Bethke C. Geochemical and biogeochemical reaction modeling (Cambridge, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBethke C. Geochemical and biogeochemical reaction modeling. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - xix, 543 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.509-535. - Ind.: p.536-543. - ISBN 978-0-521-87554-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ................................................. page xiii
Preface to first edition ....................................... xv
A note about software ......................................... xix

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Development of chemical modeling ........................ 2
   1.2  Scope of this book ...................................... 5
2  Modeling overview ............................................ 7
   2.1  Conceptual models ....................................... 7
   2.2  Configurations of reaction models ...................... 12
   2.3  Uncertainty in geochemical modeling .................... 22

Part I Equilibrium in natural waters ........................... 27

3  The equilibrium state ....................................... 29
   3.1  Thermodynamic description of equilibrium ............... 30
   3.2  Choice of basis ........................................ 36
   3.3  Governing equations .................................... 38
   3.4  Number of variables and the phase rule ................. 50
4  Solving for the equilibrium state ........................... 53
   4.1  Governing equations .................................... 53
   4.2  Solving nonlinear equations ............................ 55
   4.3  Solving the governing equations ........................ 60
   4.4  Finding the stable phase assemblage .................... 67
5  Changing the basis .......................................... 71
   5.1  Determining the transformation matrix .................. 72
   5.2  Rewriting reactions .................................... 75
   5.3  Altering equilibrium constants ......................... 76
   5.4  Reexpressing bulk composition .......................... 77
6  Equilibrium models of natural waters ........................ 81
   6.1  Chemical model of seawater ............................. 82
   6.2  Amazon River water ..................................... 93
   6.3  Red Sea brine .......................................... 97
7  Redox disequilibrium ....................................... 103
   7.1  Redox potentials in natural waters .................... 103
   7.2  Redox coupling ........................................ 105
   7.3  Morro do Ferro groundwater ............................ 107
   7.4  Energy available for microbial respiration ............ 110
8  Activity coefficients ...................................... 115
   8.1  Debye-Hiickel methods ................................. 117
   8.2  Virial methods ........................................ 123
   8.3  Comparison of the methods ............................. 127
   8.4  Brine deposit at Sebkhat El Melah ..................... 133
9  Sorption and ion exchange .................................. 137
   9.1  Distribution coefficient (Kd) approach ................ 137
   9.2  Freundlich isotherms .................................. 140
   9.3  Langmuir isotherms .................................... 141
   9.4  Ion exchange .......................................... 143
   9.5  Numerical solution .................................... 146
   9.6  Example calculations .................................. 150
10 Surface complexation ....................................... 155
   10.1 Complexation reactions ................................ 156
   10.2 Governing equations ................................... 160
   10.3 Numerical solution .................................... 161
   10.4 Example calculation ................................... 164
11 Automatic reaction balancing ............................... 169
   11.1 Calculation procedure ................................. 169
   11.2 Dissolution of pyrite ................................. 175
   11.3 Equilibrium equations ................................. 176
12 Uniqueness ................................................. 181
   12.1 The question of uniqueness ............................ 182
   12.2 Examples of nonunique solutions ....................... 182
   12.3 Coping with nonuniqueness ............................. 189

Part II Reaction processes .................................... 191

13 Mass transfer .............................................. 193
   13.1  Simple reactants ..................................... 193
   13.2  Extracting the overall reaction ...................... 196
   13.3  Special configurations ............................... 198
14 Polythermal, fixed, and sliding paths ...................... 201
   14.1  Polythermal reaction paths ........................... 201
   14.2  Fixed activity and fugacity paths .................... 203
   14.3  Sliding activity and fugacity paths .................. 207
15 Geochemical buffers ........................................ 217
   15.1  Buffers in solution .................................. 218
   15.2  Minerals as buffers .................................. 222
   15.3  Gas buffers .......................................... 228
16 Kinetics of dissolution and precipitation .................. 231
   16.1  Kinetic rate laws .................................... 232
   16.2  From laboratory to application ....................... 236
   16.3  Numerical solution ................................... 238
   16.4  Example calculations ................................. 240
   16.5  Modeling strategy .................................... 242
17 Redox kinetics ............................................. 245
   17.1  Rate laws for oxidation and reduction ................ 246
   17.2  Heterogeneous catalysis .............................. 248
   17.3  Enzymes .............................................. 250
   17.4  Numerical solution ................................... 252
   17.5  Example calculation .................................. 254
18 Microbial kinetics ......................................... 257
   18.1  Microbial respiration and fermentation ............... 257
   18.2  Monod equation ....................................... 260
   18.3  Thermodynamically consistent rate laws ............... 261
   18.4  General kinetic model ................................ 263
   18.5  Example calculation .................................. 265
19 Stable isotopes ............................................ 269
   19.1  Isotope fractionation ................................ 270
   19.2  Mass balance equations ............................... 272
   19.3  Fractionation in reacting systems .................... 275
   19.4  Dolomitization of a limestone ........................ 279
20 Transport in flowing groundwater ........................... 285
   20.1  Groundwater flow ..................................... 285
   20.2  Mass transport ....................................... 287
   20.3  Advection-dispersion equation ........................ 292
   20.4  Numerical solution ................................... 294
   20.5  Example calculation .................................. 299
21 Reactive transport ......................................... 301
   21.1  Mathematical model ................................... 301
   21.2  Numerical solution ................................... 306
   21.3  Example calculations ................................. 310

Part III Applied reaction modeling ............................ 317

22 Нуdrothermal fluids ........................................ 319
   22.1  Origin of a fluorite deposit ......................... 320
   22.2  Black smokers ........................................ 325
   22.3  Energy available to thermophiles ..................... 331
23 Geothermometry ............................................. 341
   23.1  Principles of geothermometry ......................... 342
   23.2  Hot spring at Hveravik, Iceland ...................... 347
   23.3  Geothermal fields in Iceland ......................... 350
24 Evaporation ................................................ 357
   24.1  Springs and saline lakes of the Sierra Nevada ........ 357
   24.2  Chemical evolution of Mono Lake ...................... 362
   24.3  Evaporation of seawater .............................. 367
25 Sediment diagenesis ........................................ 373
   25.1  Dolomite cement in the Gippsland basin ............... 374
   25.2  Lyons sandstone, Denver basin ........................ 378
26 Kinetics of water-rock interaction ......................... 387
   26.1  Approach to equilibrium and steady state ............. 387
   26.2  Quartz deposition in a fracture ...................... 393
   26.3  Silica transport in an aquifer ....................... 395
   26.4  Ostwald's step rule .................................. 397
   26.5  Dissolution of albite ................................ 400
27 Weathering ................................................. 405
   27.1  Rainwater infiltration in an aquifer ................. 405
   27.2  Weathering in a soil ................................. 409
28 Oxidation and reduction .................................... 415
   28.1  Uranyl reduction by ferrous iron ..................... 415
   28.2  Autocatalytic oxidation of manganese ................. 418
   28.3  Microbial degradation of phenol ...................... 422
29 Waste injection wells ...................................... 427
   29.1  Caustic waste injected in dolomite ................... 428
   29.2  Gas blowouts ......................................... 431
30 Petroleum reservoirs ....................................... 435
   30.1  Sulfate scaling in North Sea oil fields .............. 436
   30.2  Alkali flooding ...................................... 442
31 Acid drainage .............................................. 449
   31.1  Role of atmospheric oxygen ........................... 450
   31.2  Buffering by wall rocks .............................. 453
   31.3  Fate of dissolved metals ............................. 456
32 Contamination and remediation .............................. 461
   32.1  Contamination with inorganic lead .................... 462
   32.2  Groundwater chromatography ........................... 468
33 Microbial communities ...................................... 471
   33.1  Arsenate reduction by Bacillus arsenicoselenatis ..... 471
   33.2  Zoning in an aquifer ................................. 477

Appendix 1  Sources of modeling software ...................... 485
Appendix 2  Evaluating the HMW activity model ................. 491
Appendix 3  Minerals in the LLNL database ..................... 499
Appendix 4  Nonlinear rate laws ............................... 507

References .................................................... 509

Index ......................................................... 536

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