Rendiconti del seminario matematico della Universita di Padova; 121 (Padova, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRendiconti del seminario matematico della Universita di Padova = The mathematical journal of the university of Padova. Vol.121. - Padova: Cedam, 2009. - 280 p. - ISBN 978-88-7784-303-6; ISSN 0041-8894

Место хранения: 013 | Институт математики СО РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
   Ahmet Arikan
A Property of Generalized McLain Groups ....................... 161

   Firat Ates - A. Sinan Cevik
Knit Products of Some Groups and Their Applications ............. 1

   Maurizio Badii
The Obstacle Thermistor Problem with Periodic Data ............ 145

   Danilo Bazzanella
A Note on Primes Between Consecutive Powers ................... 223

   Francesco Bottacin
Atiyah Classes and Closed Forms on Moduli Spaces of Sheaves ... 165

   A. Sinan Cevik - (v. Firat Ates)
   Aldo Conca - Christian Krattenthaler - Junzo Watanabe
Regular Sequences of Symmetric Polynomials .................... 179

Daniele D'Angeli - Alfredo Donno - A Group of Automorphisms
of the Rooted Dyadic Tree and Associated Gelfand Pairs ......... 73

   G. De Philippis - E. Paolini
A Short Proof of the Minimality of Simons Cone ................ 233

   Basudeb Dhara - Rajendra K. Sharma
Right Sided Ideals and Multilinear Polynomials with
Derivations on Prime Rings .................................... 243

   Alfredo Donno - (v. Daniele D'Angeli )
   Yoshiaki Fukuma
Sectional Invariants of Scrolls Over a Smooth Projective
Variety ........................................................ 93

   Giovanni Gaiffi - Michele Grassi
A Geometric Realization of sl(6,C) ............................ 121

   Michele Grassi - (v. Giovanni Gaiffi)
   Christian Krattenthaler - (v. Aldo Conca)
Elena Martinengo - Local Structure of Brill-Noether Strata
in the Moduli Space of Flat Stable Bundles .................... 259

   Hideaki Morita - Akihito Wachi - Junzo Watanabe
Zero-dimensional Gorenstein Algebras with the Action of
the Symmetric Group ............................................ 45

   E. Paolini - (v. G. De Philippis)
   М.E. Rossi - G. Valla
On the Chern Number of a Filtration ........................... 201

   Ezio Stagnaro
A Threefold with p2 = 0 and P2 = 2 ............................. 13

   David Stanovsky
Idempotent Subreducts of Semimodules over Commutative
Semirings ...................................................... 33

   Rajendra K. Sharma - (v. Basudeb Dhara)
   G. Valla - (v. М.E. Rossi)
   Akihito Wachi - (v. Hideaki Morita)
   Junzo Watanabe - (v. Aldo Conca)
   Junzo Watanabe - (v. Hideaki Morita)

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