Contemporary mathematics; 433 (Providence, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаQuantum groups: proc. of a conf. in memory of Joseph Donin, july 5-12, 2004, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel / ed. by Etingof P., Gelaki S., Shnider S. - Providence: American Mathematical Society; Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 2007. - xiv, 336 p.: ill. - (Israel mathematical conference proceedings)(Contemporary mathematics; 433). - ISBN 978-0-8218-3713-9; ISSN 0271-4132

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Conference program ............................................. ix
List of participants ......................................... xiii

Joseph Donin's mathematical research, 1966-2003
   A. Mudrov and S. Shnider ..................................... 1

Geometric and unipotent crystals II: Prom unipotent
bicrystals to crystal bases
   A. Berenstein and D. Kazhdan ................................ 13

The small quantum group and the Springer resolution
   R. Bezrukavnikov and A. Lachowska ........................... 89

Relation between two geometrically defined bases in
representations of GLn
   A. Braverman, D. Gaitsgory, and M. Vybornov ................ 103

Fourier transforms for Hopf algebras
   M. Cohen and S. Westreich .................................. 115

Quantization of some Poisson-Lie dynamical r-matrices 
and Poisson homogeneous spaces
   B. Enriquez, P. Etingof, and I. Marshall ................... 135

Basic representations of quantum current algebras in
higher genus
   B. Enriquez, S. Pakuliak, and V. Rubtsov ................... 177

Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt expansions of the canonical
elliptic differential form
   G. Felder, R. Rimanyi, and A. Varchenko .................... 191

Geometry of non-commutative orbits related to Hecke
   D. Gurevich and P. Sapanov ................................. 209

Drinfeld double for orbifolds
   V. Hinich .................................................. 251

Symmetrically factorizable groups and set-theoretical
solutions of the pentagon equation
   R.M. Kashaev and N. Reshetikhin ............................ 267

Dynamical reflection equation
   P.P. Kulish and A.I. Mudrov ................................ 281

On the combinatorics of Carter-Rieger-Saito movies in
the theory of smoothly knotted surfaces in fig.14
   G. Lancaster, R. Larson, and J. Towber ..................... 311

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