Integrative economic ethics: foundations of a civilized market economy (Cambridge, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаUlrich P. Integrative economic ethics: foundations of a civilized market economy. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - xiii, 484 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.443-470. - Sub. ind.: p.471-484. - ISBN 978-0-521-87796-1

Оглавление / Contents
List of figures .............................................. viii
Preface ........................................................ ix
Translator's note ............................................. xii

Introduction: orientation in economic-ethical thinking .......... 1

Part I   Fundamental concepts of modern ethics and
         the approach of integrative economic ethics ........... 11

1  The phenomenon of human morality: the normative logic of
   interpersonal relations ..................................... 13
   1.1  The moral disposition as part of the conditio humana ... 13
   1.2  Morals and ethos as two sides of lived morality ........ 19
   1.3  Modern ethics and the problem of relativism ............ 25
   1.4  The humanistic core of the moral principle: 
        the normative logic of interpersonal relations ......... 31
   1.5  The developmental stages of moral consciousness ........ 37
2  The moFal point of view: philosophical developmental
   lines of rational ethics .................................... 43
   2.1  The Golden Rule and the Judaeo-Christian commandment
        to love one's neighbour ................................ 44
   2.2  The standpoint of the impartial spectator (Adam
        Smith) ................................................. 48
   2.3  The categorical imperative (Immanuel Kant) ............. 52
   2.4  The rule-utilitarian generalization criterion .......... 57
   2.5  Discourse ethics ....................................... 62
3  Morality and economic rationality: integrative economic
   ethics as the rational ethics of economic activity .......... 79
   3.1  Economic ethics as applied ethics? ..................... 80
   3.2  Economic ethics as normative economics? ................ 89
   3.3  The integrative approach: economic ethics as 
        critical reflection on the foundations of economic
        reason ................................................ 100

Part II  Reflections on the foundations of economic
         ethics I: a critique of economism .................... 111

4  'Inherent necessity' of competition? A critique of
   economic determinism ....................................... 115
   4.1  The origins of modern market economy: 
        the calvinistic ethos as a context of motivation ...... 116
   4.2  The systemic character of modern market economy:
        the 'free' market as a coercive context ............... 120
   4.3  The partiality of inherent necessity and 
        the economic-ethical problem of reasonable 
        expectation ........................................... 131
5  'Morality' of the market? A critique of economic
   reductionism ............................................... 147
   5.1  Historical and doctrinal background I: 
        the prestabilized harmony in the economic cosmos
        (classical period) .................................... 150
   5.2  Historical and doctrinal background II: 
        the utilitarian fiction of common good (early
        neoclassical period) .................................. 158
   5.3  Methodological individualism and the normative 
        logic of mutual advantage (pure economics) ............ 166

Part III Reflections on the foundations of economic
         ethics II: rational economic activity and the
         lifeworld ............................................ 185

6  The question of meaning: economic activity and the good
   life ....................................................... 189
   6.1  The elementary sense of economic activity: securing
        the means of human subsistence ........................ 191
   6.2  The advanced meaning of economic activity: 
        furthering the abundance of human life ................ 196
   6.3  The discovery of personal meaning under conditions
        of competitive self-assertion ......................... 207
7  The question of legitimation: economic activity and
   the just social life ....................................... 216
   7.1  Fundamental moral rights as the ethical-political
        basis of legitimation ................................. 220
   7.2  The well-ordered society and the conditions of
        legitimate inequality: on John Rawls's principles
        of justice ............................................ 227
   7.3  Economic citizenship rights as the basis of real
        freedom for all ....................................... 240

Part IV  A topology of economic ethics: the * sites' of
         morality in economic life ............................ 269

8  Economic citizen's ethics .................................. 273
   8.1  The basic problem of civic ethics: liberal society
        and republican virtue ................................. 276
   8.2  Deliberative politics: the public sphere as the
        site of economic citizens' shared responsibility ...... 288
   8.3  Professional and private life as sites of economic
        citizens' self-commitment ............................. 303
9  Regulatory ethics .......................................... 315
   9.1  The basic problem of regulatory ethics: market
        logic and 'vital policy' .............................. 319
   9.2  Deliberative order politics: the market framework
        as a site of morality -whose morality? ................ 341
   9.3  The global question: competition of national market
        frameworks or supranational sites of regulatory
        morality? ............................................. 359
10 Corporate ethics ........................................... 376
   10.1 The basic problem of corporate ethics: 'profit
        principle' and legitimate business activity ........... 379
   10.2 Instrumentalist, charitable, corrective or
        integrative corporate ethics? ......................... 398
   10.3 Deliberative corporate policy-making: the
        'stakeholder dialogue' as a site of business
        morality .............................................. 418
   10.4 Elements of an integrative ethical programme for
        corporations .......................................... 437

Bibliography .................................................. 443

Index of subjects ............................................. 471

Index of names ................................................ 479

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