A handbook of international trade in services (Oxford; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаA handbook of international trade in services / ed. by Mattoo A., Stern R.M., Zanini G. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. - xxiv, 650 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.592-650. - ISBN 978-0-19-923521-6

Оглавление / Contents
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................ ix
LIST OF TABLES ................................................. xi
LIST OF BOXES .................................................. xv
NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS ........................................ xvii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................. xix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................... xxi


1. Overview ..................................................... 3
      Aaditya Mattoo and Robert M. Stern

2. The GATS .................................................... 48
      Rudolf Adlung and Aaditya Mattoo

3. The Basic Economics of Services Trade ....................... 84
      Brian Copeland and Aaditya Mattoo


4. Measuring Trade in Services ................................ 133
      Andreas Maurer, Yann Marcus, Joscelyn Magdeleine,
      and Barbara d'Andrea

5. Empirical Analysis of Barriers to International Services
   Transactions and the Consequences of Liberalization ........ 169
      Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern

6. Regionalism in Services Trade .............................. 221
      Aaditya Mattoo and Pierre Sauve


7. Financial Services and International Trade Agreements:
   The Development Dimension .................................. 289
      Wendy Dobson

8. Trade in Infrastructure Services: A Conceptual Framework ... 338
      Philippa Dee and Christopher Findlay

9. Transport Services ......................................... 356
      Christopher Findlay

10.Trade in Services Telecommunications ....................... 389
      Peter F. Cowhey and Jonathan D. Aronson

11.Trade in Health Services and the GATS ...................... 437
      Richard Smith, Chantal Blouin, Nick Drager, and
      David P. Fidler

12.E-Commerce Regulation: New Game, New Rules? ................ 459
      Carlos A. Primo Braga

13.The Temporary Movement of Workers to Provide Services
   (GATS Mode 4) .............................................. 480
      L. Alan Winters

Appendix. A Guide to Services Negotiations Geza Feketekuty .... 542

INDEX ......................................................... 593


1.1.  Trade in goods and services, 1985-2002 .................... 7
1.2.  Developing countries' share in world exports of goods
      and services, 1986-2002 ................................... 8
1.3.  Regional distribution of business services exports ........ 8
1.4.  Average growth rate of exports of business services, 
      1965-2000 ................................................. 9
1.5.  Welfare gains from a 3% increase in developed countries'
      temporary labor quota .................................... 11
1.6.  Effects of telecommunications costs on trade in goods .... 12
1.7.  Services liberalization indices: telecoms and financial
      services ................................................. 13
1.8.  Effects of services liberalization on economic growth .... 14
1.9.  Effects of sequencing on mainlines ....................... 19
1.10. WTO Members have been reluctant to make market access
      commitments on the movement of natural persons
      (Mode 4) ................................................. 25
1.11. Sector focus of current commitments (developed/
      developing country members, August 2003) ................. 21
1.12. Sector focus of current commitments (acceding/non-
      acceding members) ........................................ 27
2.1.  Sector focus of current schedules, November 2005 ......... 55
2.2.  Sector policy profile of MFN exemptions, September
      2004 ..................................................... 65
2.3.  The impact of offers on the share of sectors subject
      to commitments under the GATS, November 2005 ............. 74
3.1.  Welfare effects of service trade ......................... 90
3.2.  Welfare effects of trade taxes .......................... 106
3.3.  Effects of an import quota .............................. 108
3.4.  Foreign direct investment: competitive market ........... 110
3.5.  Impact of restrictions on market structure .............. 113
3.6.  FDI with average cost pricing ........................... 115
3.7.  FDI with markup pricing ................................. 115
3.8.  Trade in professional services with imperfect
      screening ............................................... 118
3.9.  Trade in professional services with reform of
      screening ............................................... 119
3.10. National treatment vs. recognition ...................... 121
3.11. External benefit from local production .................. 122
3.12. Local product squeezed out by trade ..................... 123
3.13. Substitution between modes of supply .................... 125
4.1.  World trade in commercial services, total exports,
      1980-2004 ............................................... 134
5.1.  Perfect competition and perfect substitution between 
      domestic and foreign services firms ..................... 174
5.2.  Imperfect competition and substitution between
      domestic and foreign services firms ..................... 175
5.3.  Domestic services firm with monopoly power and
      restrictions on foreign firms ........................... 175
5.4.  Restrictiveness indexes for banking services for
      selected Asia-Pacific economies, South Africa, and
      Turkey .................................................. 190
5.5.  Restrictiveness indexes for banking services for
      selected Western Hemisphere economies ................... 191
6.1.  Regionalism and trade in services in the Americas ....... 280

7.1.  Liberalization indices based on GATS commitments-core
      banking services ........................................ 308
7.2.  Liberalization indices based on GATS commitments-
      direct insurance services ............................... 309
8.1.  Separating the natural monopoly and competitive 
      elements of infrastructure industries ................... 347
9.1.  Number of WTO members scheduling transport services ..... 365
13.1. Remittances from overseas workers as percent of GDP 
      and exports (1990-2000) ................................. 487
13.2. The costs of labor misallocation ........................ 494

13.3. The benefits of a small relaxation of mobility 
      restrictions ............................................ 495


1.1.  Inadequacies of Statistical Domains with Regard to
      Modes of Supply ........................................... 7
1.2.  Developing Country Priorities in Alternative
      Negotiating Fora ......................................... 23
1.3.  Commitments for Telecommunications Reform ................ 29
2.1.  Measures that May Affect Services Trade under the Four
      Modes of Supply .......................................... 51
2.2.  Structure of a Schedule of Commitments ................... 54
2.3.  Commitments by Country Group, November 2005 .............. 56
2.4.  Examples of Pre-commitments to Liberalization in Basic
      Telecommunications (Mode 3) .............................. 62
2.5.  Rationale for Regulation in Services and Potentially
      Relevant GATS Rules ...................................... 68
2.6.  Overview of Mode-specific Objectives as Contained in
      the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration .................... 76
3.1.A.Welfare Economics A: Lawyers that Move Counted in GDP
      of Abroad ................................................ 91
З.1.В.Welfare Economics B: Lawyers that Move Counted in 
      GDP of Home .............................................. 91
4.1.  Correspondence Between Modes of Supply and Statistical
      Domains ................................................. 140
4.2.  Countries Reporting Exports of Selected BPM5 Services
      Components .............................................. 158
4.3.  Summary of BOP Trade in Services Data Dissemination
      by International Organizations .......................... 159
4.4.  Availability of Inward and Outward FATS Statistics in
      OECD Countries .......................................... 160
5.1.  International Services Transactions by Modes of
      Supply, 1997 ............................................ 170
5.2.  Restriction Categories for Banking Services ............. 180
5.3.  Barriers to FDI ......................................... 182
5.4.  Components of an Index of FDI Restrictions .............. 188
5.5.  FDI Restrictiveness Indexes for Selected APEC 
      Economies and Selected Sectors, 1996-98 ................. 188
5.6.  Constructed Ad Valorem Tariff Equivalent
      "Guesstimates" by 1-Digit ISIC Services Sectors for
      Selected Countries ...................................... 193
5.7.  International Air Passenger Transport: Bilateral
      Restriction Indexes and Price Impacts ................... 194
5.8.  Tariff Equivalents of Barriers to Telecommunication
      Services in Major Nations ............................... 196
5.9.  Estimated Tariff Equivalents in Traded Services:
      Gravity-model Based Regression Method ................... 198
5.10. Average Gross Operating Margins of Firms Listed on 
      National Stock Exchanges, 1994-96 by Country/Region ..... 199
5.11. Average Gross Operating Margins of Services Firms
      Listed on National Stock Exchanges, 1994-96, by
      Country/Region and by Sector ............................ 199
5.А.1.Price Impact of Regulation on Telecommunications
      Prices, 1997 (Percent of Notional Price Existing
      under Benchmark Regulatory Regime) ...................... 207
5.A.2.Price Impacts of Regulation on Industrial Electricity
      Prices, 1996 ............................................ 209
5.A.3.Estimated Cost Impacts of Foreign and Domestic
      Barriers to Establishment in Wholesale and Retail
      Food Distributors ....................................... 210
5.A.4.Estimated Price Impacts of Foreign and Domestic Trade
      Restrictiveness Indexes (TRI) on Net Interest Margins
      of Banks ................................................ 211
5.A.5.Estimated Price and Cost Impacts of Restrictions on
      Engineering Services .................................... 212
5.A.6.Coefficient Estimates of Technical Efficiency in
      Telecommunications Services ............................. 213
5.A.7.Welfare Effects of Elimination of Services .............. 216
6.1.  Key Disciplines in RTAs Covering Services ............... 240
6.2.  Key Features of RTAs Covering Services .................. 248
6.3.  Key Provisions of GATS Article V (and V bis) ............ 250
7.1.  An Index of Openness in Financial Services, 1997 ........ 305 Main Provisions on Financial Services-
               Regional and Extra-Regional Agreements of
               the Western Hemisphere ......................... 318 Main GATS plus Component in Financial
               Services Commitments of Selected Western
               Hemisphere Countries ........................... 320
      7.В.2.1. Foreign Ownership in China's Local Banks ....... 328
      7.B.2.2. Non-performing Loans and Capital Adequacy of
               Banks .......................................... 329
      7.B.2.3. Important Events Related to the Qualified
               Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) ......... 331
      7.B.2.4. Comparison of Some Indicators between
               China's Banks and Top Banks in the World ....... 332
      7.B.2.5. China: A Summary of Implementing GATS
               Commitments in the Financial Sector ............ 333
8.1.  Access Charges with Structural Separation ............... 349
8.2.  Access Charges with Vertical Integration ................ 350
9.1.  Trade in Transport Services: Some Examples .............. 363
9.2.  Example of GATS Commitments ............................. 364
10.1. Wireless Technology Systems ............................. 399
10.2. Participant Commitments ................................. 401
11.1. Articles of GATS of Greatest Relevance to Health
      Policy .................................................. 440
12.1. The Layers of Communication Systems ..................... 460
12.2. Regulatory Environments and Networks: Areas of
      Relevance for E-Commerce ................................ 461
12.3. Deeper Integration Issues Related to E-Commerce ......... 471
13.1. The Temporary Movement of Unskilled and Skilled
      Workers: Estimated Stocks in 1997 ....................... 484
13.2. Geographic Origin of Non-immigrants to the United
      States: Selected Visa Categories of Most Relevance for
      Mode 4, 2001 ............................................ 485
13.3. Profile of HIB Beneficiaries by Top Ten Industries,
      United States, Fiscal 2001 .............................. 486
13.4. Overseas Service Workers from the Philippines, by
      Occupation and Country (1995-2000) ...................... 488
13.5. Commitments on Mode 4 by Type of Person (Horizontal
      Commitments), April 2002 ................................ 489
13.6. Economic Welfare by Region and Class of Worker .......... 501
13.7. Percentage Changes in the Real Wages of Skilled and
      Unskilled Workers ....................................... 501
13.8. Welfare Decomposed According to Effects of Increasing
      Skilled and Unskilled Quotas ............................ 503
13.9. Welfare Results for Sensitivity Analysis ................ 504
13.A.1.Accounting Concepts for the Temporary Flow of
      Labor from Country A to Country В ....................... 539


1.1.  Why do Services Matter for Development? .................. 10
1.2.  Services Reform and Impact on Comparative Advantage ...... 12
1.3.  The Sequence of Reform Matters ........................... 18
1.4.  The Main GATS Rules ...................................... 25
1.5.  Ensuring Barrier-Free Trade in Electronically
      Delivered Products ....................................... 28
2.1.  Classification of Services Proposed by the then GATT
      Secretariat .............................................. 49
3.1.  Some Stylized Facts about Services ....................... 86
3.2.  Dynamic Benefits of Services Trade Liberalization ........ 98
3.3.  Impact of Restrictions and Substitutability between
      Modes ................................................... 102
3.4.  Fiscal Instruments: Is the Difficulty of Substitution
      Between Policy Instruments Overstated? .................. 109
3.5.  Are There Good Reasons to Limit Entry? .................. 116
4.1.  Measuring Services Production ........................... 133
4.2.  Different Types of Movement of Persons, Viewpoint of
      the Recipient Country ................................... 134
4.3.  Patterns of Trade in Services Expansion ................. 135
4.4.  Measuring Trade in Services: The U.S. Statistical
      Practices-Obie G. Whichard .............................. 150
5.1.  Russia's WTO Accession: What Are the Macro-economic,
      Sector, Labor Market, and Household Effects?-Thomas
      F. Rutherford and David Tarr ............................ 171
6.1.  The Standard Economics of Preferences ................... 225
6.2.  Harmonization and Mutual Recognition in Services:
      Promise and Pitfalls .................................... 243
6.3.  Liberal Rules of Origin Can Minimize Investment
      Diversion ............................................... 251
6.4.  Demonstration Effect Regionalism: The Digital Trade
      Agenda and RTAs ......................................... 260
6.5.  Liberalizing Services Trade in the ASEAN Region-
      Carsten Fink ............................................ 274
6.6.  Regionalism and Trade in Services in the Americas-
      Sherry Stephenson ....................................... 278
7.1.  Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services: New
      Trends in the Western Hemisphere-Patricio Contreras ..... 316
7.2.  China's Financial Sector: Pre- and Post-WTO Reforms-
      Yan Wang ................................................ 326
9.1.  Inefficient Internal Transport System Contributes to
      the Concentration of China's Export Industries in
      Coastal Regions ......................................... 357
9.2.  Transport Services Categories in the GATS ............... 361
9.3.  Argentina's Experience in Port Reform ................... 368
9.4.  Derailed British Railway Reforms ........................ 373
9.5.  NAFTA and Mexico-U.S. Liberalization of Cross-border
      Road Transport .......................................... 381
9.6.  Trade in Transport Services: Competition and
      Reliability: Issues and Trade-Offs-Marc H. Juhel ........ 384
10.1. Economic Principles of Telecommunications ............... 392
10.2. Basic and Value-Added Telecommunications ................ 403
10.3. Korea's Final Schedule of Commitments on Telecom at 
      the WTO ................................................. 405
10.4. The WTO Reference Paper ................................. 407
Annex Commitments of Costa Rica on Telecommunication 
      Services in the Context of the U.S.-Central America-
      Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA)-
      Roberto Echandi ......................................... 428
11.1. Health Policy Principles to Guide Liberalization of 
      Health-Related Services ................................. 438
11.2. Points for Policy Makers ................................ 439
11.3. Modes of Service Supply under GATS and Health
      Opportunities and Risks ................................. 441
11.4. Key Questions for Monitoring the Impact of GATS 2000
      on Health Policy ........................................ 443
11.5. Checklist for Policy Makers on Trade in Health-
      Related Services ........................................ 445
11.6. Elements of a General Framework for Country Analysis 
      of GATS ................................................. 445
11.7. The GATS and the Health of Poor People-Shantayanan
      Devarajan ............................................... 457
13.1. The Indian Proposal on Mode 4 ........................... 517
13.2. The United Kingdom's GATS Visa Scheme ................... 518
13.3. The Recruitment of Nurses in the U.S. ................... 523
13.4. The European Communities' Offer on Mode 4, 2003 ......... 526
13.5. The Temporary Movement of Service Providers: The U.S.
      Experience-Demetrios G. Papademetriou ................... 533
13.6. Mobility of Service Providers in the Caribbean
      Region-Sherry Stephenson ................................ 535
A.l.  The Experience of Brazil in Trade in Services
      Negotiations-Flavio Marega .............................. 590

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