Springer proceedings in physics; 119 (Dordrecht; Bristol, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNarrow gap semiconductors 2007: Proc. of the 13th Intern. conf., 8-12 july, 2007, Guildford, UK / ed. by Murdin B.N., Clowes S.K. - Dordrecht; Bristol: Springer Verlag in association with Canopus, 2008. - xvi, 215 p.: ill. - (Springer proceedings in physics; 119). - ISBN 978-1402-08424-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I - Spin-Related Phenomena

Gate Dependence of Spin-Splitting in an InSb/InAlSb
Quantum Well
   W.R. Branford, A.M. Gilbertson, P.D. Buckle,
   L. Buckle, T. Ashley, F.	Magnus, S.K. Clowes,
   J.J. Harris, and L.F. Cohen .................................. 3

Photogalvanic Effects in HgTe Quantum Wells
   B. Wittmann, S.N. Danilov, Z.D. Kwon, N.N. Mikhailov,
   S.A. Dvoretsky, R. Ravash, W. Prettl, and S.D. Ganichev ...... 7

Magnetic and Structural Properties of Ferromagnetic GeMnTe
   P. Dziawa, W. Knoff, V. Domukhovski, J. Domagala,
   R. Jakiela, E. Lusakowska, V. Osinniy, K. Swiatek, 
   B. Taliashvili, and T. Story	 ................................ 11

Control and probe of Carrier and Spin Relaxations in InSb
Based Structures
   G.A. Khodaparast, R.N. Kini, K. Nontapot, M. Frazier,
   E.C. Wade, J.J. Heremans, S.J. Chung , N. Goel, M.B.
   Santos, T. Wojtowicz, X. Liu, and J.К. Furdyna .............. 15

Density and Well-Width Dependence of the Spin Relaxation in
n-InSb/AHnSb Quantum Wells
   K.L. Litvinenko, B.N. Murdin, S.К Clowes, L. Nikzad,
   J.A. Ham, C.R. Pidgeon, W. Branford, L.F. Cohen, 
   T. Ashley, and L. Buckle .................................... 19

Dependence of Layer Thickness on Magnetism and Electrical
Conduction in Ferromagnetic (In,Mn)As/GaSb Heterostructures
   H. Nose, S. Sugahara, and H. Munekata ....................... 23

Temperature Dependence of the Electron Lande g-Factor in InSb
   C.R. Pidgeon, K.L. Litvinenko, L. Nikzad, J. Allam, 
   L.F. Cohen, T. Ashley, M. Emeny, and B.N. Murdin ............ 27

Anomalous Spin Splitting of Electrons in InSb type-II
Quantum Dots in an InAs Matrix
   Ya.V. Terent'ev, O.G. Lyublinskaya, A.A. Toropov,
   B.Ya. Meltser, A.N. Semenov, and S.V. Ivanov ................ 31

Measurement of the Dresselhaus and Rashba Spin-Orbit 
Coupling Via Weak Anti-Localization in InSb Quantum Wells
   A.R. Dedigama, D. Jayathilaka, S.H. Gunawardana, 
   S.Q. Murphy, M. Edirisooriya, N. Goel, T.D. Mishima,
   and M.B. Santos ............................................. 35

Part II - Growth, Fabrication, Characterisation and Theory

Picosecond Carrier Dynamics in Narrow-Gap Semiconductors
Studied by Terahertz Radiation Pulses
   R. Adomavicius, R. Sustaviciute, and A. Krotkus ............. 41

Band Structure of InSbN and GaSbN
   A. Lindsay, A.D. Andreev, E. P. О 'Reilly, and T. Ashley .... 45

Growth and Characterisation of Dilute Antimonide Nitride
Materials for Long Wavelength Applications
   S.D. Coomber, L. Buckle, P.H. Jefferson, D. Walker,
   T.D. Veal, С.F. McConville, T. Ashley ....................... 49

Electron Interband Breakdown in a Kane Semiconductor With a
Degenerate Hole Distribution
   A.V. Dmitriev and A.B. Evlyukhin ............................ 53

InMnAs Quantum Dots: a Raman Spectroscopy Analysis
   A.D. Rodrigues, J.C. Galzerani, E. Marega Jr.,
   L.N. Coelho, R., Magalhaes-Paniago, and G.J. Salamo ......... 57

Conduction Band States in AlP/GaP Quantum Wells.
   M. Goiran, M.P. Semtsiv, S. Dressier, W.T. Masselink,
   J. Galibert, G. Fedorov, D. Smirnov, V.V. Rylkov,
   and J. Leotin ............................................... 61

Growth of InAsSb Quantum Wells by Liquid Phase Epitaxy
   M. Yin, A. Krier, and R. Jones .............................. 65

Diode Lasers for Free Space Optical Communications Based on
InAsSb/InAsSbP Grown by LPE
   M. Yin, A. Krier, P.J. Carrington, R. Jones, and 
   S.E. Krier .................................................. 69

Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of PbGeEuTe Layers
   V. Osinniy, P. Dziawa, V. Domukhovski, K. Dybko, W. Knoff
   T. Radzynski, A. Lusakowski, K. Swiatek, E. Lusakowska,
   B. Taliashvili, A. Boratynski, and T. Story ................. 73

Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in PbTe
   V. Palankovski, M. Wagner, and W. Heiss ..................... 77

L-Band-Related Interband Transition in InSb/GaSb Self-
Assembled Quantum Dots
   S.I. Rybchenko, R. Gupta, I.E. Itskevich, and 
   S.K. Haywood ................................................ 81

Antimony Distribution in the InSb/InAs QD Heterostructures
   A.N. Semenov, O.G. Lyublinskaya, B. Ya. Meltser, V.A.
   Solov'ev, L.V. Delendik, and S.V. Ivanov .................... 85

Transport Properties of InAs0.1Sb0.9 Thin
Films Sandwiched by Al0.1In0.9Sb Layers Grown
on GaAs(lOO) Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
   I. Shibasaki, H. Geka, and A. Okamoto ....................... 89

Modelling of Photon Absorption and Carrier Dynamics in
HgCdTe Under mid-IR Laser Irradiation 
   A.S. Villanger, T. Brudevoll, and K. Stenersen .............. 93

Monte Carlo Study of Transport Properties of InN
   S. Vitanov and V. Palankovski ............................... 97

New Type of Combined Resonance in p-PbTe
   H. Yokoi, S. Takeyama, N. Miura, and G. Bauer .............. 101

Part III - Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene

Theory of Third-Order Optical Susceptibility of Single-Wall
Carbon Nanotubes With Account of Coulomb Interaction
   D. Lobaskin and A. Andreev ................................. 107

Unveiling the Magnetically Induced Field-Effect in Carbon
Nanotubes Devices
   G. Fedorov, A. Tselev, D. Jimenez, S. Latil, N.G. 
   Kalugin, P. Barbara, D. Smirnov, and S. Roche .............. 1ll

Transient Zitterbewegung of Electrons in Graphene and Carbon
   Т.М. Rusin and W. Zawadzki ................................. 115

Cross-Polarized Exciton Absorption in Semiconducting Carbon
   S. Uryu and T. Ando ........................................ 119

Part IV - Nanocrystals and Nanowires

Self-Assembled InSb/InAs Quantum Dots for the Mid-Infrared
Spectral Range 3-4 urn
   K.D. Moiseev, Ya.A. Parkhomenko, M.P. Mikhailova,
   S.S. Kizhaev, E.V. Ivanov, A.V. Ankudinov, A.N. Titkov,
   A.V. Boitsov, N.A. Bert, Yu.P. Yakovlev .................... 125

InSb/InAs Nanostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Using Sb2 and As2 Fluxes
   V.A. Solov'ev, P. Carrington, Q. Zhuang, K.T. Lai,
   S.K. Haywood, S.V. Ivanov, and A. Krier .................... 129

Part V - Electronic Devices

Performance Evaluation of Conventional Sb-based
Multiquantum Well Lasers Operating Above 3μm at Room 
   A. Kadri, K. Zitouni, Y. Rouillard, and P. Christol ........ 135

Electroluminescence From Electrically Pumped GaSb-Based
   O. Dier, C. Lauer, A. Bachmann, T. Lim, K. Kashani,
   and M.-C. Amann ............................................ 139

Wavelength Tunable Resonant Cavity Enhanced Photodetectors
Based on Lead-Salts Grown by MBE
   F. Felder, M. Arnold, C. Ebneter, M. Rahim, and H. Zogg .... 143

Farfield Measurements of Y-Coupled Quantum Cascade Lasers
   L.K. Hoffmann, C.A. Hurni, S. Schartner, M. Austerer,
   E. Mujagic, M. Nob He, A.M. Andrews, W. Schrenk,
   G. Strasser, M.P. Semtsiv, and W.T. Masselink .............. 147

Impact of Doping Density in Short-Wavelength InP-Based
Strain-Compensated Quantum-Cascade Lasers
   E. Mujagic, M. Austerer, S. Schartner, M. Nobile,
   P. Klang, L. Hoffmann, W. Schrenk, I. Bayrakli, 
   M.P. Semtsiv, W.T. Masselink, and G. Strasser .............. 151

Magnetic Field Effects in InSb/AlxIn^Sb Quantum-Well Light-
Emitting Diodes
   B.I. Mirza, G.R. Nash, S.J. Smith, M.K. Haigh, L. Buckle,
   M.T. Emeny, and T. Ashley .................................. 155

Electroluminescence from InSb-Based Mid-Infrared Quantum
Well Lasers
   S.J. Smith, S.J.B. Przeslak, G.R. Nash, C.J. Storey,
   A.D. Andreev, A. Krier, M. Yin, S.D. Coomber, L. Buckle,
   M.T. Emeny, and T. Ashley .................................. 159

InAs Quantum Hot Electron Transistor
   T. Daoud, J. Devenson, A.N. Baranov, and R. Teissier ....... 163

Easy-to-Use Scalable Antennas for Coherent Detection of THz
   S. Winner I, F. Peter, S. Nits с he, A. Dreyhaupt, 
   O. Drachenko, H. Schneider, and M. Helm .................... 167

Single Photon Detection in the Long Wave Infrared
   T. Ueda, Z. An, К. Hirakawa, and S. Komiyama ................ 171

High-Performance Fabry-Perot and Distributed-Feedback 
Interband Cascade Lasers
   С.L. Canedy, W.W. Bewley, M. Kim, С.S. Kim, J.A. Nolde,
   D.C. Larrabee, J.R. Lindle, I. Vurgaftman, and J.R.
   Meyer ...................................................... 177

Mid-Infrared Lead-Salt VECSEL (Vertical External Cavity
Surface Emitting Laser) for Spectroscopy
   M. Rahim, M. Arnold, F. Felder, I. Zasavitskiy, and 
   H. Zogg .................................................... 183

Optically Pumped GaSb-Based VECSELs
   N. Schulz, M. Rattunde, B. Rosener, C. Manz, K. Kohler,
   and J. Wagner .............................................. 487

Part VI - Magneto-Transport and Magneto-Optics

Cyclotron Resonance Photoconductivity of a Two-Dimensional
Electron Gas in HgTe Quantum Wells
   Z.D. Kvon, S.N. Danilov, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky,
   W. Prettl, and S.D. Ganichev ............................... 195

Extrinsic Electrons and Carrier Accumulation in
AlxIn1-xSb/InSb Quantum Wells: Well-Width Dependence
   A. Fujimoto, S. Ishida, T. Manago, H. Geka, A. Okamoto,
   and I. Shibasaki ........................................... 199

Negative and Positive Magnetoresistance in Variable-Range
Hopping Regime of Undoped AlxIn1-xSb/InSb Quantum Wells
   S. Ishida, T. Manago, K. Oto, A. Fujimoto, H. Geka,
   A. Okamoto, and I. Shibasaki ............................... 203

Semimetal-Insulator Transition in Two-Dimensional System
at the Type II Broken-Gap InAs/GalnAsSb Single
   K.D. Moiseev, M.P. Mikhailova, R.V. Parfeniev,
   J. Galibert, and J. Leotin ................................. 209

Magnetoexcitons in Strained InSb Quantum Wells
   W. Gempel, X. Pan, T. Kasturiarachchi, G.D. Sanders,
   M. Edirisooriya, T.D. Mishima, R.E. Doezema, С.J. 
   Stanton, and M.B. Santos ................................... 213

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