Trade, integration and economic development: the EU and Latin America (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTrade, integration and economic development: the EU and Latin America / ed. by Tondl G. - Wien; New York: Springer, 2008. - vii, 415 p.: ill. - (European Community Studies Association of Austria (ECSA Austria) publication series = Schriftenreihe der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Europaforschung (ECSA-Austria); 13). - ISBN 978-3-211-75149-7; ISSN 1610-384X

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Оглавление / Contents
Address of the Initiator of the Arnoldshain Seminars

   Ulrich Peter Ritter
James Fenimore Cooper: An Astute and Critical Precursor
of Comparisons in the Social Sciences ........................... 3

   Gabriele Tondl
Trade and Integration in Latin America and with Its Main
Trading Partners ............................................... 17

Part 1: Open Economy Macroeconomics ............................ 39

   Sergio V. Bar one and Alberto M. Diaz Cafferata
Rigidities in Openness, Export Performance and Indicators of
External Solvency in Argentina ................................. 41

   Fernando Zarzosa Valdivia
Real Exchange Rate Movements, Dutch Disease and Functional
and Sectoral Income Distribution ............................... 81

   Michael Brei
The Impact of Current Account Reversals on Relative Prices:
The Brazilian Experience ...................................... 111

Part 2: Institutions for Development: The Case of
        Corruption ............................................ 129

   Wolfgang Hetzer
The European Budget, A Breeding Ground for Corruption? ........ 131

   Basilia Aguirre
The Multiple Faces of Wrongdoing - A Closer Look on
Corruption .................................................... 141

Part 3: Trade and Integration Issues .......................... 149

   Laura Marquez-Ramos and Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso
On Distance Effects in Gravity Models - Short Versus Long
Distances ..................................................... 151

   Dierk Herzer
Trade, its Composition and Total Factor Productivity:
Cointegration Evidence for Chile .............................. 169

   Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger, Dierk Herzer,
   Sebastian Vollmer and Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso
Chile's Market Share in the EU Market: The Role of Price
Competition in a Panel Analysis Setting ....................... 189

   Maria Luisa Recalde and Marcelo Florensa
Mercosur: Trade Creation or Trade Diversion? An Application
of the Gravity Model and Kalman Filter ........................ 221

   Rinaldo Antonio Colome and Fernando M. Giuliano
Agricultural Policies and Trade in the European Union and
Selected Latin American Countries ............................. 249

   Matteo Grazzi and Antonella Mori
The Regulation of FDI in Latin America and the Caribbean:
What Impact on Host Countries? ................................ 271

   Angel Enrique Neder, Julieta Schiro and Jonatan Saul
Financial Integration in Some Countries of South America -
The Use of Interest Parity Conditions as Indicators ........... 307

Part 4: Regional Issues ....................................... 323

   Jose Luis Arrufat, Alberto J. Figueras,  Valeria J.
   Blanco and M. Dolores De La Mata
Analysis of Regional Income Mobility in Argentina ............. 325

   Jorge Alberto Fornero
Do Mercosur Countries Converge in Per Capita GDP and
Productivity? ................................................. 351

   Basilia Aguirre and Guilherme Dias
Fiscal Reform and Federal Relations ........................... 389

List of Authors ............................................... 413

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