Dore G. Cold regions pavement engineering (New York; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDore G. Cold regions pavement engineering. - New York; London: ASCE Press / ed. by Dore G., Zubeck H.K., 2009. - xvi, 416 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.403-416. - ISBN 978-0-07-160088-0

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv

1 Cold Regions Pavements ........................................ 1
   1.1  Road Networks ........................................... 1
   1.2  Pavement Surface Types .................................. 5
        1.2.1  Hot Mix Asphalt .................................. 5
        1.2.2  Cold Mix ......................................... 5
        1.2.3  Surface Treatments ............................... 6
        1.2.4  Gravel Surface ................................... 7
        1.2.5  Stabilized Bases ................................. 7
   1.3  Role of Pavements and Pavement Layers ................... 7
        1.3.1  Surfacing Layer .................................. 8
        1.3.2  Base Course ...................................... 8
        1.3.3  Subbase .......................................... 9
        1.3.4  Subgrade Soil ................................... 10
        1.3.5  Special Pavement Layers ......................... 10
        1.3.6  Embankment Geometry ............................. 12
   1.4  Design Considerations .................................. 12
   Review Questions ............................................ 13
   References .................................................. 14
2  Pavement Environment ........................................ 15
   2.1  Temperature Regime in Pavements ........................ 15
        2.1.1  Factors Inducing Heat in the Pavement System .... 16
        2.1.2  Factors Contributing to Heat Extraction from
               the Pavement System ............................. 17
        2.1.3  Factors Contributing Either to Heat Induction
               or Extraction ................................... 18
        2.1.4  Thermal Balance and Thermal Cycles .............. 19
   2.2  Moisture Regime in Pavements ........................... 23
        2.2.1  Phases of Water ................................. 23
        2.2.2  Factors Contributing to Water Intake in the
               Pavement System ................................. 24
        2.2.3  Factors Contributing to Moisture Extraction
               from the Pavement System ........................ 33
        2.2.4  Moisture Balance ................................ 35
   2.3  Stress Regime in Pavements ............................. 37
        2.3.1  Earth Pressure at Rest .......................... 37
        2.3.2  Static Stresses Induced by Traffic Loads ........ 38
        2.3.3  Stresses Related to Permanent Soil Movements .... 42
        2.3.4  Moving Traffic Loads ............................ 43
        2.3.5  Thermal Stresses ................................ 47
        2.3.6  Stresses Related to Frost Heave ................. 48
        2.3.7  Negative or Positive Pore Pressure .............. 49
   2.4  Interaction with Geology and Morphology ................ 51
   Review Questions ............................................ 52
   References .................................................. 53
3  Cold Region Pavement Performance ............................ 57
   3.1  Thermal Cracking of Asphalt Concrete ................... 58
   3.2  Fatigue Cracking ....................................... 65
   3.3  Crack Deterioration .................................... 69
   3.4  Rutting of Asphalt Concrete ............................ 71
        3.4.1  Permanent Deformation ........................... 71
        3.4.2  Rutting Due to Studded Tire Wear ................ 76
   3.5  Aging of Asphalt Concrete .............................. 80
   3.6  Pavement Disintegration ................................ 82
   3.7  Potholes ............................................... 85
   3.8  Frost Heaving .......................................... 88
        3.8.1  Differential Frost Action ....................... 88
        3.8.2  Frost Heave Cracking ............................ 93
        3.8.3  Frost Heaving in Granular Base Material ......... 96
   3.9  Bearing Capacity Loss During Spring Thaw ............... 99
   3.10 Frost Deconstruction of Undisturbed Sensitive
        Clays in Seasonal Frost Conditions .................... 106
   Review Questions ........................................... 108
   References ................................................. 109
4  Investigation and Testing .................................. 115
   4.1  Site Investigation .................................... 115
        4.1.1  General Site Investigation ..................... 116
   4.2  Investigation of Existing Pavements ................... 150
        4.2.1  Evaluation of Pavement Structural
               Characteristics Using Falling Weight
               Deflectometer .................................. 150
        4.2.2  Evaluation of Pavement Functional
               Characteristics Using Longitudinal Profile
               Measurements ................................... 157
        4.2.3  Pavement Instrumentation ....................... 163
   4.3  Soils and Material Testing ............................ 164
        4.3.1  Testing of Bituminous Pavement Materials ....... 164
        4.3.2  Soils and Unbound Materials .................... 184
   Review Questions ........................................... 201
   References ................................................. 204
5  Calculation of Engineering Parameters ...................... 209
   5.1  Air Temperature and Air Freezing and Thawing
        Indices ............................................... 210
   5.2  Surf ace Temperature and Surf ace Freezing and
        Thawing Indices ....................................... 217
        5.2.1  The n-Factor Approach .......................... 217
        5.2.2  Radiation Index Approach ....................... 218
   5.3  Temperature in Asphalt Concrete ....................... 220
   5.4  Thermal Properties of Soils and Pavement Materials .... 223
   5.5  Freezing and Thawing Indices within the
        Pavement Structure .................................... 225
   5.6  Frost and Thaw Depth .................................. 227
        5.6.1  Transmitted Freezing Index Method .............. 228
   5.7  Frost Heave ........................................... 230
        5.7.1  Konrad's Method for Frost Heave Prediction ..... 230
        5.7.2  Saarelainen's Method for Frost Heave
               Prediction ..................................... 232

   5.8  Thaw Settlement ....................................... 232
   5.9  Stresses and Strains in Pavements ..................... 235
   Review Questions ........................................... 239
   References ................................................. 245
6  Design Considerations and Approaches ....................... 247
   6.1  Lifetime Engineering Considerations ................... 247
   6.2  Long-Term Procurement Methods ......................... 248
   6.3  Life-Cycle Cost Analysis .............................. 251
        6.3.1  Factors of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis ............ 252
        6.3.2  Calculation of Life-Cycle Costs ................ 255
   6.4  Pavement Management Concepts .......................... 258
        6.4.1  Network Level PMS .............................. 258
        6.4.2  Project Level PMS .............................. 261
   Review Questions ........................................... 262
   References ................................................. 262
7  Mix Design ................................................. 265
   7.1  Mix Design Approaches ................................. 265
   7.2  Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete .............................. 266
        7.2.1  Material Selection ............................. 269
        7.2.2  Trial Aggregate Gradations ..................... 278
        7.2.3  Volumetric Parameters .......................... 281
        7.2.4  Performance Tests .............................. 286
   7.3  Cold Mixes ............................................ 292
        7.3.1  Material Selection ............................. 293
        7.3.2  Selection of Optimum Asphalt Residue Content ... 296
        7.3.3  Cold Mix Recycling ............................. 298
   7.4  Stabilized Bases ...................................... 302
   7.5  Asphalt Surface Treatment ............................. 305
   7.6  Gravel Surfaces ....................................... 306
   Review Questions ........................................... 307
   References ................................................. 309
8  Pavement Design ............................................ 313
   8.1  Current Practice in Pavement Design in Cold
        Climates .............................................. 313
        8.1.1  Pavement Design Approaches ..................... 313
        8.1.2  Synthesis of Design Methods Used by Highway
               Agencies in Cold Climates ...................... 315
   8.2  Mechanistic. Empirical Pavement Design Procedure for
        Cold Region Pavements ................................. 322
   8.3  Selection and Design of Special Protective Features ... 333
        8.3.1  Control of Frost Heave ......................... 333
        8.3.2  Pavement Reinforcement ......................... 343
   8.4  Conclusion ............................................ 344
   Review Questions ........................................... 345
   References ................................................. 345
9  Maintenance and Rehabilitation ............................. 349
   9.1  Routine Maintenance ................................... 349
   9.2  Major Maintenance ..................................... 352
        9.2.1  Surface Treatments ............................. 352
        9.2.2  Overlays ....................................... 354
        9.2.3  Maintenance of Drainage Systems ................ 354
        9.2.4  Repair of Local Failures ....................... 354
   9.3  Maintenance of Gravel Roads ........................... 355
   9.4  Rehabilitation ........................................ 358
   9.5  Load Restrictions ..................................... 362
   Review Questions ........................................... 367
   References ................................................. 368
10 Pavements on Permafrost .................................... 369
   10.1 Causes of Instability and Problem Manifestation ....... 369
   10.2 Climate Warming and Its Effect on Permafrost .......... 374
   10.3 Management of Transportation Infrastructure Built
        over Thaw-Sensitive Permafrost ........................ 374
        10.3.1 Identification of Thaw.Sensitive Areas ......... 375
        10.3.2 Characterization of Thaw-Sensitive Soils ....... 375
        10.3.3 Design Considerations .......................... 375
        10.3.4 Technical and Economical Assessment of
               Applicable Solutions ........................... 376
        10.3.5 Implementation of the Strategy ................. 376
   10.4 Embankment and Pavement Design over Permafrost ........ 376
        10.4.1 General Considerations ......................... 377
        10.4.2 Protection Techniques .......................... 380
        10.4.3 Methods Based on Preventing Heat Intake
               Underneath the Embankment ...................... 380
        10.4.4 Methods Based on Heat Extraction from
               the Embankment ................................. 385
        10.4.5 Methods Based on Embankment Reinforcement ...... 391
        10.4.6 Other Methods .................................. 394
        10.4.7 Applicability and Relative Cost of
               Protection Techniques .......................... 396

Review Questions .............................................. 397
References .................................................... 398

Index ......................................................... 403

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