analog to Digital Converter .... 89
   13.1  General Theory ........................................ 89
   13.2  An Example ............................................ 90
   13.3  The Sample-and-hold Subsystem ......................... 91
14 The Single- and Dual-slope Analog to Digital Converters ..... 93
   14.1  The Single-slope Converter ............................ 93
   14.2  Problems with the Single-slope A/D .................... 94
   14.3  The Dual-slope A/D .................................... 95
   14.4  A Simple Example ...................................... 95
   14.5  Exercises ............................................. 96
15 The Pipelined A/D ........................................... 99
   15.1  Introduction .......................................... 99
   15.2  The Fully Pipelined A/D .............................. 100
   15.3  The Experiment ....................................... 102
   15.4  Exercises ............................................ 102
16 Resistor-chain Converters .................................. 103
   16.1  Properties of the Resistor Chain ..................... 103
   16.2  The Resistor-chain DAC ............................... 103
   16.3  The Flash A/D ........................................ 104
   16.4  Exercises ............................................ 105
17 Sigma—Delta Converters ..................................... 109
   17.1  Introduction ......................................... 109
   17.2  The Sigma-Delta A/D .................................. 110
   17.3  Sigma-Delta A/Ds, Oversampling, and the Nyquist
         Criterion ............................................ 112
   17.4  Sigma-Delta DACs ..................................... 113
   17.5  The Experiment ....................................... 113

Part III Digital Filters

18 Discrete-time Systems and the Z-transform .................. 117
   18.1 The Definition of the Z-transform ..................... 117
   18.2 Properties of the Z-transform ......................... 117
        18.2.1 The Region of Convergence (ROC) ................ 117
        18.2.2 Linearity ...................................... 119
        18.2.3 Shifts ......................................... 119
        18.2.4 Multiplication by k ............................ 119
   18.3 Sample Transforms ..................................... 120
        18.3.1 The Transform of the Discrete-time Unit Step
               Function ....................................... 120
        18.3.2 A Very Similar Transform ....................... 120
        18.3.3 The Z-transforms of Two Important Sequences .... 121
        18.3.4 A Two-sided Sequence ........................... 122
   18.4 Linear Time-invariant Systems ......................... 122
   18.5 The Impulse Response and the Transfer Function ........ 123
   18.6 A Simple Example ...................................... 124
   18.7 The Inverse Z-transform ............................... 124
        18.7.1 Inversion by Contour Integration ............... 124
        18.7.2 Inversion by Partial Fractions Expansion ....... 125
        18.7.3 Using MATLAB to Help ........................... 126
   18.8 Stability of Discrete-time Systems .................... 127
   18.9 From Transfer Function to Recurrence Relation ......... 128
   18.10 The Sinusoidal Steady-state Response of Discrete-
        time Systems .......................................... 130
   18.11 MATLAB and Linear Time-invariant Systems ............. 132
        18.11.1 Individual Commands ........................... 132
        18.11.2 The ltiview Command ........................... 134
   18.12 Exercises ............................................ 134
19 Filter Types ............................................... 139
   19.1 Finite Impulse Response Filters ....................... 139
   19.2 Infinite Impulse Response Filters ..................... 140
   19.3 Exercises ............................................. 140
20 When to Use С (Rather than Assembly Language) .............. 143
   20.1 Introduction .......................................... 143
   20.2 A Simple Low-pass Filter .............................. 143
   20.3 A Comparison with an RC Filter ........................ 144
   20.4 The Experiment ........................................ 145
   20.5 Exercises ............................................. 145
21 Two Simple FIR Filters ..................................... 147
   21.1 Introduction .......................................... 147
   21.2 The Experiment ........................................ 149
   21.3 Exercises ............................................. 149
22 Very-narrow-band Filters ................................... 151
   22.1 A Very Simple Notch Filter ............................ 151
   22.2 From Simple Notch to Effective Bandpass ............... 151
   22.3 The Transfer Function ................................. 152
   22.4 The Experiment ........................................ 152
   22.5 Exercises ............................................. 153
23 Design of IIR Digital Filters: The Old-fashioned Way ....... 155
   23.1 Analog Filter Design .................................. 155
   23.2 Two Simple Design Examples ............................ 157
   23.3 Why We Always Succeed in Our Attempts at Factoring .... 159
   23.4 The Bilinear Transform ................................ 160
   23.5 The Passage from Analog Filter to Digital Filter ...... 161
   23.6 MATLAB and the Bilinear Transform ..................... 162
   23.7 The Experiment ........................................ 164
   23.8 Exercises ............................................. 164
24 New Filters from Old ....................................... 165
   24.1 Transforming Filters .................................. 165
   24.2 Functions that Take the Unit Circle into Itself ....... 165
   24.3 Converting a Low-pass Filter into a High-pass
        Filter ................................................ 167
   24.4 Changing the Cut-off Frequency of an Existing Low-
        pass Filter ........................................... 168
   24.5 Going from a Low-pass Filter to a Bandpass Filter ..... 170
   24.6 The Experiment ........................................ 171
   24.7 The Report ............................................ 171
   24.8 Exercises ............................................. 172
25 Implementing an IIR Digital Filter ......................... 173
   25.1 Introduction .......................................... 173
   25.2 The Direct Form I Realization ......................... 174
   25.3 The Direct Form II Realization ........................ 175
   25.4 Trouble in Paradise ................................... 175
   25.5 The Solution: Biquads ................................. 177
   25.6 Exercises ............................................. 178
26 IIR Filter Design Using MATLAB ............................. 181
   26.1 Individual Commands ................................... 181
   26.2 The Experiment: Part I ................................ 183
   26.3 Fully Automatic Filter Design ......................... 183
   26.4 The Experiment: Part II ............................... 183
   26.5 Exercises ............................................. 184
27 Group Delay and Phase Delay in Filters ..................... 185
   27.1 Group and Phase Delay in Continuous-time Filters ...... 185
   27.2 A Simple Example ...................................... 187
   27.3 A MATLAB Experiment ................................... 187
   27.4 Group Delay in Discrete-time Systems .................. 188
   27.5 Exercises ............................................. 189
28 Design of FIR Filters ...................................... 191
   28.1 FIR Filter Design ..................................... 191
   28.2 Symmetric FIR Filters ................................. 194
   28.3 A Comparison of FIR and IIR Filters ................... 197
   28.4 The Experiment ........................................ 197
   28.5 Exercises ............................................. 198
29 Implementing a Hilbert Filter .............................. 199
   29.1 An Introduction to the Hilbert Filter ................. 199
   29.2 Problems and Solutions ................................ 200
   29.3 The Experiment ........................................ 200
   29.4 Exercises ............................................. 201
30 The Goertzel Algorithm ..................................... 203
   30.1 Introduction .......................................... 203
   30.2 First-order Filters ................................... 203
   30.3 The DFT as the Output of a Filter ..................... 204
   30.4 Comparing the Two Methods ............................. 205
   30.5 The Experiment ........................................ 206
   30.6 Exercises ............................................. 206

References .................................................... 207
Index ......................................................... 209

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